Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brainwashed By the BoobTube

OK, so I'm at the gym... and I'm doing my second last workout at that particular gym because I have a new membership at a different gym at the station where I will be working as of this Friday. And I'm focusing on my muscle groups, doing my best, having upped the weights again. Feeling the burn, ya know? 

And there's all these TVs going on all over the gym. The volume is turned off, but you can see them. And they are playing a million different channels. Every runner on the tread has their own personal TV. The ellipticals have theirs. There are four in front of the stationary bikes. And so on. 

And I'm sitting working on my pecs, knowing that if I keep building them I'll get the odd look now and then from women in the trains, walking around the stations, in the supermarkets, and such. And it feels good when someone looks at your chest, right? Guys? Yeah, you know what I mean. Well, that is if you aren't sporting man boobs.

Japanese TV has a LOT of food programs. Cooking programs, eating programs, walking around Tokyo in the stupidest outfits, looking like total morons and going to restaurants, and outdoor kiosks and making this face that only Japanese can make, and say that everything is absolutely, totally, overexaggeratedly delicious!!!! Yes, with four (4!) exclamation marks. 

So this half kid talent (half human, have ape - just kidding, a mixed white and Japanese guy) who has become famous and is on TV programs now (damn him and his connections) and this huge fat guy who seems to do nothing but eat on TV programs (what else can fat guys on TV programs do, eh?) and these two women. Eating. Yes. And they are wearing these stupid red and white or white and red polka dot ... farmer john pants. Very dumb, but de rigeur for Japanese TV.

So, up to this point, nothing is new as this program is on EVERY Tuesday I go to the gym. I usually have become immune to it, and just keep working on my muscles, my pecs. For the chicks. Yeah.

Well, today it was a bit different. They went to this little outside stand in the heat where this obaachan (elderly woman) had tons and tons of eggs. And she was selling them right there. But not to take home. What you do, see, is something that probably grosses out 55% of North Americans, and 67.3% of Europeans. What you do is crack the egg into a bowl, mix it up, add some soy sauce, and then pour it over rice and eat that rice. And actually that is really delicious. 

If you've ever had suki yaki at a restaurant, you HAVE eaten raw egg, whether you know it or not. And if you are reading this, it means you aren't dead. So raw eggs, sitting in the heat are not gonna kill you. Get over it. The North American belief that eggs absolutely MUST be immediately put in the fridge or they will be inundated with salmonella is just pure bullshit. Unless of course North American eggs are full of steroids, and salmonella to begin with. And if that's the case, what the fuck are you doing eating steroid-enhanced salmonella-polluted product in the first place? I don't care if "cooking" is the answer, cooking up a pile of shit would probably kill all the stuff in it too, but you aren't going to do that, right? So why would you eat eggs if they already HAVE the shit in them? That's beyond me. Anyways, eggs in Japan are good. We don't refrigerate them in the supermarkets, and we often eat them raw. Yum. I'll show you when you come, guest.

Well, I finished my workout, had my shower, blah blah blah, and then came home. As I only did half of the usual workout, I had time to go to the supermarket and buy some steak before it closed at 10pm. I did. Two. I also bought a pack of 10 eggs (we are metric here so 10 is the right number, not the imperial dozen). 

And then I went home, salted and peppered the steak that by North American standards would be considered a piece of shoe although it was tender frying it in the cast iron pan for just a minute on each side (minute steaks! yeah, right). And while the meat was cooking, I cracked two (raw) eggs into a bowl, mixed them up, added some soy sauce (that's oshoyu for all you Japanophiles) and dipped the rare steak into the raw egg. 

And man was it good!!!!!

Then when the steak was all gone, I added some more oil (olive, extra virgin, not shaken, not stirred) to the pan, and lightly cooked the eggs until I had slushy-scrambled eggs.

And that was my dinner. 

And it was goooooood. 

So, because I saw that woman crack a raw egg into a bowl on TV, I had this burning desire to eat steak dipped in raw egg. 

The TV did it to me! But you know what? That's OK, because I probably had the best "recovery meal" a guy could have. After working on his pecs.


  1. I eat raw eggs on occasion, and know they don't have to be refrigerated (butter does not either btw). But I also grew up having chickens. We are fed a lot of bullshit about our diets in this country sadly. Its not the eggs that are wrong but the way they are produced that make people sick.

  2. I just shared that link on my FB page. I think it is going to make a lot of people feel really ill, or "ill at ease" from now on when they go shopping for meat. Like I'm about to do right now before you posted this. Ugh. Thanks.

  3. Hey - I'm here for ya. Though considering how often dogs eat poop, mebbe it's a weird cultural aversion we don't need, eh? ;o) Like that whole raw eggs thing? *winks 'n' grins

  4. Could be. Maybe in other parts of the world, sun-baked fecal patties are a delicacy... ?

  5. I dry heaved..... for real. I had to stop watching the video near the end at the very thought of it.
