Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Change is Fantastic

Everything grows, everything changes. This is the meaning of life.
That which doesn't grow or Chang has ended its life cycle and is entering the decline/death cycle.

So embrace change and be sure to step into your fear. That is where the biggest growth occurs.

And on a side note, for those of you who did not notice, Multiply is closing down this SNS or social network side of their business.

Why? Well, if you go to the Multiply blog you can read the official reason, but in a nutshell, AsiaPac is booming wit commerce on Multiply while the SNS is draining resources.

They will be providing more info soon, but they have said we can download and save our stuff if we want. For me, my stuff has run its course so I won't be Savin it, however for many other people it is important to do so. And Multiply will all us to do so if we so choose.

Time to change.

Embrace it.

Something new, something better will come along. It always does.

All you have to do is believe.

And keep an open and positive mind full of positive energy that you emit out to the Universe. It will come back magnified to you (as will any negative energy you may emit...)

It's all up to you how you see this change. Me? I see it as a great thing, another grand adventure, new change, new opportunities for growth in the IT industry, change and improvement in platforms and how we communicate with one another.

It never was about writing blogs. It was always about connecting with YOU. Each and every one of you.

I believe.

I love you!

See you wherever we meet next. Probably Facebook for now, eh?


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