Monday, February 16, 2009

Jake & The Globalized Love Futon

Well, the second futon set I sent out through the "Globalized Love Network" of Trust & Sincerity arrived in East Coast USA a week or so ago! This one was so much more difficult to get there than the other one to Nova Scotia, Canada.

Apparently the USA customs has a size limit and the boxes I packed the futon in where twice the size of maximum allowed capacity. I simply could not shrink them down.

Of course I only found this out a week after I had sent the futon, when they were returned to the post office on the eve before I was leaving for Canada! Thank the goddess I got a call at 4pm and happened to come home and listen to the answering machine otherwise I would have gone to Canada and never known. It would have been very bad to come back three weeks later and find out that the futon were still here, unsent.

I felt terrible because Jake had trusted me enough to pay the shipping in advance and I felt like I was letting him down! But I simply did not have the time to figure out how to shrink both boxes down to 50% the size within an hour before the post office closed!

The post office, I LOVE my post office and you will too if you ever come and visit here, said that they would find a way to do it FOR ME while i was gone. So I left it in their hands and went to Canada. I got an email from them telling me that they bought new boxes, bought these ginormous vacuum-sealed bags, and shrunk it all down using a vacuum cleaner to suck the air out. Then they repacked everything for me and sent it off!

Talk about wonderful service! I love those men and women at my little post office in Shangri-la!

Well, two months later, in the beginning of February, it arrived on Jake's doorstep. And, he made another Globalized Futon video for all of you to enjoy! Here it is; it is close to 10 minutes long, but I hope you enjoy the spirit in which it was made (for you cuz i asked), and also in the spirit of Globalized Love intent: to share and spread the love we have within us, to heal this very sick world, and get back on track in a real way that no $787 Billion stimulus package could ever do: SHARE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

And to all YOU Globalized Lovers out there... WE ROCK!

I love you!


P.S. Jake does a podcast so he hates the quality of this video. But he had a lot of trouble getting it to load and sync when he was making it. He also had trouble cutting it below the 10min 100MB max that YouTube offers for regular accounts, so please bear with him! (Personally the audio is fine, but I'm not a stickler for perfection. Nope. Not me. There may even by typos in thes bolg butt I dont caer!"




  1. The first futon was sent to Nova Scotia?! Fancy that! I'm originally from Nova Scotia!
    Haha, tis a small world!
    I guess we Nova Scotians, have a thing for Japanese Futons?

  2. Hey Jake! Yep, that it was. Funny thing you Scotians. Thanks for making the video. I am sure my Globalized Love Gang is going to love it!

  3. How cool!!

    Wonder if one will ever make it's way to Kansas?

    Course... I like smooshy beds....

  4. Honestly, I wouldn't sleep on it. Tooooo flat.

  5. The kids would. I was thinking of them.

  6. eh.... they're ok without...


    Try to sell it. List it on your esty?

  7. I wasn't really going to send it to you, Love. I know you guys have enough bedding there to feed an army (hmm... mixed metaphors... ) The one left over here is for J-guests who prefer to sleep on the floor than in the room that I redid for guests.

    Speaking of Etsy, I think I'll work on Max' site today. I need to mockpack each and every item that he left as a sample (only about 6 or 7), but it's a pain in the ass because it's not like the kimono where I toss them in an EMS bag and add a few grams for goodies. These need to be bubblewrapped, and packed in boxes so it's kinda tough to gauge the shipping without actually doing it all.

  8. Hey, Mou...
    I wonder...

    You could weigh each piece and record the weights, for referencing back...
    If one piece weighs exactly the same as another you shouldn't need to double your efforts.

    Probably not to many that do, but it might help a bit....

    Just a thought... probably from way out in left field..

  9. Thanks for the suggestion, Jen! For similar pieces (about two) I'll keep that in mind to cut back the time to do this. I wish I could do it for all of them, but the problem is the SHAPES are so different, they require different packaging. And different packing (flat box, vs rectangular box) means different amounts of cardboard used, etc. etc. etc. which makes the gross weight (packed weight) different.

    I'll get to it eventually I guess... I'm still struggling with Max' lack of enthusiasm to set this up, and it kind of makes me think, "Do I really wanna bust my ass for someone who is anything less than eagerly enthusiastic?" These days, I kinda know where my answer is leaning... But I'm working on that... I'm working on that.

    Thanks again for your thoughtful suggestion; I really do appreciate it.

    I love you!

  10. Cam.. it's a bit of a gamble, but i'm willing to bet that if things go well and Max starts to sell their art and they become popular artists, gaining new appreciation, then Max might start to see things differently.

    just had an aha moment.
    Was thinking Max doesn't know about the laws of attraction so he doesn't "see" his art selling and becoming popular and sought after.
    He see's "maybe it'll sell. Maybe it won't". So he's not open to the possibility of success... or he might actually fear it.

    When he's able to feel good about it his position will change.
    And YOU will have helped him on so many important levels.

    Besides. you're a cute shop keeper.
    Maybe if you think of it as a job rather than a favour... maybe (i know he's a friend, and you don't want to charge them, but maybe charging a nominal fee will help both of you see it as a business undertaking... not one friend pushing another to do something out of his comfort zone.

    Am i making ANY sense?

    Sometimes i lose my own way between my brain and my keyboard.

  11. I enjoy bumping into you on that forest path whence you have lost your way.

  12. Actually i did lose my way...
    I was going to relate how when i was thinking of telling you this ... the part about Masaki not "seeing" his business succeed... well... who do you think has been moping around seein the LACK of business at her massage studio?

    Aha moment!

    Gonna send myself to the dunce chair.
    But first....

    Gotta make a run to get wine for the shower ( my BabtGurl"s) and a lil sumpin sumpin for me, tonight, yo!

    Catch you later, Mou!
    I love you!
