Saturday, April 3, 2010

Night Time Sakura

I went out for a walk this afternoon... the day was nice but by late afternoon it had cood down and the sky was turning dark....

I went to UniQlo and bought two new silky dry undershirts. They feel soooo good... very sexy...

After that I headed to the gyoumu-you supermarket near Mizue eki where I do my workouts. I stocked up on lots of frozen vegetables again. It really is amazing how much more I can get for so much less... I decided to try some pre-prepared chicken slices this time. Of course as we all know any food in the supermarket that has been processed is full of additives. And sure enough this chicken has a lot of stuff in it... I didnt like any of the beef that I tried there so skipped most meat.

After filling up my pack I walked back home in the cool night with raindrops starting to fall. As I didn't have an umbrella with me this time I was lucky to find a broken one in somebody's trash so I used that to bring me home.

On the way I passed by a park and took these photos of the sakura at night. I took them on this keitai so they might not be so good... but I thought I'd give it a shot. Or four...

Thanks for the inspiration Matt & D.

Have a great Saturday you guys.

I love you!



  1. Nice photos, Mou.

    Sounds like a nice night time walk.

    I love you!

  2. gorgoeous!!!!! yours are every bit as good as Harmies.

    Glad you had a lovely walk and trip...

  3. Lovely..... someday I want to experience the cherry blossom festival and get myself good and drunk under the falling blossoms one day...

  4. Paula - We'll have to make sure it's a warm Sakura season. I just went out and took a few mid-afternoon photos (very few), and I think if the good and drunk boys and girls pass out under the sakura like they often do, they would probably all die of exposure. It's chilly out there! (and you know how some drunk people like to take their clothes off....)

    Stefnee - Thank you! Pretty like you!

    D - I'll never be as every bit as good as Harmmie... but I'll try.

    Jen - Thanks, Baby. I did. It is nice to walk back from Mizue. Kind of helps to make the hood... mah hoodie iffn y'no wa mean.

  5. Well I guess it depends on who you ask about "good" huh? Never stop trying.

  6. Um... yea, I have been known to be one of those kind of drunks.... better wait till its good and warm out. LOL I have also been known to do Karaoke and table/ bar dance.....LOL

  7. Sooo pretty :o) Sakura captured by Night Owls :P

  8. Jaime - been trying to capture YOU for coffee since I moved here... over seven months ago!!!!
