Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Calculating Fukuoka Part I

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Here I am in Fukuoka city collecting qualitative and quantitative data to determine the best place to live.

I'll be keeping notes on my Evernote app on my iPhone and uploading them so that people who may be interested in Fukuoka and my thoughts on the city can keep in touch and take a look.

I hope you enjoy. I know I'm going to. But I'm hungry now, so I have to go. I love you!


P.S. I hope sharing on evernote works.


From Evernote:

Calculating Fukuoka Part I

I arrived in Fukuoka city at 8:30 at night, and left the airport very easily, it's a small airport and it's easy to get out of the area to get the subway. 


The subway ride was a mere ¥250, and five stops to Tenjin. It only took 10 minutes to get into the hub of the city. Hakara, the other major hub, is only a five minute train ride away from Fukuoka airport which makes it very easy to move around.


And now it's time to start collecting quantitative and qualitative data on Fukuoka city. Because we want to move here, I've taken four days three days actually, to come here and look at a variety of apartments, and get a feel for what it would be like a living here. 


So let's start our work, shall we? 


Airplane to out: 2min


Arrival to subway: 10min

Fukuoka Stn to Hakata Stn: 2 Stops @ ¥250 @ 5min 

       To Tenjin: 5 stops @ ¥250  @  10min

No skyscrapers!  Nice!!

Easy to walk around.

Tenjin Stn has a fair number of people ootnaboot at 9pm

Teppan Yaki and beer for dinner across the hotel.

Got a cache already!

Im stoked for Fukuoka.




It's a great place to work, it's a great place to shop, its a great place to party, it's a great place to dine, it's a great place to go and have coffee, it's a great place to meet somebody and talk.


There are a lot of buses going on around here, many more than I expected, although I was told that everyone uses buses in Fukuoka rather than the train lines.


The streets and intersections are wide, the sidewalks are wide and everything looks very nice actually. It is quite a comfortable place to be, with the buildings not being too high, see you can actually see the sky! This is a very nice option to have, because in Tokyo you're usually completely surrounded by skyscrapers and cannot see much other than the buildings, which of course are beautiful in themselves. 


I would say that tinging is not the place to live. It's not a great place to live, it's not a great place to go for long relaxing walks, it's not a great place to feel serenity, it's not a great place to come home to relax. 


Final answer:    Tenjin is the place to do things on the weekend and that night, but it's not a place for us to live. 


Today we start to look at some  apartments so I'll keep you up to date and let you know how that goes. Now it's time to get dressed and have breakfast. I love making notes with Siri in bed on Evernote. 


Just in case anybody is wondering what famous capsule hotels really
look like, I took this photo of an image and thought I would share it
with you.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Are we in Japan?

My Indian cargo pants came back from the tailor in Japan. They were
too big in the waist and too long in the leg. Waist is understandable
if you know my body but to have a pair of pants too long for Cam? Wow!

Anywhoo I put them on and they now fit perfectly so I'm very happy. I
was wearing them tonight for a couple of hours when I rubbed the side
of my thigh and heard some weird crinkly sound. I checked in my
pockets but found nothing. Then I dropped the pants to see if it was
the pants' label I was feeling.

Instead I found this calendar sewn into the seam of the pants where
the tailor made the nip and tuck!

Talk about a weird and wonderful way to end a great day.

I love you!

Four for four: Osaka

On the way back from meeting he client I pulled out my iPhone and loaded the geocaching app. We're my eyes deceiving me? There see four nearby!

The first was actually the building in which the Clint is located. There is an outdoor observatory on the 40th floor. THAT is he cache because the view is so amazing.

The second and third were at each end of the rail yard underpass we had to go through to get to the client. The last one was actually IN Osaka station under a marble bench. That one is kind of unfair because only travelers who have paid to get int the station can get this cache.

It was a good afternoon after the meeting.

I'm on the Shinkansen back to Tokyo now with my tie off! It's the weekend (but I have to work...) at least I get to see my baby tonight.

And pouring 100ml of bourbon into my container of hot water was a good idea for the 2.5hr ride home.


Well I won't be renewing my membership here any more as it seems that almost nobody, including myself especially uses Multiply any more. The mobile version is terrible and it just doesn't meet my needs any more. As I have said in the past, I've been facebookized.

Thursday, February 2, 2012