Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spongebob Wants You!

Here is a great one-liner in my Medscape Daily News this morning:

Obesity Parents, Schools, Even Spongebob Recruited to Obesity Fight

By the way, do you think "obesity parents" means "parents of obese children"? Or could it be parents trying to promote and raise "obesity"? Hmmm… A little bit ("chotto" in Japanese) strange wording, that "obesity parents".

Have a great day.

I love you!

P.S. Here is an ad for a new clothing store that promotes clothing for "Over 65". Do people over 65 really WANT to dress like this? These days I see more and more elderly in jeans and runners, so I'm wondering. When I was a youngster I saw my grandma and grandpa dressing like this, but if they were still alive, they would be +/- 100 years old. My PARENTS are over 65 and I don't think they'd be caught dead wearing stuff like this. Well, Japan is Japan so maybe the J-elderly prefer to be seen as "classic"… as in Henry Ford Model-T classic…


  1. My mother works in a clothing store and I'm pretty sure she'd cut her throat before she wore this stuff. Dad would laugh himself sick if I got him a hat and a vest for christmas and then probably make their dog wear them.

    I'm all for promoting obesity because there are too many scrawny chicks out there ALSO sending out the wrong message about proper weight.

    Given a choice, I'd prefer my kids had a little meat on them to having their bones stick out.

  2. Deb, I recommend you let the bones stick (naturally). The "meat" will come oh too naturally once they enter their 30s once.they get out of the highly influential phase and into the highly stressful phase of their lives as we know so well. Long live heart disease!

  3. Woohoo!

    I remember when my oldest was 8 and she came home and told me not to make her lunch anymore because she was scared of getting fat.

    I went down to the school, furious - but I felt better after talking to her teacher who promised to watch her eat every lunch time until she got over the thin phase.

    The real problem with obesity in children isn't about what they're eating - it's the total lack of exercise. At some schools here, children don't do phys ed because it can be "traumatic when it comes to showering with fellow students" and parents write notes to excuse their children from sport. Then the kids are picked up from school and they go home to sit in front of the x box or the play station and the only exercise they get is lifting fork to mouth.

    We need more "mean" parents out there who won't write an excuse note except in the event of imminent death or limb loss and they make their kids walk home from school.

    Missed you Cam

