Sunday, April 18, 2010

Full Veggy Burger

Here's a real veggy burger for all you real vegetables out there! May I never have to sit beside you on a late train ride home after you have consumed this beast!

This burger consists solely of garbanzo beans, marofat (?) beans, and red kidney beans. The filler is oatmeal and no meat at all is used!

May you enjoy the subsequent gas that goes with oatmeal and beans as your body does its best to try to digest a food not made for humans!

The one great thing about Freshness Burger (and Stefnee will attest to this) although the burgers are expensive they are not production line things filled with teen boogers (at least that is how it seems...)

Onion rings are great and the beer here was delicious too, right Stefnee?

I love you!!


  1. I'm not a huge fan of beans so wouldn't love a veggie burger entirely of them.

    I have had some awesome veggie burgers which included rice and onions and peppers and even corn.... and cheese on top (gotta make it a chese burger). Then i put hot sauce on it and along with lettuce, mayo and a dab of ketchup... mmmmmmm....

    Damn! Now i want one.
    That place is miles away though... aarrgghhh...

    Oh well... RoomieNikki is grilling veggies as we spea...err. write ;-)

    Mmmm... red peppers, eggplant, asparagus, and... ugh shrooms! Will scoop around them... hehehe

  2. I remeber how flippin' expensive that place was..

  3. Better out than in, Cam.

    You`re more than welcome to eat rotting meat that carries on putrifying in your {too long to digest meat properly} intestine. Not my idea of fun.

  4. LOL!!!

    My brothers always said that.... MEN!

  5. Hey! Meat good... meat not putrifying...

  6. It`s already started rotting by the time you lot eat it.

  7. Hasn't killed us yet... and we've soooo enjoyed it.

    Each to his/her own though... i go both ways.... oooo... sounds kinky!

  8. Steve - Plant matter is cellulose. Another example of cellulose is tree bark. Our stomachs are acidic and break the meat down through a putrefaction process similar to rotting. That is how we function. That is how humans digest. We cannot digest vegetable matter because cellulose breakdown requires fermentation, like cows. Most of the "goodness" in vegetables stays in the plant cell walls unfortunately.

    We are much closer to wolves in our digestion than cows. Not to mention that cows etc. require five stomachs to break down the cellulose themselves.

    God or Evolution designed us to get our vitamins and minerals through mammalian amino acid intake not by trying to get it from sawdust.

    Plants absorb minerals.
    Animals absorb vitamins and minerals from plants.
    Humans absorb into their cells only that chelated to amino acids and plant vitamins and minerals dont have amino acid agents bound to them therefore our bodies cannot use them even if we could break them down and get at them.

    The human body physiology does not support vegetarianism and biochemistry shows that.

    Vegetarianism is a personal, religious and social choice that all are free to make. However if the body could choose it would go for the meat because it knows that is how it gets the vitamins, minerals, amino acids that it requires for life.

  9. Uh oh...
    You two aren't going to fight are you?
    I feel a hearty dustup coming on....

  10. No. I'm just sharing the data i have learned over the past 10 years.
    And now he can share the data he has learned over the past 10 years.
    We'll "duke it out", then go have a beer, tease each other, and talk about hot black chicks.

  11. HEY!!!

    No kissin and tellin, you hotties!

    And what the hell are you still doing up anyway. It's way past pumpkin time over on your side of the planet.

    Get to bed!

  12. Ooo... ooo...
    You'll never guess what i'm doing!

    Just writing a cover letter to send along with my resume to a private villa guest house in The Bahamas!!!

    The freakin Bahamas, YO!

    I'm gonna need all appendages crossed and best wishes and good juju to The Universe for this one.

    Get on it, Mou!
    I'm counting on you..... and everyone else, including that other hottie........ right, Steven?

  13. Thanks, Guys!

    I found the website of the place....OMG!!! EXtravagent!

  14. Yes, yes. I read all that when I was trawling through all the info on this. The truth is, I can produce as much stuff `proving` that we`re natural vegetarians as you can `proving` we`re not.

    * shrug *

    So, I guess, as you say, it all comes down to personal choice. And I, personally, choose not to put dead, rotting flesh in my body, thankyou very much. Especially when it comes to things like sausages and burgers

    The latest research, btw, suggests that eating meat,especially over cooked meat, can cause cancer of the bladder. But again, I`m sure it depends on what you read and choose to believe.

  15. Steve - Yes, as I was writing all that stuff, it occurred to me that you probably had just as much stuff to share PRO vegetarian.

    And if we keep in touch for the next 50 years, our bodies will give us some "real life clues" as to which way MAY have been better for us in the long run. "may" of course is the key word.

    So, let's go have a beer, shall we?

  16. Don`t know about you, but I`m certainly not going to be around in 50 years!

  17. Then again a bus could flatten either of you tomorrow...

    Let's just drink beer! ;-)

  18. I've ordained that I'll be around until I'm 202. So as long as you let me know where you are buried, I'll come and toast you with a steak, grilling it right over your grave. That should make you roll over and chuckle I'd imagine.

  19. But what about the BUS?

    It don't care what either of you two hotties eat....WHAM!!!

    That's why i'm eating whatever... least i'll go full fat and happy... well not fat, actually...
    My corpse will be FIIINE, Honey! Knowwhuti'msayin?

  20. My death is ordained at 202, so I'm not worried about the bus. Don't know Steve's future, though. Who knows? He might get run over by some old lady with shopping cart rage...

  21. Nah... he's got it good with the old dames.
    There's his land lady... and her friends who love him.
    Then there's ... me!


    Old broads dig Steve;-)

  22. If his landlady is as hot as you, I think I'll take a trip to his part of the world!

  23. Good god! Who wants to get old! The first time I a) can`t competitively cycle a sub 23 minute 10 mile, b) can`t competitively run a sub 34 10k or c) Get it up, on demand, I will shoot myself

    Or I might just get run over by that bus.

  24. Um..... about that "get up on demand part"....

    Whose demand are we talkin about... just askin...

  25. Dude, I`m not going to be buried. My ashes are going to be scattered in the sea where I surf, which is the best place in the whole world, in a very chilled surfer type ceremony. I`ve already picked a place for a plaque on the sea wall. It`s gonna say `Nicey woz `ere`.
    I`m leaning towards being made into a huge firework, and fired over the sea.
