Friday, March 30, 2012

Geocaching on the weekend 3/25

Last weekend Hiroko and I went to see the current condition of our custom-made wedding rings. They look like they're going to be amazing, and we can hardly wait. They should be ready next weekend.

So, on the way back, because it was a nice day we decided to do some Geocaching and we chose Shibuya as our spot to search.

This first micromagnetic was found on the overpass that goes around the bus gathering area at Shibuya station. For those of you who know Shibuya Station you can probably guess roughly where this might be. For those of you coming to Japan and experiencing Shibuya station you will be able to learn where this might possibly be.

This is the disappearance point of Shibuya river. It actually disappears and goes under or into the station somewhere. Who knew there was a Shibuya river? And who knew there was a river running through Shibuya station?

This is a very unusual old shrine tucked away in Shibuya. Instead of having guardian lions or guardian foxes they have Guardian wolves. It's very interesting.

There were a bunch of people standing right where this cache was hidden. So we had to be stealthy. And actually the people weren't leaving so I gave up being stealthy, and I walked right into their crowd and just did nonchalantly took this cache from its hiding spot.

And finally, these are Michael Jordan's hands. And a cute little butterscotch cache that we found at this location.

Apparently Michael donated money to build this basketball court in the middle of Shibuya for anybody to use and as he wrote here, his hope is that one day someone will grow up in this basketball court and end up being a professional and even better than himself.

So that's the Geocaching update for March 24th and 25th, 2012.

I'm not in Scotland yet, and I probably won't be there for another two months and a bit. But I'm looking forward to it.

The movers are going to be bringing boxes today and dropping them off so I'm at my apartment waiting for them to come. I will be moving my apartment into Hiroko’s apartment on April 13. It's going to be a bit cramped, needless to say, with two apartments of stuff all fitting into one apartment. It's a very good thing I have been living a minimalized life these past two and half years in Tokyo. I'm really glad I did.

Also, Hiroko really loves my design and my stuff, so she wants to use it in our new place which is her condo, well her and her mother's condo (which, in itself, is a bit of a cluster fuck. but, we will work through that and straighten it out.)

We have decided to rent another trunk room, or off-site storage space, where we can put a lot of stuff. For example extra bicycles. It will cost approximately ¥8000 per month for that off-site storage space but it will make a big difference in how we can use our white space in our condo.*Shakes head* it still amazes me how expensive real estate is in Tokyo.

I love you!


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