Monday, January 19, 2009

How I See the Inaguration of the Century

Here is how I see the Inauguration as it plays out in my world.

My Take on the Inauguration 2009

Why is it that Michelle gets to look so amazingly fashionable by having her coat undone, and walking like a model, while Barack "Geek" Obama has to have his all buttoned up like some conservative dickwad? GWB dressed like this! Gimmee a break!!

I mean, I like the guy, and he's cool, and he's said a lot of really smart things, (and he's going to have a hell of a job with the change that NEEDS to come in America, and so are the Secret Service guys protecting his ass), but let's see him flaunt his fashion a little bit! If he can nod his head to the music and "genuinely enjoy the pre-inaugurational concert" as the article stated, why can't he let his coat hang open like the model so many people see him as?!  He should have an "open kimono policy".

By the way, I'm reading Obama's second book, "Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope, Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream", and it's really quite good. The only thing I have to ask is the same question Mayu has asked in the past:  Why the hell are English book titles so damn long?!?!?!

I love you!


P.S. This MegaMuffin with two patties, cheese, bacon and an egg was awesomely delicious. The Japanese McD's coffee is damn good, I'll have you know. They even offer free refills!


  1. michelle is the cutest thing on the planet, no?

  2. i wonder how many of these he will delete

  3. or how many i can write before he sees me

  4. i am slow typing in the dark on a laptop at midnight

  5. i wonder if he has more baconator sandwich for me?

  6. too much sausage gives me a tummy ache

  7. You misspelled "dork", duck!

    I love you!

    Happy Inauguration!! May ducks get more rights, and a better place on the food chain from now on.

  8. 2 am and she wonders where we all went.

    I was sound asleep then, you silly duck!

    Actually i usually stay up pretty late (or is 3am early... never got that), but my entire being was so tired last night i was in bed by midnight...hahahahaha....


    That's early for me.

    Heading out into the snow for the truly superior DunkinDonuts coffee and to buy a pound of BACON for breakfast on this lazy, snowy day that is the start of a new day in America.

    Change has come to America, People!

    Let us all rejoice!!!

    I love you Cam!


    OK... i'm goin...BACON awaits!

  10. Bill the Cat would be proud of you! Ack! Ack!

  11. Japanese McDonald's coffee. Heaven in the mornings waiting for the art supply store to open....

  12. sniff sniff
    i luv you
    you canadian goose you

  13. Ooo! I love it when you goose me! Happy Inauguration Day! I love you!

  14. i gotz me a big O t-shirt at the inauguration rally at me university

  15. I won it fair and square
    my ex husband caught it mid aid and I tackled him and stole it

  16. if he was 'overly fashionable' he may offend the geeks no?

  17. are you implying that he is a geek??

  18. I thought they both looked fabulous! They looked great together and he is the sexiest geek I've ever seen. I heart Obama!

  19. Herm - Or maybe the geeks would start to think it's OK to be a little bit fashionable and he could influence THEM a bit!

    Sheila! I thought I was the sexiest geek you've ever seen! I'm heartbroken!!! boohoohooo

    (back to work).

    Carrie - Eh-duck!

  20. Cam...

    You're the sexiest geek either of us has ever seen... in person!

