Sunday, February 27, 2011


Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!

I just finished reading an episode in "A Breath of Snow and Ashes", on the train to Shinjuku... and I am drenched in sweat from the tension! I'm not going to say any more than that as I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I can't recall a series of books that have EVER put me into "fight-or-flight" like these.

Wow.... I'm exhausted from participating in these Outlander books...


  1. *laughs Dang, Cam! If I'd known how you would react to the books I would've recommended them to you a long, long time ago! Just wait - somehow the series only gets BETTER! :oD Ms. Gabaldon is really, really talented and I'm glad she's shared her stories with us!

    Hope you've cooled off by now! *hugs!

  2. Thats it, I have to move these up to slot number one on my reading list.. even though I have about 30 books ahead.... everyone says the same thing about them..

  3. "Participation" is the key word. You FEEL like you are there. Every. Single. Atom.
