Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Interested in spending a month living in Tokyo? Get an idea on "monthly mansions for foreigners" prices by watching my new YouTube Video: "The Big Question: How much?" @ You can probably find more expensive and cheaper places, but I thought I would share two options with you!


  1. Hopefully that helps some people with researching staying in Japan... fun fun! Hope you enjoyed breakfast!

  2. Thanks, Jaime. Considering the fact that people who LIVE here pay that much or more for a tiny little one room apartment, then have to furnish it, pay all the XXX monies, and buy internet, etc... this really IS a good deal. You can make a reservation like a hotel, pay on your credit card, arrive, live in mini luxury, have a home base to mess up as much as you want (within reason of course) for the duration, and then leave when you're done.

    And best of all, the Sakura House now has a 24hr cafe/bar on the main floor where coffee starts at 160 yen, and they have a lot of imported beers beginning at about 370 yen each!

    Hmmm... maybe I should go live there!

    The problem is I'd be surrounded by all those damn foreigners. And you know what troublemakers foreigners are! Bringing all that disease, and drugs, and funny stuff into the country...

    Time for breakfast again. Thanks for watching (or commenting if you didn't).

    Have a great day!

  3. *laughs I did watch (breakfast sausages - yum! I am envious of your chopstick skills still!) and thought it was some seriously great info. Jase and i are planning on returning for vacations and yanno... if we take an extended vacation, that's really a great deal, considering. Especially if he winds up coming back here for his work (inspectors for the bases here are often sent in from the US to be "impartial parties" and mebbe small thing and I could tag along once or twice...)

    We also have friends who are VERY interested in coming to Japan for various opportunities (some business, some otherwise) and so I'll definitely keeping this info in mind for the future ;o)

  4. For a minute I thought this was leading into a free invite – oh drats – well erm cough maybe the next time lol.

  5. Trudi - If you fly your beautiful self over here, you can come and stay at my place for free!

  6. Aaaww how sweet of you Cam. One day on my way to Vienna and the science convention I just may have to make a big detour just to give you a tight hug.

  7. Screw Wiens. Then come..... nah, that doesn't sound politically correct.. *wink*
