Sunday, July 8, 2012

7/08: Glorious 32C and Walking

Last night Hiroko and I had dinner with Bruce and Tanya. It was a
great time with them. Then we went out for a walk and found a couple
of geocaches. I have to admit that the Manitobans seem to love tucking
caches away in bushes and prickly pine trees so we tend to be
*stumped* a lot (har).

This morning we met Lisa, Kiera, Alayna, Holly and Javan for breakfast
at Smitty's and enjoyed a great two hours with them. Then we trundled
back to Bruce's and sat for another couple of hours with Bruce and
Tanya in the house and in the yard. We really enjoyed the time with
them and hope we can visit again next week or the week after in the
evenings with them.

Then we walked back to my parents'. I think it was only about 7km
which were we walking for exercise we could have done in an hour.
Instead we took it really slowly as we wanted to be out in the sun and
the 32C weather. So we geocaches our way back and got five out of
about eight different locations. The ones in the pine trees stumped us
as usual and also gave me itchy arms.

We actually really miss walking. When we were in Italy we were walking
for 10hours a day but after we left Italy it dramatically decreases
and here in the prairies everything is so big that you need a car to
get anywhere. So today we walked.

I showed Hiroko what a Slurpee is (Winnipeg is the Slurpee capital of
Canada - learned that from a geocache believe it or not) and what
Hickory Sticks taste like as we walked the last km home. She had a
brain freeze.

And near home we found some sidewalk paintings which made us smile.


  1. You guys look very happy. Good on you.

  2. P.S. I hate people whoput geocaches in the woods. Scratched and bitten by bugs and you never find the damn things because some animal has carried them off - although I did find one in a stump once. They had drilled a hole the same size as the cache and stuffed the cache in it. That was under a fungus as well. I would have never found it without the hint though. I have to get a a hand held GPS if I am going to continue this. The GPS in the iPhone is not accurate enough.
