Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Batzirra? Carbzirra?

Today's post comes to you via The Canadian Press.

It seems that unbeknownst to me, there was a Batman craze over "here" in Japan in the sixties, and the comics drawn were quite bizarre and disturbing (much in harmony with Batman's character). So for the true Batman afficionado, I give you, "Bat-Manga! The Secret History of Batman in Japan"! And if there are any Batman-addicts out there who purchase this manga, please DO let me know what you really think of it.

I also hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve.

I love you!


P.S. If anyone is interested, I have been conducting yet another very interesting "carbohydrate experiment" while I have been here. I have not changed my diet; I continue to eat meat, eggs, cheese, vegetables. I haven't eaten the cookies, the cakes, the crackers, the chocolates because they just don't interest me.

I go for a 30 minute walk in the -30C weather every day, therefore my exercise level really has not decreased either so that cannot be used as an excuse.

The one thing I have been consuming that I just don't ingest at home is beer. In the 11 days I have been here, I have consumed approximately 10 cans of beer.

I weigh 7.5 pounds MORE than when I came here!

This pretty much proves beyond the shadow of a doubt with real life results how even a tiny little big carbohydrate such as "one beer a day" can put on almost a half pound of useless bodyfat within the blink of an eye.

Would you like to cut your weight effortlessly and feel good while doing it? Don't waste time by starvation diets such as reducing your quantity of food... don't try to exercise your face off... don't go on any weird "hot pepper watermelon" diets.

Simply cut your carbohydrates back. The more you cut, the more you will lose, and the more energy, vigor and good mood you will have.

This is simple science, and it simply cannot be refuted by anyone, anywhere who understands how the body utilizes ALL carbohydrates (sugars). To the biochemical processes of our bodies, a carbohydrate is a carbohydrate is a carbohydrate. It simply cannot function as anything else.



  1. Wow Cam! Let me just tell you, after this weekend, it is hardcore low carb for me! I feel really shitty eating all this Xmas crap!

  2. and since i burn carbs like crazy just breathing-a 12 pack a day is good for me on top of a full diet...never have been able to get over 135lbs since high school
    and it's just as much a pain as easy weight gain
    good to catch up with you cam!!

  3. Preachin to the choir here, Sweety...BUT

    This is one thing my beer guzzling twin brotherdoes admit... and has vowed to cut out the beer (at least) in order to drop at least twenty pounds by my daughter's wedding in March...
    We'll see...

    Problem is, everybody KNOWS (or should by now) how to control their weight. They just lack the will to do what needs to be done. And they think it's too hard, but i've tried to tell them (my brothers) it's only hard for the first week or two.

    They'd be so surprised how easy it is ...AND, it's even better because there is an almost instantly visible loss, which is excellent motivation to keep going!
    The most i've ever gained back when i do an occasional binge is five pounds.... this holiday season it seems to have leveled off at three.

    Two years and goin strong!

  4. Reminds me of the Atkins diet craze here for a while. Start out with zero carbohydrates...then slowly add "good" carbs back into your diet. One day, my wife and I were sitting in a restaurant that had "Atkins" friendly meals. The family next to us (very large individuals) were very specific about ordering meals from this section of the menu. After they were done, they ordered the ice-cream desserts. We overheard them saying to each other, in all seriousness, that ice-cream contains sugar...not carbs, so it was ok.


    Happy New Year

  5. hmmm*joking*
    maybe the local gravity in canada is higher??

  6. Ugh.

    The cookies and candy in the office were soooo tempting!

    I have not tried carb free yet, and not sure I really want to as I LOVE bread! But, I have been increasing my veggie and meat intake and decreasing the sweets and soda. Oh, increasing the exercise as well. Lost 5 lbs for my efforts in the last week and a half. Not bad, eh? (I can say eh, I am Canadian). I have yet to measure my waist, but my jeans are fitting less snug.....:)

  7. Mav - Through this discussion I am specifically neglecting to discuss the PEO issue (EFA issue) because I only want to talk about the carbs. I actually do not advocate going cold turkey and then slowly reintroducing. I'm only talking about testing one week just to see the results. But unfortunately, although Atkins had most of it right, he missed the crucial part which led to almost all of the Atkinsers to lose interest in his DIET, and gain a good portion of the weight back.

    And that is actually the keypoint to a truly sustainable lifestyle. But I'm not going to discuss that in this blog as the purpose really was just to show a real life result of how easy carbohydrates can add weight and catch us off guard.

    *unzipping Linda's jeans and sliding them down off her hips...* (Just to help her so she can measure her waist of course!)

  8. Linda, bread is the one carb i will give myself the treat of, but i never do potatoes, very rarely pasta, and sometimes rice (love rice, but because of that i avoid Thai and Chinese takeout now).

    It's really easy.

  9. LOL...

    *NOT ignoring the Silly Switzer*

  10. Jen, I rarely eat rice and pasta...in small portions, but bread and potatoes.....YUM!!!!


    More exercise will work. Smaller portions too. I am getting back where I wnt to be...s-l-o-w-l-y. I just need to tighten up and lose a couple inches here and there......

  11. You look awesome to me Sweety.

    But it's all up to you!

    Good on ya.

  12. Thanks Jen *blushing*


    I'll be in NYC sometime before March for a 3 day orientation with Sodexo, my new employer.


    Do not know where exactly or when, but I'll be there. It'll be a Tues-Thurs....that much I know.

    I'll be in orientation during the day, but maybe we can meet one night for dinner??

  13. YES YES YES!!!!

    We have to do dinner... maybe a show?

    You'll be a wreck the next day but...who cares... how often do you get into NYC???

    Glet me know as SOON as you do.

    I'll rearrange my schedule to hang out with ma gurl!

  14. I only have to go to the city this one time, for orientation.

    I will let you know the day I find out the details.

    I'm excited!

  15. It's an interesting theory, but have you considered that living in North America just makes people fat? Take a look around and let me know what you think.

  16. Why do i have to do that to the both of you.... ALL the TIME??????

    Damned incorrigible Canadians!

  17. Morning Jen. I guess I should tell you the reason... It's in our jeans.

  18. Rob - Happy New Year's Eve to you, good Sir! Well, unfortunately I am unable to refute your hypothesis, because every where I look... what do I see?

  19. It is sad...Overweight America. Not everyone is, of course, but......did you hear this one? Gastric bypass for overweight teens now?


  20. Teens???

    My neighbor just had the surgery last month, but he was grossly, morbidly obese. I think it was the kick start he needed... there's no way he could have dropped the initial 100- 200 pounds he needed to.
    So now he will hopefully learn a new lifestyle and way to look at food and satiety.

    He definitely feels full on two tablespoons of soft food now... yikes!

    So glad i got good "jeans"... hehehehehe...

  21. A friend of mine just had the surgery. I honestly do not notice any difference in him. I cannot tell him that either. He still eats crap. What will change?

  22. Stomach bypass is insane, and can lead to a whole host of other problems.

    Of course, obesity itself leads to all kinds of issues as well.

    Cam, your experiment is not complete. In order to truly prove your theory, you need to stop drinking beer, and keep all other aspects the same. If you lose the weight you gained, then you have something to hang your hat on.

    Good luck and Happy Last Day of 2008!

  23. I'll read these versions when I can stay at the coffin hotel...

    more animals

  24. Mav - Oh, I will. I already know that I will lose all this weight as well because I have done this experiment before. And therefore, I have absolutely no fear or disgust with this tightened feeling of my 31" X 36.5" khakis... I'll let you know, how it goes. I didn't weigh today but I think it has gone up more (as the carbs get converted). Happy New Year

  25. That is how it always is over the holidays. Ha ha cheers cam

  26. TC - these are actually hanging shoeholders. We have some in our house. They are great! Fortunately Keiko (who may or may not be around anymore) hasn't found them to make his hotel.
