Sunday, February 27, 2011


Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!

I just finished reading an episode in "A Breath of Snow and Ashes", on the train to Shinjuku... and I am drenched in sweat from the tension! I'm not going to say any more than that as I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I can't recall a series of books that have EVER put me into "fight-or-flight" like these.

Wow.... I'm exhausted from participating in these Outlander books...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thirsting for Technology

Ahhh the smell of businessmen having an afternoon beer & bento on the train. Actually that wasn't my main lead-in but the beer scent took control of my olfactory senses. And as the headbone's connected to the neckbone etc. I got carried away.

They are starting to add more technology to the vending machines here. Rather than plastic models inside the window and physical buttons to push, the new models have taken on a very modern technology by going completely digital and touch panel. Now you just touch a picture of the drink you want and a larger image comes to the foreground with pricing and additional information.

Have a lovely day.

I lovely you!

Seeking Serenity VIII: Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum @

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sage Advice from The Universe

"When was the last time you relied upon me? You know, consciously realized you weren't alone as you went about your daily affairs, choosing a path, finding a parking space, or a new friend, or a great idea... and expected, at least, a little something?

"Let there be no day you greet, no room you walk into, no street you drive upon, no plane you fly, no boardroom you rally, no mountain you climb, no parking lot, dance floor, beer hall, or Jacuzzi you frequent, that you don't consciously realize you aren't alone, and expect a little something."

- The Universe -

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Seconds Biggest Slippers in the Multiverse!

We don't wear our outdoor shoes indoors here in Japan. There are many bebefits to this verrry practical tradition. One is the house stays much cleaner. Another is that your feet get a chance to air out. In high humidity this is especially important.

Finding slippers in Japan to fit my average size 10 north american feet is very difficult. I have had many failed attempts in the past because the common largest size is a 27cm or about 9.5 which is too small for me.

The other day I decided to search through the net for some non-winter, non-imported from NA three season slippers that would fit. I found the biggest horking slippers I have EVER seen! Even Dunnster's ginormous feet would fit into what they offer and that is saying a lot for a guy whose feet would rival those of Hagrid.

I sent him a link to the 3L size and ordered two pairs of the 2L size which are made for 29 - 32 (11-13NA). It is always good to get slippers a little bit bigger than your feet as shoe size and slipper size vary slightly. For example, several years ago I ordered some verrrry nice elkskin and shearling slippers from Cabela in the USA for $45 each (one for Mayu, one for me). The shoe size ended up being too small and we couldn't wear them. The $45 duty on each pair was a killer.

So I ordered the 2L and when they arrived I burst out laughing at the size of these babies! They are quite comfy and will be great when it is time to put away the 11 shearling deerskin LLBean slippers.

Take a look at the photo. Although I am a gaijin, and as Paula will know, we gaijin have small heads and big feet, these babies are the second biggest slippers in the Multiverse!

I love you!

For all you Japan Lovers, I highly recommend you read this article, and visit the website. You'll like it:

Monday, February 14, 2011


Coming from Canada, and Fukui, I read this news and shake my head.
All I can say is, "This. is. insane... "


Over 60 injured in snow-related accidents in Tokyo, vicinity
Tuesday 15th February, 12:32 PM JST

More than 60 people have sustained injuries including broken bones in
Tokyo and its vicinity since Monday night, when a relatively heavy
snowfall blanketed the metropolitan area, authorities said Tuesday.

The snow also led to delays and cancellations of JR trains in the
metropolitan area including those on the Sobu Line, affecting more
than 100,000 passengers, the operator said. Some outbound JR
Shinkansen bullet trains were also delayed.

The number of people wounded came to at least 43 in Tokyo and 21 in
Saitama Prefecture, firefighters and government officials said, noting
many sustained injuries after slipping and falling.

Downtown Tokyo had 1 centimeter of snow as of 5 a.m. while Yokohama
had 2 cm, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. As much as 25 cm fell
at Lake Kawaguchi in Yamanashi Prefecture, southwest of Tokyo.

Read the comments here:

Today in Japan 2011/02/15

Here are a few articles from Japan Today's site, that I found of interest.
Feel free to click away.

Have a great day.
I love you!



2 men jailed for failing to stop drunk colleague from driving
Tuesday 15th February, 02:32 AM JST

A court sentenced two men to a two-year prison term Monday saying they
failed to stop a colleague from driving a car they were going to share
even though they knew he was drunk before a fatal accident in Saitama
Prefecture in 2008.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: It's about time they started acting on that law they
implemented years ago...


840 students suffer food poisoning in Hokkaido
Tuesday 15th February, 06:00 AM JST

A total of 840 elementary and junior high school students have missed
class in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, due to food poisoning after eating
school lunch last week, local officials said Monday.

Fifteen teachers and other school staff also exhibited food poisoning
symptoms, they said.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: Poor kids! Poor parents!!

Women file suit to keep their surnames after they marry
Tuesday 15th February, 06:00 AM JST

A group of Japanese citizens filed a lawsuit Monday challenging a
civil law that effectively stops women from keeping their surnames
when they marry.
The 113-year-old law requires married couples to choose just one
surname for the man and woman to share, and custom means it’s usually
the man’s.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: Although this doesn't affect foreigners marrying
Japanese, the Japanese-Japanese marriages have it tougher in the name

Cop arrested for asking wife to take rap for him in hit-and-run
Tuesday 15th February, 06:47 AM JST

A Shizuoka policeman was arrested Monday after he asked his wife to
turn herself in over a hit-and-tun incident that he caused over the
weekend. Kikei Takada, 46, an assistant Shizuoka Prefectural Police
inspector, allegedly bumped his car into another car on a street in
Shizuoka on Saturday night, slightly injuring two people in the other
vehicle. Saturday was his day off.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: Spineless bastard...

College students' spending falls to level of 30 years ago
Tuesday 15th February, 03:22 AM JST

Spending by university students living away from their families has
fallen to the same level as 30 years ago, due partly to the prolonged
economic downturn, according to an annual student cooperative group
survey released Monday.

Average monthly expenditure by such students, excluding rent, came to
63,130 yen compared with 62,100 yen in 1980, while the average monthly
allowance they receive from their families was 71,310 yen, according
to the latest survey by the National Federation of University
Cooperative Associations.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: What?!?!? Students are supposed to be poor! This is a
"spending allowance", not cost of living. Their parents usually pay
for all of the tuition, apartment, food and more. Free money from mom
and dad while going to university... talk about soft! University is a
great time to learn how to be frugal, stingy, and cost-conscious. It's
also a good time to learn how to be poor.

Researchers in Beppu propose new way of steaming food

Researchers in the southwestern Japan city of Beppu, where one of the
specialties is steamed food using the local hot springs, are proposing
a new and tastier way of steaming food.

When ingredients are steamed slowly at temperatures well below 100 C
the taste of the food improves, according to a research group in the
city in Oita Prefecture which is studying how to make use of steam
rising from the numerous hot springs in the Beppu area.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: Umm... hello Japan? Does anyone know what a crockpot is?

Japanese model uses heart, smarts to create Valentine's Day chocolates

With an artistic flair and passion for chocolate Kanami Kawaguchi, a
Japanese fashion model in Manhattan, is creating her latest
concoctions in time for the Valentine’s Day rush.

While her full-time gig in New York is as a fashion model who has
walked the New York runways wearing fancy clothes, accessories,
different hair styles and make-up for about five years, she has an
unusual zest for chocolate despite being allergic to it.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: Modelicious...

Returnees of JET program key to Japan-U.S. ties

When current participants in the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET)
Program gather, the discussion often focuses on English teaching
methods. When the program’s U.S. alumni get together, however, talk
often turns to a weightier subject: U.S. foreign policy towards Japan.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: The comments are pretty strong here, both pro and con!
Personally, my life at JET didn't get ME any connections...

No. of people dying alone rises in 'no-relationship' society

This country’s solitude is reaching alarming proportions.

Consider the number of people dying alone: in 1987 in Tokyo, 788 men
and 335 women; in 2006, 2,362 men and 1,033 women. Every day, of late,
10 people on average die alone in Tokyo.

It has been a prominent issue since January 2010, when NHK aired a
documentary titled “Muen Shakai” – literally, a “no-relationship
society.” Traditional community relationships withered with
modernization in the late 19th century and died in the mid-20th.
Family relationships are faring little better. An economy denying many
people a foothold, combined with communications technology that joins
us virtually but isolates us concretely, have left the individual
largely on his or her own – for better and for worse.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: This is very sad, but very true. However, just because
I'm single, have two computers, a semi-smartphone, and no TV doesn't
mean I'm going to end up dying alone in a rabbit hutch full of empty
plastic obento boxes from convenience store meals!

Ginza hostesses battle back against predatory work rules

“With all the fines and my having to make good on the unpaid bills run
up by customers, I didn’t receive any salary at all for half a year.
But I accepted 3 million yen in advance wages when I started working
there, so I can’t quit.”

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: The women can make a LOT of money in the "mizu shobai"
business (it isn't sex trade), but if they don't follow the strict
rules, they can lose a lot of money, as well.

Japan's new budget airline aims to offer 'overwhelmingly low fares'

A&F Aviation Co, the newly launched first low-cost carrier in Japan,
aims to offer ‘‘overwhelmingly low fares’’ to attract various
passengers from Japan and abroad, its Chief Executive Officer Shinichi
Inoue said Friday.

‘‘It is the mission of LCC to offer overwhelmingly low fares rather
than deprive existing carriers of passengers,’’ Inoue said in an
interview, referring to the need for the airline launched Thursday
with funds from All Nippon Airways Co and Hong Kong’s First Eastern
Investment Group, to appeal to new potential customers.

Read more:

Cam's Thoughts: I wonder how low can ya go? I could see the airline
not turning on the heat in the cabin and then charging for blankets...
At 35,000 ft that would be a lot of cold people. These days on
domestic flights they give you free green tea, and that's about it.
Anything else costs. There are no pillows on board anymore, and coffee
costs money. Coffee! Also, the carry on size has gotten so
dramatically reduced, that the old carry-on luggage no longer are
allowed in the cabin: buyer beware.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sugar Coated Winter

It's nice to see a taste of winter up here at Kobuchizawa. I was beginning to think it would never snow! Of course it's just a smattering, but lovely, peaceful and refreshing, nonetheless.

Have a good day.
I love you!

How my Dad taught me to tie "The Perfect Knot" via @youtube

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today in SpamLand

Here is the crap spam that I get at work these days...
Last month after struggling forever with my rent and bills, and my girlfriend hounding me about getting a job it was solved and its all because my friend turned me onto this news article after which i made 279 in 6 days! i forsee 2011 being a great year!! friends help friends!


Forward Msg:

Origin Date: Monday, Febuary 7th, 2011
Subject: Re In such case he can, if it be in the night, change his form and jump
BOdy: about the sedan, and the girl was complaisant enough to make the

Aasiya Hassan, left, was decapitated by her husband, according to prosecutors. A jury agreed Monday.

A New York jury finds Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan guilty of second-degree murder

After three weeks of testimony, the jury takes an hour to reach its verdict
Representing himself, Hassan defends his actions
(CNN) -- After a three-week trial and one hour of deliberations, an upstate New York jury on Monday found Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan guilty of second-degree murder for beheading his wife.

In February 2009, Hassan, who founded a TV network aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes, went to a police station in the Buffalo, New York, suburb of Orchard Park and told officers his wife was dead, police have said.

Aasiya Hassan had been decapitated, with prosecutor Paul Bonanno saying during opening arguments that the long knife used by her husband had left marks on his office's tile floor.

Hassan gave his own closing arguments Monday. Earlier in the trial, he had dismissed his attorney, Jeremy Schwartz, who by trial's end was acting as his legal adviser.

"Mr. Hassan has felt that throughout the tenure of his marriage, no one had listened to his side," Schwartz told reporters after the verdict. "It was important for him in the two hours that he had for summation to get across his side and how he saw his marriage."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Keitai Galore!!!!

Yesterday on my way home from a few shopping places in my sofar unsuccessful attempt at finding CUTE mini-KittyMoos I stopped with my mouth ajar at the sight of this cellphone retailer's store facade covered completely in wall-to-wall keitai of yore!

The photo you see depicts only about 1/5 of the storefront. The other 4/5 looked just like this.


Have a great day.
I love you!