Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Damn! I'm going to have to go grocery shopping again before I leave for Tokyo! I was SURE I had bought enough meat and vegetables to last me until Sunday... but I'll run out by tomorrow's dinner and have nothing left for Friday, Saturday and Sunday breakfast! Drat!!


  1. You eat too much.

    I better save up some more money if i'm to go halfsies on groceries when i visit.

  2. Speaking of which....

    I need to cook dinner now.
    I am REALLY hungry.

  3. Cooking complete.
    Eating has commenced.

  4. Whew! Dinner's done. Dishes are done. And I... am... sooo.... sweeepy....

  5. Hmmmm it's so tricky to gauge how much you'll eat!!

  6. its scary....if cam comes to see me one day...i'll have to get a bulk buy cash n carry card !!!!

  7. Or just take me to all your friends places and introduce me as your "internet axe murderer friend from Japan". And I'll keep them entertained, they'll ask us to stay for dinner, or supper, and we're set!

  8. well my bf is a veggy but she always cooks us meat....fortunately as she's a vegetarian she has no idea how much meat a person should eat at one sitting....so we always get masses n loads to take home....because she doesn't like to touch it she usually gets a huge lump and throws it in the oven wearing rubber gloves lol

  9. Mayu used to do that when she was a vegetarian. She would pick the meat up with two knives, and hack hunks off of it with her gloves on. It was hilarious to watch. Thank the gods we worship at Stonehenge that she gave THAT bad habit up! She is infinitely healthier now in so many aspects since she started putting real animal-based amino acids back into her system...

  10. Di... i don't think your friend would have enough for Cammy and his tapeworm friend.

    Only his manners (such as they are) would keep him from consuming everything in sight, leaving you all hungry.

  11. I would appreciate you addressing the tapeworm in my left leg by it's proper name: Oscar. Thankyouverymuch.

  12. Oh go.... brush your teeth.

    Isn't it your bed time?

  13. It wouldn't....

    If it was a MAC!


  14. Jen - No. I usually don't go to bed until about 1am. And I wake up with the damn birds about 4.40.
    It is shower time, however. Toodle oo!

    Di - No. Nor Trojans, nor any virus that I know of. Unless you consider Windows a virus.

  15. so wot times it there now then...i'm at 2.40 afternoon n i should be in the garden or doing something vaguely useful....i think maybe you are 4 or 5 hrs behind me jen?

  16. hehehe... you are a nutjob, Di!

    It's 9:30 am here. just finished my morning coffee and am headed out to the gardens too...

    See... i told Cam we were kindreds.

    I gotta get ther to see yours... maybe next summer.

  17. that'll be great....should have it back in order then *rushes out strait away n clears the bramble n napalms the jungle *...just got some lavenders today....lost a lot in the winter...new lavender bug about...beware
