Sunday, July 3, 2011

My First Geocaching Adventure with Lorne @


  1. big softy
    Just 300 meters ??
    daughter took a walk before breakfast around the tree farm..she just wanted to wander a bit...she covered 2 miles before i woke up ;)
    when we were training her for cross country track~she and i would race up a hill steep enough you had to grab with your hands to keep from falling backwards...turn around and race back Down...and do it again till our lung gave out (about 80 feet vertical) our best go was three repetitions in 6 min....of course we didn't do Anything else until after lunch :)

  2. That's about 1000ft of elevation in the rockies. Not too shabby. But I think it was more like up to 2700m from 2000m so that would be double. And Lorne has bad knees.
