Friday, November 11, 2011

Siri is amazing!

 This is absolutely amazing I can’t believe how well Siri works I’m testing it out and sending this email entirely by voice right now using the Siri program is absolutely unbelievable how much technology has move forward this is a dream come true I have thought about this for many years and thought how wonderful it would be to speak to the telephone and how to do everything for you well Siri is doing it right now of course there’ll be some mistakes in how it hears me and you won’t see the periods at the end of the sentences but just think I am recording this email by my voice and sending it out to you is that amazing or what I love you I love Siri this is fantastic technology yeah this town



  1. You`re lucky; it didn`t understand a word I said. Must be my accent. Innit.

  2. LOL... Steve!
    Well the grammar geek in me is itching from the no punctuation thing ;-)
    pretty cool though ...
    How's my CamiMou?
    Love you too, Sweety!

  3. I figured out how to punctuate it. And it works like a charm. But don't worry, Steve, they had to add an English language pack for Aussies so I imagine that maybe the Brits will get one next.

    I'm doing well, Jen. Just finished two gin/lemon tonics and life is sweet. But having to get up at 5am to go to work is not so sweet. I love you!

  4. mine always says : I cant understand .. .:((

  5. What kind of English accent are you speaking with?
