Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sendai Horikawa GC: Got the little bastard!

Wow what a day!

I decided not to give up and went for one more cache. There is the
Sendai Horikawa Park cache that I have checked three or four times and
could never find anything. It was driving me nuts because it is one of
tomohiro's bullets and part of the Park Series.

Looking at all of the other comments before mine people could not find
the geocache. So, we were all assuming that it was lost. Those bullets
are so tiny and the magnet is so small that it could very easily get

However, when I was eating at Gusto after finding my fifth cache of
the day, I looked at the park cache and found that in April yumiko had
actually found it!

And, as yumiko is a woman's name, that meant that the cache could not
be hidden at a high location (unless of course she is a pro volleyball
or basketball player).

So I went back to the park in the absolutely pouring rain, covered in
"God's soap", and searched and searched and searched.

And guess what? I found it!

It was actually right where it was supposed to be, and right where
I've been looking for the past several searches. It took a little bit
of touchy-feely to actually find it but I got the little bastard.

When I logged into and left a comment, I told people to
use their sense of touch not their sense of sight because they won't
find it by looking.

Getting the logbook out of that tiny little bullet was extremely
difficult today because everything was wet. Writing in it was
difficult as well because of the pouring rain. I had to go and stand
under a little roof at elementary school where some bicycles are. And
as it was nearing the end of the school day I needed to hurry because
if all of the little elementary school kids come out and there is a
big soaking wet foreigner hanging around things could get a little
bit... difficult.


  1. Awesome!! Geez that's what I get for commenting with my phone while I'm sleepy, not awake yet.
