Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Fish Oil Wars

Fish Oil Supplements... Not good.  

The problem is, that in spite of all of the actual negative results with fish oil, many doctors and nutritionists continue to tout it as the be all to end all.

My mentor, Brian Peskin, over the years has been presenting a lot of research on the negative aspects of fish oil. But of course very few people listen. You can visit his Facebook page and become a fan, here, if you wish.

Here is a very current study with humans showing how fish oil DHA does NOT improve depression or cognition as many nutritionists and doctors claim.

Effect of DHA Supplementation During Pregnancy on Maternal Depression and Neurodevelopment of Young Children

The New York Times (thanks, Rob) posted an article leading to this result.

Fish Oil Use in Pregnancy Didn’t Make Babies Smart

However they also posted the opinions of doctors who resist this, and say they will continue to recommend.

They say in the news article above that, “There’s no harm that we know of at all, in contrast to many antidepressants,” and “And it might be of some help.”

Well, if you have read any of Professor Peskins work you KNOW the damage that fish oils can cause!

I will attach two of his recent PDFs for you to read and learn a bit more. Then you can do your own research if it interests you to look further. AND you can make your own decisions, but this time, they will be educated decisions. <-- Key Point!!

Time for dinner. I'm hungry!

I love you!


  1. Thank god for that! I HATE fishy stuff!

  2. i eat fish when it sounds good,i have a garden-who needs supplements?
    got halfway thru the 2nd pdf...quite a blast there

  3. Hermit - we don't have herbivorous stomachs so unfortunately the amount of vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids IN the plants, stays locked in the cellulose walls of the plants. And we don't get the "goodness".

    Better to eat fish than to take fish oil supplements, that's for sure! I had fish for dinner yesterday. Yum!

  4. true *smiles* but we have blenders and food processors and we Cook*chuckles* with varying results!
    i'm no vegan,but still,trying to come up with ways to use the output of an 1,800 square foot garden keeps susan and i looking for new recipes(the butternut squash home baked bread is fantastic :)

  5. every couple of weeks we have a steak cooked over a wood fire,then boiled in a cast iron skillet with budweiser (on a bed of onions, garlic,maybe a hot pepper or two)
    then whatever is left gets tossed into the crock pot with whatever vegi's and herbs we feel like taking out of the garden....we eat for 3 days on $12.oo (US currency)

  6. Wow... a steak that lasts for three days... for two people! I can only dream of a steak that large! If I ate the amount of protein that my body craves I would have to eat three Japanese steaks a day in addition to all the other meat, vegetables, cheese and eggs I consume!

    Thanks for popping in. Must go eat.

    And buternut squash bread sounds fantastic. Slathered in butter when it comes hot out of the oven, I hope.

  7. about 12x8x1 and1/4 thick-about $10.oo at the local market(no shipping cost-local grown)
    have to cut it to get it in the skillet.

  8. managed about 5 gallons of blackberry wine this year too,hope to do more next year-the land is good to us

  9. 5 of the family just spent most of the day planting 17 nut trees-we're good back to the land too ;)
