Friday, July 6, 2012

Today 7/06 Just another ordinary day

Well, the rain stopped about 10am and it turned into a lovely day.
Instead of going to the Folk Festival (sorry Darrell) we went to Grant
Park Shopping Center (near where Darrell used to live a few decades
ago) and Hiroko picked up two books at McNally Robinson.

Then we drove down Wellington Crescent for Hiroko to see the wealthy
old money part of town. It was a very nice slow drive. We went into
Assiniboine Park and I took Hiroko into the Conservatory. She played
with the turtles, we admired the banana trees and took time out for
some head.

We were a little hungry so we walked over to the Duck Pond. The ducks
didn't look too tasty so we had lunch at the restaurant. We had a
modified version of pulled pork poutine. We had the fries replaces
with onion rings. We also had a great breaded chicken burger. And a
couple of glasses of red wine (Argentinian and Canadian).

We had time and both felt a little sleepy so we wandered back to a
great big open field, lay down under a tree and snoozed for 30-45
minutes. What a glorious way to snooze!!

On the way home we stopped at the supermarket for groceries, the LC
for some alcohol (we drank Mom's 4L box of wine over the past couple
of days), and filled up the gas tank.

This came up today so thought I would share it with you as it may be
of interest.

How many of you knew that Winnie the Pooh is based on a real life bear
that a Canadian Military officer in the Great War saved, and called
Winnie, after his home town of Winnipeg? There is some amazing history
for you!

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