Thursday, April 12, 2012

Send him off packing

I've been packing up stuff and. Leaning and reducing in Hiroko's place
and my place for 12 more hours today. I did a lot of organizing over
there but I still think we will have to do more.

I now have the bare essentials over here in Shinozaki. And you know
what? It feels pretty darn good to have reduced my living space so

Aside from the bed in the other room and a few clothes and a dresser,
this is about all I have here. Of course I do have the trunk room and
I think actually that I am going to throw away all of my MBA books
because they just take up space that cannot be afforded. Even though
the new trunk room is double my current space I actually think that
the amount we boxed up at Hiroko's to put in storage is probably
double what I already have in storage! That or more!!! So it is going
to be a real challenge getting this stuff all settled in.

I love challenges.