Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Food for Thought

I had such a delicious breakfast that I just thought I would share it with YOU! I'll be posting this on the LowCarBlog that Stefnee and I work together as well because there it is health related, and that is where we keep these kinds of things as a repository so people don't have to sift through all the naked pictures of me dancing while washing my mountain bike.

Here is one of my many similar breakfasts that I cook daily. It is an ordinary breakfast to me, but it could be lunch or dinner to anyone. I know full well that most people don't have the time in the morning to create what I do, cooking a full meal (working from home has its definite advantages).

This meal consists of meat fried in olive oil, then a citrus soy-juice drizzled over, a salad with lots of tomatoes (fruit carb), two Stefnee-style steamed eggs with melted cheese on top (fried in real butter, not plastic margarine) and some salt-pickled daikon radish. I also had yogurt with frozen blueberries, and now jus realize that there is a bowl of defrosted, steamed fresh spinach still sitting in the microwave. Damn, I always do that!

When I create a meal, I don't think of creating high/low carb meals, I just make what my body wants. In most cases it tells me it wants meat, meat, meat, with some eggs, cheese, vegetables, water, and some yogurt.

By the way, in case you didn't know this, vegetables are pretty useless to humans since we can't digest cellulose (plant cell walls), unlike cows, goats, and those with five stomachs. Many people believe (brainwashed we have been) that we need the vegetables for the vitamins and minerals, but from a truly biochemical viewpoint (which nutritionists and doctors seem to be blind to, and refuse to recognize), vegetables are cellulose, and all of the "goodness" is locked up in the cell walls of the plants. And since we cannot digest the cellulose of plant matter, we can't get at the majority of those "good things". BUT, meat-based animals can. And they absorb and integrate into their cellular structure all of that goodness (vitamins and minerals) that we cannot access. Then when we eat the meat, because we CAN digest meat and proteins, and amino acids, we get all of that goodness into us. It is the natural cycle, one that nutritionists and doctors and lobbyists for agribusiness have tried to make us forget.

I won't even get into the talk about fiber and its total uselessness for us in spite of what we have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. Science has shown, and published, but not talked about in the news (of course), that high fiber leads to a LOT of complications, one of them being mineral LEACHING (i.e. taking away) from our body as the fiber absorbs and passes through unusued. The other minor annoyance is the increase of intestinal cancer, but what the hell, right? We're all going to die of cancer anyways, so it's no big deal.

Did you know that cellulose is the exact same thing as sawdust? Yes. But, I will say this: having vegetables is a nice way to break up the meal and add some other flavour, colour, shape and texture to the plate. It's really too bad that we are not designed physiologically to digest plant matter... 

The only other thing I added (because I had it in the freezer) that I don't usually have is the frozen blueberries. But I saw them, and I thought, "I want them today!" So I did.

And that, dear friends, is the power of our amazing NO DIET eating lifestyle.

So, my question to those of you out there who say that "low carb meals" are too difficult to maintain is this: Is a meal like this undoable? Because it sure tasted damn good to me!

Come for a visit and let me cook for you! You won't be disappointed, and you most definitely will not go away hungry, I promise. (And I have a lot of bourbon and whiskey sitting in my liquor cabinet that I don't drink, so you can sip your way to happiness should you so desire.

I love you!



  1. I just finished one of the hardest workouts I"ve done this year... and that looks SOOOOOOOOO good right now. Wish I'd had it BEFORE my workout though! ;o)

  2. No burbon for me... i'm good just now, thanks.
    No work tomorrow so i indulged elsewise.....


  3. Thanks for popping in you amazingly talented, smart, wise, creative, funny, loving, caring and GORGEOUS women!!

  4. And they are delish! Just like you! (oops. I flirted.)

  5. you're s'posed to say "oops" when you flirt?! I had no idea!!! ;o)

  6. I don't know. I'm so far out of the flirtloop that I really don't know what you're supposed to say. I don't think it's proper to say "hubba hubba" anymore...

  7. the spanish like to poach their eggs in tomatoes/juice mix....i like eggs poached/baked on top of spinach with cream n cheese over the top....n everything you said about jen is right lol.....the lecithin in eggs counteracts the cholesterol....eggs r good

  8. Di - I love to fry up ground beef with onions, salt and pepper, then just when it is about ready, crack a few eggs on top and either 1) mix it all together, or 2) put a lid on it and create ground beef with Stefnee-style steamed eggs. Then if the yolk is runny, when you serve the ground beef with an egg on top, the diner can crack it and mix the yolk into the meat. It is very tasty!

    (Pssst.... Di... the cholesterol thing... it's another one of those totally wrong concepts, that are actually making us more ill but that we have all been brainwashed to believe - you can find a huge amount of stuff on that on my site as well.)

  9. Thank you, Di...

    But i think he was talking about all the women here on the page...

    Now you're one...YAY!!!!

  10. P.S.
    I do the ground beef and eggs thing all the time.
    It's good for any meal

    What meal is it at midnight... late dinner or early breakfast?

  11. Hollandiase sauce
    3 egg yolks
    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice+smattering fine zest
    5oz butter melted to foaming point but not browned

    wizz up egg, lemon, salt freshly ground black pepper in processor
    pour on butter slowly as in making mayonnaise whilst wizzy thing still going

    place in bowl on saucepan of hot water to keep warm...if it gets too thick poor in a little double cream......if it splits/curdles whisk in tablespoon of hot water
    fresh finely chopped french [not russian]tarragon or sweet chervil makes a nice addition.
    have over poached eggs n ham or asparagus or all.

    if you have a wizzy stick you can do it with this; instead of a processor or the old days they used to use just a just have to make sure your bowl is stable as you will then have to use 2 hands for the butter and wizzy stick....unless you have a child or friend who is not that bothered about their fingers to hold the bowl lol

  12. I'm pretty sure sure I forgot how to flirt.

  13. your food always loks s colurful hugs jooslx
