Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mayu's dad passed away this morning (kidney cancer). I'm glad I went to see him Thursday (awake but in extreme pain) and Sunday (not awake, but stable). Now it's Tug's turn to take care of him (until he gets the feel of his wings).


  1. Oh, please pass on my condolences to Mayu, and I hope that she finds and is at peace about the passing of her father. And that she can focus on the fact that he is at peace and his soul is again free...

  2. I'm so sorry for the passing of Mayu's father, Cam. Kidney cancer is extremely painful.

  3. I am so sorry to hear this, I remember reading quite a while back when you said he wasn't feeling well and didn't know what was the matter. I lost my Dad to cancer also and it is so awful not being able to comfort them in the last days which makes it easier to accept their relief from the pain. Even though I don't know Mayu personally I feel like I do in a way through your blogs , tell her I pass along my condolences to her and her family and of course to you Cam .

  4. Will do, my friends. Will do.

    Deb - The ... symptoms? started about 5 years ago when they visited us in Fukui. He arrived, went into a local hospital that night and we took care of him for two weeks. Out and in, in and out, Tokyo hospitals, here and there. Kidney stones... kidney sand... no? yes! no?! and so forth. They didn't diagnose it until about 2 years ago and he has had a couple operations since then, lost weight, gained weight, went on outpatient chemotherapy, went into the hospital again for emergencies, and so on and so forth.

    Finally he's free of that mess.

  5. I'm sorry, Mou.
    Please tell Mayu she's in my thoughts.

  6. My love to Mayu and you as well as the rest of the family.

  7. I am sorry, Cam. I am glad you got a chance to pay your respects before he went onto his next great adventure.


  8. Oh Cam... Please let Mayu know that she's in my thoughts along with her family. I'm glad you had a chance to visit with him, but am so sorry ... cancer is such a hard thing to deal with. Sending much love and many hugs!

  9. Tug will certainly take care of him.
    I love you Sweetie.
