Thursday, April 8, 2010

made a $49 web purchase to download some philosopher notes but the email giving me access never arrived. And writing the owner of the site he says that people in Europe manage that so he has no idea why its not happening and that he would ask them to "check it out". I paid Sunday. It's Thursday. He keeps asking me to be patient... I wish I had infinite amounts of patience... *in... out... in... out...*


  1. Hmmmm.... that's annoying.

    Are you able to dispute it with paypal or your credit card company? I know that at my bank, we have a fraud hotline if you don't get what you paid for.. we return it and file fraud charges against the offending company..

  2. cancel the credit card payment. You can always repay when they get it worked out....

  3. D - Done with paypal.

    Stefnee - I can go into dispute if I want, but they expect you to do everything possible to avoid dispute first. So I keep trying. He CCd the person in charge of the website, and it looked like some eastern euro name... so that was my first hint. then he said that they would look into it first thing in "the morning" and when USA morning came and went, and I sent him another email, he said that they were offshore. Well, anywhere in Europe and it is in the afternoon. Still no reply. Frustrating, but not going to kill me. I'll keep nagging him. Funny thing is the very day I got a Philosopher's note stating, "is there something you know you should be doing but are putting off? Do it!" So I sent it back to him as advice to him to get this straightened out. ... "thanks for the tip" was the reply.

    I'll keep you all posted on this adventure.

    Abby - Don't drop your money on this. I can't say it is legitimate yet.

  4. Good. At least you are protected. If nothing else, the alert on the dispute may prompt him to get off his butt and fix it if he is legit...

  5. Hmmm... doesn't sound good.
    I've used PayPal a lot but never had a dispute so i'm not even sure how it's handled.
    Will they cancel the payment if you ask?

    I need to check that out.

    Sorry you're having your abundant patience tested, Mou. Hope it gets cleared up soon.
    I love you!

  6. Thanks for the "heads up" Cam. I was going to order this myself. I will keep an eye on how this works out for you.
    Good Luck!

  7. Sent an email last night... no response today.

  8. Lesson for this time is ......don't pay for philosophy! Wisdom is free for the asking.

  9. Emails arrived, links passwords and usernames received, but best of all personal apologies also received!

    Lesson for this time: patience pays and philosophy has value! (I would never get around to reading those 100 books and paying for them alone these days at book prices would probably cost a few thousand dollars even if available in kindle format. So the $49 dollars is well worth the cost and a little frustration to boot.

    All is forgiven and we move on in a positive direction sharing our knowledge and our love, gratitude and appreciation.


  10. wooot!!!! glad he finally got it fixed... It is always best to protect one's self but then hope for the best and be patient...

    now go read.
