Friday, July 31, 2009

Bumped up to Luxury

When I got to Narita there was a big line up for checking into Air Canada. It appears that they overbooked so were looking for people to fly out on the next day (or take a different route). They offered me a hotel, dinner and breakfast but I said that wasn't interesting for me. Why would I want to stay in a hotel and then fly out a day later? I'm not looking for "enjoying a hotel"; that's not me. It took me three times to get them to agree to giving me a business upgrade before I accepted.

However... I was told I'd have to come back after they closed the check in, just in case there was space.

So I showed up at 6pm and waited for a half hour. Finally, they came up to me and told me that they could put me on Thursday's flight. I wasn't too happy about that so kind of politely told them to give it to one of the other people waiting as well. They didn't want to do that I guess because it would have cost them a business upgrade, a hotel, dinner and breakfast so they pushed. And I refused. Finally they told me I could fly on the same day, but there was a business class seat available.

So I took it!

And I loved it. Wow! This plane was one of the newer airplanes with first class and business seats as those new fancy dancy individual cocoons. You can fully adjust the seating with infinite angles for legs, seat, back, headrest. It goes full flat for sleeping as well (and I could actually stretch out fully flat. That was nice (though my legs are still just a wee bit too long so I had to cross my ankles and have my head be beyond the length of the bed in order to stretch out.) But amazing nonetheless.

And the rest of the business class was business, which means real china, real silverware, real champagne and a wine from 2003 which makes it very expensive wine (I can't afford to buy wine that old anymore). AND they had real food to complement my four eggs, chunks of cheese, container of deep fried chicken pieces (kara age, not "nuggets" - those of you who know and love) and salami slices mmmmm. The flight was only about 10hrs I think, and I got to eat, watch two movies (Star Trek - AWESOME! and X-men Origins: Wolvering - VERY GOOD).

Then I jumped on a 3hr flight to Winnipeg that was full of families who had done a "baby run" to China. I guess they sell babies in China for adoption so about eight screaming babies were on that flight (and new parents who didn't really know how to deal with them).

Instead of arriving late at night I got to Winnipeg at 7pm which was perfect. Mom was there to hug me, she called Dad who drove around to the front and picked me up. We came to Bruce's, dropped off my stuff, looked around the house (he is a carpenter and my dad is a do everything kind of guy) so they are renovating the house Bruce bought a year ago - looks great! Then we went to my parents' for dinner, off to Tim Horton's for coffee, came home, chatted, unpacked, showered and went to bed.

And today it is a chilly 16C/61F rainy day with NO humidity that I can tell! It feels cold, but dry so that is nice.

Off to do some running around, but I just wanted to show you a photo of the seat I got on my business class flight to Vancouver. And you know me... Mr. Man of a Few Words.

I love you!



  1. WOW!!!! I've never seen seats like that before. SO GLAD the first flight went well! *HUGE HUGS*

  2. LOL. Good for you, Cam. Glad you are home safe and sound and with the tremendous heat we've had here in the west, 16 degrees sounds good (and that keep your mosquitos in check too, doesn't it?).

    Westjet from Van to Winterpeg?

    Have a good weekend and a great reunion with your family.

  3. Oh I just love those seats!

    Glad your trip was a safe and enjoyable one.

  4. awesome upgrade
    and Cam
    they dont SELL babies!
    oh you Canadians!

  5. Carrie - You don't know China... You can't just go to an adoption center, and pick a baby out from a cage, you kow...

  6. Ken - It was AC all the way through. I haven't flown AC for a very long time because they have always been so damn expensive!

    Jaime - I KNOW!

    Sheila - Thank you.

  7. Glad to know your not riding you bicycle around in the nude and your parents was there to pick you up. Nice to have you back on this side of the ocean...... Have a great day, night and anything in between...... I guess there is a new handy man in town....

  8. Jal - My body has adapted to "sweat your gotch off all day all night" Japan so I'm freezing my gotch off here at 14C/61F!!

  9. are that much closer now!

    Happy to know you arrived safely to this part of the world.

    I hope this trip is sensational!

  10. I have never been on a plane, so I could not comment any of that.


    Maybe someday.

  11. Lucky me, yes. They said I could pay an extra $300 for business. I laughed. No skin off my teeth if I take my regular flight as planned and they sweat with their overbooking. I thought I'd do THEM a favour by allowing myself to be a day late.

  12. "That was nice (though my legs are still just a wee bit too long so I had to cross my ankles and have my head be beyond the length of the bed in order to stretch out.) But amazing nonetheless"

    I always tell my tall clients it's better to have your feet hang off the table (seat in your case) than your head.

    If your head hangs back too far the blood can run to your head and make you dizzy.

    Just sayin....

    I've long wanted to experience flight in one of those seats.

    Maybe when i win the lottery....

  13. yes, but the feet can't hang over because they hit a closed in area. The foot section has a wall.

  14. Awesome! way to be assertive! Those airlines like to walk all over people and act as if they are doing you a favor...when , in fact, you were trying to help them out. I never understand why they'd rather have empty "first-class"/"business class" seats than to upgrade someone.

    Glad to hear you are here safe and sound on this continent!! Good luck!

  15. suave! effective! tactical! definitive!

    how could they refuse?!

    that's a sight better than 1st class passage on any US carrier!!!

  16. Let's see how badly my legs scream in the eco-moany on the way back.

  17. Love the seat, I also like the fact there is no one beside you . I once had a guy on a train who kept falling asleep and he kept leaning over to my shoulder and I had to keep pushing him back, was so awful !! Before he fell asleep he talked my ear off and it was late I wanted him to shut up and let me sleep lol

  18. Apparently couples (in love) hate them...
