Friday, December 5, 2008

Snot Quite What I Expected

Last week I finally decided to try and auction this Karcher Steam Cleaner on Yahoo Auction. We had originally paid about JPY 35,000 ($350) for it at the home center many years ago.

In the old house, using kerosene heat, the entire area would get a thin film of oily greasy dust that was never easy to clean off, and clung to everything. Add to that the mud walls, and you have the perfect conditions for greasy living.

I can't remember exactly when we purchased it, but it may have been a few years before we finally moved out of the old house into this one. We used it for one final steam cleaning of all of the floors, etc. cleaned it up, boxed it up, and never used it again.

We decided to let the auction begin at JPY 8,000. One week later we had amassed 631 people who had accessed it, 59 who put it on their watchlist, and finally sold it for JPY 21,500 (about $215)!  We sold it on the auction! Yaaay us!

Today we needed to take it to Lawson's Convenience Store to send it off using the Yahoo YuPack Postal network tie-up (very cool system). I wanted to wrap the box up so decided to use a few of the kimono paper wrapping bags that all of my most recent batch of kimono came in. I went upstairs to the spare room where all of the bags are sitting, grabbed two, and taped them nicely to the outside of the box.

My nose felt a bit runny from the musty smell of all the kimono, but I had kind of expected that. What I didn't expect, however, was that for the next 30 minutes a green, bubbly, frothy liquid kept dripping, and sloshing out of my left nostril! Every time I blew the tissue (*salivation has begun here...*) turned this bizarre yellow-green, and then all of a sudden it would pour ot of my nose!

Thirty minutes later I was finally able to stop the flow, but Mayu had to take the package to my car, and we drove with the windows open to Lawson's in order to get rid of it! And now, just from that 30 minutes of foamy green flow, my nose feels like it is burned as if I had been blowing it for days!

I need to back up a bit here and give you some history now....

***** SHIFT! Back to July *****

In July I got the shingles. I'm still struggling with scars on my face, and a tickling itchy sensation that runs through the nerves on my face, but I guess I can get used to that. However, as the information on shingles says, it can take often over six months to completely heal, and energy is often down, while the immune system is also often compromised for long periods of time.

I have seemingly had one cold after the next from August on. It got especially bad in September, October and November with my sinuses completely clogged, tons of coughing, phlegm and such. I assumed it was due to a compromised immune system. Then in November I started getting severe sinus pressure over the left eye in that sinus cavity, in and around that eye as well. It was so bad that several times I had to sleep because I couldn't do anything. I KNEW it was a sinusitis of sorts as I used to get it regularly as a child because I suffer from a deviated septum in the left nostril which is often the one that gets plugged and has caused me the most trouble through my life.

I wanted to go to the doctor and get antibiotics but that was just at the point where Mayu and I had our "human docking" medical tests and I didn't want to interfere with the testing. As soon as that was done, I went and got five days of antibiotics. It didn't seem to help and I was really wondering what was going on because the pressure in the sinus cavity and my eyeball was intense (left one only, nothing in the right cavity) every day, about the same time of the day (between 2-4pm).

One day while I was doing my ab exercises I noticed the huge amount of dust under the piano, and I thought, "Aha! That must be it!" So we spent a good half day pulling, pushing, rocking and rolling the piano just enough to clean out the dust. It didn't help.

Nearly every day about 3pm I would start to get the pressure headache over my left eye and wondered why. Normally I am here from morning until night, and then shut down about dinner time, and come and go after that. One night I was here reading until 2am and I found that about 1am I started to get the exact same pressure headache! So I knew it had something to do with this room...

To make a long story shorter, eventually it dawned on me that the piles of vintage, MUSTY kimono in the closet next to my computer were causing me to have an allergic reaction! So I took them all upstairs to the spare room, put them away in clear boxes, cleaned out the drawers in my closet, and all of the congestion, all of the headaches, all of the watering eyes, and phlegm, and coughing and general malaise of the past three months disappeared!

And life was good...

**** SHIFT! Back to this morning *****

Well, after having that green frothy, foamy, bubbly, pouring liquid attack coming out of my left nostril and soaking the front of my sweater... I decided to ask Mayu to throw away all those papers!

I soo wanted to use them in a recycled way and let them become my wrapping papers for ages to come. But after that attack... to hell with recycling!

Now it's time to see if I can start another auction to sell off one of our two industrial kerosene heaters that get the rooms so roaringly hot that we have never been able to use them in this house at all! These babies rock!

You may be wondering why we have two... well, one year in February, the coldest month of the year, our old beloved one kind of went on the fritz. And we had no heat exactly when we needed it. We could not live in our house with no heat in the coldest time of the year, for three weeks while they overhauled the components.

But that's life, I guess... Now we have two, and both of them sit in storage so it's time to try and sell them off!

I love you!



  1. Umm... eww....

    Well at least now you know what's causing it... i hope.

    Get rid of ALL those papers.
    And you might want to consider storing the kimono it those large plastic bins with lids. I think they are airtight. That should help even more.. throw in a few dryer sheets to keep then fresh.

    Ask the doctor if there's any thing you can take for this particularly weird allergic reaction... maybe a shot.

    Swab everything down with bleach to kill the mould spores (something i need to do as i sit here coughing. It attacks my lungs as opposed to sinuses).

    I hope you'll get better now.
    I love you!

  2. Umm... eww....

    Well at least now you know what's causing it... i hope.

    Get rid of ALL those papers.
    And you might want to consider storing the kimono it those large plastic bins with lids. I think they are airtight. That should help even more.. throw in a few dryer sheets to keep then fresh.

    Ask the doctor if there's any thing you can take for this particularly weird allergic reaction... maybe a shot.

    Swab everything down with bleach to kill the mould spores (something i need to do as i sit here coughing. It attacks my lungs as opposed to sinuses).

    I hope you'll get better now.
    I love you!

  3. Umm... eww....

    Well at least now you know what's causing it... i hope.

    Get rid of ALL those papers.
    And you might want to consider storing the kimono it those large plastic bins with lids. I think they are airtight. That should help even more.. throw in a few dryer sheets to keep then fresh.

    Ask the doctor if there's any thing you can take for this particularly weird allergic reaction... maybe a shot.

    Swab everything down with bleach to kill the mould spores (something i need to do as i sit here coughing. It attacks my lungs as opposed to sinuses).

    I hope you'll get better now.
    I love you!

  4. Umm... eww....

    Well at least now you know what's causing it... i hope.

    Get rid of ALL those papers.
    And you might want to consider storing the kimono it those large plastic bins with lids. I think they are airtight. That should help even more.. throw in a few dryer sheets to keep then fresh.

    Ask the doctor if there's any thing you can take for this particularly weird allergic reaction... maybe a shot.

    Swab everything down with bleach to kill the mould spores (something i need to do as i sit here coughing. It attacks my lungs as opposed to sinuses).

    I hope you'll get better now.
    I love you!

  5. Sorry... Multiply is phuckin wit me tonight...

    I want to smack them silly right now.

    But alas i'm too tired... been SOME day... Oy!

  6. soooo think those heaters would work in Kansas??????

  7. I'm sure they would! Why? Don't you guys have central heating in Kansas?

  8. Jen, I can delete the other ones if you like, or you can feel free to delete the duplicates. It's up to you. Yes, as soon as I got away from those papers, and after all that stuff.... came out, and after we delivered the box to the Lawson's... I'm back to normal now. That was weird....

    Now I have to launder my orange polartec sweater because it got soaked!

    I love you!!!

  9. We don't have heat.

    It's in the blog.

    I'm grumpy.

  10. The pain & bubbly ickiness sounds like postherpetic neuralgia but if it continues or gets worse it could be Ramsay Hunt syndrome which are both complications of shingles and should be mentioned to your doctor.

  11. Sammie - As soon as I was about 30 minutes away from those damn moldy kimono bags, everything went back to normal and it completely disappeared as if nothing had happened, aside from having a red and tender nose... Thanks!

    Carrie - You WOULD have to come back to me while I'm blowing snot!

  12. For anyone interested in what Sammie is talking about (I assume it is the tickling sensation that runs up the nerves in my face), here are two links on Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and postherpetic neuralgia .

  13. Very interesting.

    Do you think she might be right?

    sounds pretty closeto what you've been experiencing, Sweety.

    Have a good evening and sleep.

    I love you!


    I slept well... things are calm... too calm perhaps.

  14. well stay away from the old dusty stuff..eww green foam hugs jooslx

  15. I was going to let your mother read your blog regarding the discharge from your left nostril
    but decided against it. You know why.!!!

  16. I can't believe you sent the condition causing paper to some poor unsuspecting soal!!

  17. First off..ewwwwwww
    Secondly, I hope you get well soon my friend and the auctions keep doing well.
    Love you.

  18. isn't there a neighbour or somewhere in town you could sell those heaters?

    they would be a bitch to ship anywhere!

    It would come in real handy in those cold, drafty Japanese homes i would think.

    Good luck.

  19. i never had a problem with your bodily fluids

  20. *Hands Cam a box of Kleenex* Mold does horrible things to people who are allergic.

  21. Scattered thoughts after reading this.

    First off, good idea to get rid of those papers! Recycling something like that could be dangerous......

    Second, I hope the auctioning continues to go well.

    Thirdly, I really hope you are going to see the doctor with the green goobers and shingle aftershock problems. It may not be just the mold doing all this to you.

    Fourthly (huh? fourthly?).......I miss you.

  22. Thanks, Robin.
    I miss you too, Linda! And this morning temperature in the house is very reminiscent of the temperatures you, Jen and I experienced meandering around Woody Stock, and SnoggerTease. Very similar.

  23. Oh dear. You know what my throat is completely clogged up as well. I woke up day before and I had a 103ยบ fever, red eyes, the chills, nausea and no inclination to get out of bed. I gathered enough courage by the evening to head to the doctor. He told me that my condition was so bad that he could not possibly prescribe me antibiotics because I would throw them up. So he seems to have given me some other types of pills. Mainly Lactobacillius, some Tylenol type thing and a couple of others. I feel much better now though the throat is still clogged up. I hope you get well soon, nasty green stuff out of the nose is never a good thing.

    As for the heaters I was surprised you even use Kerosene there. I thought Japan was all electric and so very modern. I have a question here they colour Kerosene blue because unscrupulous people in the past used to mix that with petrol and make a profit. Is that fuel artificially coloured there as well?

  24. Shiv - Get well!!! Here the kerosene is perfectly clear.

  25. *rubbing my freezing feet*

    Time to hit a hot shower. I'd take a bath, but my tub is not long enough for me to soak in.

    The once sad thing about being 5'9 1/2".

  26. Cam,

    I understand, completely, the nose running.. typical allergic response.. what concerns, me, however, is the GREEN. Green is a problem, babe. Green is bacteria.

    You need more antibiotics.

    I'm not a pro-antibiotic anything.. and I'm battling some serious sinus infection issues and headaches, myself.

    Can you get some Echinacea? You need to take it for 10 days. I've had it clear sinus infections, ear infections, strep throat, etc, before.. I'm working on a blog post, about it... its here.

    I hope you are feeling a little better, as you read this.. *hugz*

  27. Oh, it's all gone. It immediately (30minutes) disappeared after I got away from it! Thanks for caring and reading, CD. Much appreciated!

  28. Cam,

    I realize that its gone.. but that just means that which causes the "green" is up in you.. that's my concern. The evil caused it to show its nasty-self.. by bringing it out. But the bacteria can't just go away.. (Its kind of like saying that one does not have candida yeast in them, anymore, because the particular yeast infection, where it showed its evil self, is gone. What caused what is gone is still there.)

    Yes. I care. I'm glad you don't see me as some harping old lady. :)

    I love you.

  29. should have patented that strain as an anti terrorist weapon*giggles*

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