Thursday, May 24, 2012

Vagabonding: Day One

I'm liking this feeling.... It's fantastic!

I got up his morning at the usual 5:15 and prepared breakfast for us. Then upon sending H off to work at 7:30 I booted up the computer and did a little work. What? Work!?! Yes. That is what I did. I wanted to make sure that the virtual system would work for me when I am ootnaboot aroond the woorld. It does. Sort of. And that's jus Jim Dandy. I answered a few emails from clients who answered my sayonara emails and shut that baby down.

Laundry was pleasant, as was doing just a wee bit more of travel arrangements. I also set up a wonderful afternoon appointment for Hiroko and I at a friend's nail salon in Shibuya. You see, as Hiroko is a nurse (she is also a pattissiere, not a chef per we so we must correct that) she has never been allowed to have her nails done. But she has always wanted to. And since today is her last day at work for three months now she can! So we are going to go to my friend's shop for nails and eyelash extensions for her and men's nail for me.

But there is a twist to this tale. For those who understand the "secret" you might be able to guess however as H reads this I'm not going to ruin the surprise.

I tested to see if my collection of Sundance 25years Best Films that I bought a collection of over 15 years ago but could never watch as my computer would never play them right nor allow me to change zones worked on H's computer!! So now we can watch them at home. I tried "Real women have curves" but there is a lot of Spanish with no subtitles so I missed a lot. I shut it off after 30 minutes as it was time to head out for some "cashing not caching".

I was hungry so had a quick meal and then hopped on the train to Shinjuku. After checking four banks for rates I settled on the cheapest (Mizuho) and bought 500 each of Euros and Pounds. I haven't seen pounds for a long time so they are pretty cool if not a little too large in size )hard to fit in a wallet but adds to the cool factor).

No I'm overdosing on a Starbucks Frappuccino and getting kind of sluggish as I await H's arrival at 14:20.

I'm liking the vagabondish lifestyle!

I love you!

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