Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lisa LaVie

I recently found Lisa LaVie on YouTube. I have few subscriptions, and I really don't use YouTube that often for entertainment.

But Lisa... I love listening to her voice. 

I don't know if you'll like her, but she just put this song up 14 hours ago:

"Wild Horses (Natasha Bedingfield)" by Lisa LaVie

I love you!



  1. Saw this over on YT.

    It's very nice.
    I like Natasha Beddingfield so this caught my eye.

    She has a great voice.

  2. I prefe her to her brother.....what is it called when they switch octave in one note? that skill

  3. She has a brother who sings? What's his name?
    And yes, that octave switching is awesome.

  4. I just listened to this song:

    It's kind of boring, but the set they used is amazing! I would love to live in a place like this.

  5. Ohhhh... i know that song!

    I didn't remember the connection. Yes that set is awesome,Mou.

    But you'd have to live in a city for something like that.
    You and big cities.... not a match, right?

  6. It's too mooshy gooshy for me.

    And who knows? It might be a good challenge.

    Di - Really? It takes me directly to the song, "If you're not the one".

  7. Oh?

    So you'd take a job in the Big Apple if presented?

  8. says it not available in my country due to copyright restrictions !!!....considering she's english....donno y.......stupid f... utube

  9. If the living arrangements were right.

    Sorry, Di. Well, type in his name, and the song title, then keep clicking until you get one that works. I just found another horribly boring one with just him scrolling by, but I don't know if that will do it for you either.

  10. Hehehe... poor Di.

    That's so weird though.
    YT is F'd up sometimes.
    Cam, remember how they took off Stef's Michael Buble cover video?

    Well i see others doing the same thing all the time... stoopid YouTube.

  11. theres more green spaces without pesticides etc in the big cities....the bea population is healthier there than in the country....cough splutter.....takes me 1/4 gallon of petrol to get to the nearest fag seller.......snot green livin in the country

  12. Can't you get your fix of fags off the net?

  13. Oooo... just got my fag fix in the mail yesterday... from the internet... YAY!!!

    Half the price of at the store!

  14. but wot id i run out......thats how i got my 3 speeding tickets....getting to the store

  15. "Everyone's crazy 'bout a smart dressed fag."

  16. Don't know if they do online fags over there, Di. Here in the US it's all run by American Indians who have sovereignty from American laws on their reservations.
    That's how we can get around getting them via mail and not paying US taxes.

    Might sve you money on the fags AND the traffic tickets, LOL!

  17. yeh my sister has told me about them she was going to send me some over.....still waiting lol.....i've tried the tobacco....indian spirit i think....made me cough...but its supposed to be additive free....i'm a roll me own more strike n i'm out driving wise......karma in the car now at all costs

  18. Cam and i and others i know smoke the clove cigarettes.

    They're just as addictive and bad for you... but they taste so good (sweet) and don't smell nearly as bad.

    They cost me $8.50 at the store, but online they only cost $4.56.. great deal.
    But as usual the US govet. wants to stop them.
    If THEY can't make a buck or get the tax revenue they don't want anyone else to.

    Is it legal for your sis to send them to you through the mail?
    If it were i'd send some to you... and to Cam.

  19. P.S.

    Where is your sister?

    Never mind... don't answer....

    I havve GOT TO get away from this puter and get SOMETHING done outdoors .. SOME tome today... LOL!!!

  20., not sure but she has....used to send me saratogas,
    she is in california now [mid] ...moved from mauii back to cl last year

  21. Ooo... did she send a lot?

    I've sent Cam a pack or two but was wondering if i could get away with sending a whole carton...10 packs.

  22. She left Maui???

    OMG i'd love to go there, though i know it's expensive.
    a dear friend of mine has her two sons there and is planning to go live there when they retire in a few years.

    I can't wait... I'll be a frequent guest, LOL!

  23. yep bur the good news is that my nephew,[liz's son] wife n kids are still there.....Amon has lived their since he was we could all camp in their garden lol
    your friends son...are they on Maui?

  24. Yep... He used to be a surfer bum.. waiting tables at night and surfing all day.

    But he worked his way up through the ranks of waiter, head waiter then learned all about wines and became sommelier... All at the Four Seasons... Whew!
    He made more in tips than i make in salary!

    Now he's a wine buyer for restaurants and travela all around chosing wines for restaurants... cool, huh?

    The other son was a cop on Molokai but got into drug troubles, went back to the States to clean up and then went to school and has become a drug and alcohol counselor.

    Apparently Maui is gorgeous... Hana calls to me.

    someday.... i'll answer.

  25. its the only hawian island ive been cant compare....when i get into scanning mode i'll get some phots up but may be a long time....loove boogie boarding n the waves were great for some brill pics of jaws [wish i had the camera i have now though...only had a 3x zoom back then]n got a pic of me taking a pic in the local paper there; whilst i was taking phots of the jaws fanatics sister sent me the page in a frame !!

  26. My mom's cousin and her family live on The Big Island. Mayu and I visited there years ago. We hitchhiked around from Hilo (where they are) to the other side to see a Wyland Store (Mayu was crazy about Wyland at that time). They live in an open-walled home they built next to a jungle on the lava flow. It was very cool.

    We have also been to Oahu. The North Shore was fantastic.

    We also have been a few times to Kauai... one of the most rugged of the archipelago. We had a timeshare resort there for about 12 years until we finally got rid of it at a major loss.

  27. my other nephew who has left now for SF is a geologist and gave me the guided info ain't my forte' so cant remember a lot lol, his wife is a marine biologist and did her degree there....she hates water lol

  28. So... ALL your friends AND family are as nuts as you...

    Good to know!
