Sunday, May 13, 2012

GeoAxeMurderers' Delight

Yesterday Takaaki had a date with some friends to discuss plants and stuff so Hiroko and I took Shiv out to do a bit of "Japanese gardening" and geocaching ourselves.

The day was a very pleasant 20C and the breeze was dry and refreshing so the white person amongst the trio got a bit of sun.

We were only able to find one of the three caches (I showed Shiv another one near our home) but we found a lot more than the cache.

Hiroko has never experienced good Internet friends before (she had a very bad experience with one set of overseas net friends in the past [misplaced trust turned to big financial scam]) and so really couldn't trust net friends any longer. With Shiv and Takaaki here, she is re-learning that her experience was the exception, not the rule and that is bringing joy back into her life. Not to mention how much she loves these guys!


We have introduced Hiroko to the wonderful world of the Internet Axe Murderers and that is always a good thing.

Add to that conversations that open both of our eyes into the world of India. A world that perhaps the news moguls present rather unfairly. Knowledge pertaining to the real goals and reasons for marriage in India, traditions and so much more. It's stuff that National Geographic cannot even render appropriately.


And then there is the aspect of cultivating new friendships and reaffirming long distance ones that bring a deepening sense of happiness concerning the human race.


Not to mention the beautiful garden of Koishikawa Korakuen, the oldest garden in Tokyo, built in the 1600s.


In addition to the garden, the cache locations were at very interesting spots. One was a corner bridge and the corner of a wall of the old Edo castle that one can see here and there among the city's skyscrapers. But if you don't know about the history those spots are so easy to pass by without even realizing you are crossing a bridge over a river that was made 400 plus years ago!


We met up with Takaaki and chose a delicious restaurant that specializes in Hokkaido foods, enjoyed dinner and more dialogue.


Hiroko has gone off to work today so that leaves the boys to head out and do some serious shopping. Takaaki comes from the countryside so the past month has been among rice paddies and forests. Shiv wants some city shopping. He is thinking of getting an iPad on this trip as they are cheaper here than in India. But it's another gorgeous day for that and I imagine we will see if there are any geocaches in the Ameyokocho area Shiv wants to visit (near Ueno Park).


Tomorrow they have an early flight home to India. But that's tomorrow. Today is now and we focus on NOW.

What more could one ask for?

Trust, love, knowledge, friendship, gratitude, appreciation, serenity, beauty, history, food, conversation, adventure, technology

And geocaching of course!

I love you!


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