Sunday, June 26, 2011

Major Lifestyle Changes Are In Order

Well, big changes are occurring. First off, I didn't get transferred to the International BD (Business Development) Dep't of the new company as I expected. It seems that the person running that division (CEO's wife) thinks I don't have enough experience for that (this is the PC version). Instead, I am to belong to a different company in the group: Contract Sales, which means we do BD with pharmaceutical companies and show them how we can be their Medical Representatives for them in Japan. That sounds exciting! I had the meeting/interview on Friday, and they liked me so much that they decided I should start July 1st. That will cause some "problems" (good problems) because the current company is just starting to need my English again, after a very very long break (not English lessons, but actual English assistance for their work).

The downside of all this is my commuting time will go from 30' to 60'. I have to get up earlier, and leave earlier. Work starts at 9am, but the president and some of the other bosses liked my interview so much and my thoughts on business, as well as my "work mind" that they thought it might be good for me to join in the "asa kai", or morning meeting which starts at 8:20 am. That means to get there I need to leave here just after 7am, instead of the usual 8:20. Ugh.

I cancelled my gym membership in my hood and got a new membership at a bigger gym (different co.) at the Gotanda station where I will be working. I also chose "full regular membership" instead of just "night" as it allows me to go in every day of the week during all working hours, and not just Mon-Fri night after 6:30pm as my current gym offers. The price is more expensive, though. I added on a personal rental locker, and towel service, as well as an option to be able to go to any Tipness (gym name) in Tokyo if I want. Megumi pushed for that because she really wants me to come to her Tipness at her station (same place as my current gym), and be her personal trainer one day a week. She was really happy, and if spending $10 extra a month will make her that happy, it's an excellent way to spend money. Money in exchange for happiness of someone else. Also, regarding the "full regular membership" if I want (it might be tough), I could go in very early, start a 7:15 yoga class (have to leave home about 6am for that... NOOOO!!!!), be done by 8am, have a FAST shower and go to work. Breakfast would be a problem.

I also went to the skin doctor clinic today, just popped in. I had the doctor look at my very itchy scalp. It has been really itchy for about 5-6 months. I think it might be do to the overheating I do at the office every day. He agreed it was quite red, and gave me two types of medicine so I hope that helps. I have to go back in two weeks to let him look at that again. Cost of the doctor's visit: $12. Cost of the medicine: $12. Not expensive at all, especially for a private clinic. I didn't even have to wait more than about 15 minutes, and it was on a Sunday morning, to boot!

That's MY update. I'm hungry, and kind of hungover today because I went out last night with an emerald hunter/jewellery artist and we had a fantastic time talking, drinking and eating at a Spanish bar. Three Spanish beer and sharing two carafe of Spanish white wine did me in. No vomiting, though, just queasy and a pounding headache. I'm glad today was cool at 26-27C. So I need to eat dinner now, then have a shower and get ready for work tomorrow. I sure hope that they let me go from July, and don't keep me there until August. I want to move on to the next challenge.

I love you!


  1. Wow on the cost of the doctor's visit!!! Here a private clinic on average runs $75 without insurance. Insurance brings it down to $15 to $20 depending on the plan.

    Congratulations on your new position!!!!!!!


  2. John - Thanks. I am looking forward to the new challenge.

  3. Sounds like life is moving along. I also have a job interview this week.......had an initial interview last week for a lesser, but better paid gig, but got told that the company President wants to meet me about a different role in contract management.

    I don't have your issues with the gym.......I work on an Army post and as a retiree I just use the gyms there whenever I want. I haven't wanted in quite awhile.

    Friends came over Friday night.......Saturday was a rough day for me too.

    Sounds like we have similar health plans. Usually it is $12 for a specialist, $9 for meds.We were in Key West not long ago and I had to take Janet to a clinic on Saturday morning, a "doc in the box", also known as an aids clinic.......they took our insurance and the visit cost nothing, the meds cost $9.

    Looks like you are living the American Japan.

  4. Lee & John - So why is it that so many people say that healthcare is outlandishly expensive in the USA? The prices you quoted me are entirely reasonable. What do people expect? Free medicine? Hahahahaha!

  5. Looks like a good change for you. The gym will probably work out well with less restrictions on the times you can go.

    Also I can't believe how cheap your healthcare is. For me with a private $196 dollar a month Aetna insurance, my copay alone to see my Dr is $40 dollars. I just shopped a new policy that is a $30 dollar copay that still runs me $156 a month. Both have a 5k deductible then 80/20 after that. And we won't even go into the prescription coverage. It seems Japans system is working? Or is it too good to be true?

    As for your itchy scalp maybe your allergic to something in your shampoo? I get hives when I used the wrong things, and its always in my hairline. So you might consider checking into that as well. Sometimes it takes time for allergens to build up to a point that we show symptoms. SO maybe a switch of shampoos/ soaps are in order? Its fun to try new things anyway.

  6. Sis - I thought that in the beginning and now have four different kinds of shampoos in the house. Even if I just rinse I get itchy. The doc said it isn't that. My mom mentioned that my dad broke out with psoriasis in his 60s so it could be a precursor.

    It IS cheap, BUT, the monthly payments that get deducted from our paycheck are (based on your income) and higher than what you pay. There is no deductible, though.

  7. So if you make less you pay less but still have equal coverage? That's an interesting concept. Here not sure that would work because people who make more do not want to pay more for that privelage. LOL Everyone screams "Socialisim and that its punishing the rich". So finding a compromise is almost impossible.

  8. Well, yes, but we have to pay 30% to the hospital. The government pays the rest of the 70% to the hospital. Then I guess they collect it from the Health Insurance Associations (not companies), and through other taxes.

  9. But yes, the more you make, the more you are required to support society. It makes perfect sense. People with nothing still have a right to live, but unfortunately they cannot support themselves. So we who can have to do that. It goes for the elderly as well; they put their bit in through decades of hard labour, and now it is our time, the working people to help them continue a life. I am all for that. If you live in a country, and reap the benefits of the country, you need to support the country as well. And by that, I mean supporting the people, because it is the people who make the country.

  10. Makes sense... its like family, we support the young ones as they grow, educate them, feed them, nurture them help them find a path. And then when we are old they do that for us, as well, and we lend a hand to them as well with support wisdom and advice and "free babysitting" as they help bring up the next group that will one day take care of them.

    Its humanity, that is normal. Being selfish, and only have a "me" attitude, and a I take care of myself... is not.

  11. Brewin would disagree, of course, but Brewin's Brewin.

  12. Although, he's not here to defend himself!
