Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The 4th Process: Managing Your Emotions, Phase 1

Phase 1...

It has been just over a year since I came back from my business/pleasure trip to North Carolina, took a "leader management" seminar (which I raved about and say was sooo much more than anything I ever expected for my LIFE), met the absolutely wonderful Sheila (Sheila, I know we have not been much at all in contact since last July, but I love and appreciate you so so so much, and I thank you from my heart for your returned love. I love you.), a woman we all know and love dearly.

I visited Jenny in NYC and enjoyed delicious deli food and wonderful walks about the city (I love delis!! I wanna go back and pig out on bacon and coffee!!! I love Jenny!!! I wanna go back and pig out on Jenny! Ooops.... hehehe... Jenny, I also need to thank YOU for your love and support, your friendship over these years, found through Tug, and grown through Cam2PR. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you.)

I met Linda! Wow! I absolutely LOVED traveling to Snogger-Tease, and Woody-stalk to meet with Linda. I love her! I love the way she hugs and snogs!!! (Linda, thank you for being such a dear friend, for coming close to me in love, and appreciation, and friendship. I look forward to expanding our friendship more deeply through the years and sincerely hope we can cross paths again. I love you).

I visited my absolute best friend in the Multiverse Stefnee and her amazing family of six (humans)! We did so many things in the lovely June heat, had so many belly laughs ate so much meat (got Scooter sweating with the food bills, I think), cleaned places never before thought of cleaning, and just enjoyed the utter, and total peace for an entire week of love, connections and bonding with Stefnee, our Goddess of the Fabric, and her amazing family, and wonderful friends. (Stefnee, you are the bestest of the best of friends I have ever had... and words cannot describe the gratitude and appreciation I feel each and every waking day I have for you.) At the same time I got to meet HER best friend Rachel for a few hours before I left for home and I had so much fun with Rachel and her husband and kids. It was sooo much fun. (Rachel, I made you a promise and I will keep it, because you and Gary really are that special to me. If you ever need me, seriously need me... ask. I love you.)

I have loved each and every physical connect I have made in 2008; they are the highlights of my year, the joys, the things that brought such happiness and love INTO my life, and allowed me to share the Love Energy I have with those of YOU who have wanted, or needed me. And I thank each and every one of YOU, those of you whom I didn't have the opportunity to meet yet (but may do so) for sharing your lives with me.

I love you!

to be continued, with love...


  1. Thank YOU, Sweety....
    For everything you've brought into my life.
    I'm so glad we met.

    I can't believe how powerful this process 4 is... wow!
    Who knew?

  2. Hey you....

    Get to bed!!!

    I love you!


    ....and snogs for EVER!

    Cam, meeting you and Jen was amazing, for me. I too hope to cross paths with you again. I KNOW we are expanding our friendship already and LOVE IT!

    As for YOU Jen..I'll see YOU in April. I'm so excited!!!!

  4. YAAAYYY!!!


    I hope you can play hookie long enough to sneak into the city with me.

    Did you googlemap the directions?

    We'll talk the week before you come, OK?

    Hiya Mou!

    Good morning?
    I had a great day... got my ears pierced...woohoo!

  5. P.S.

    Listening again...

    i think it was made for ME!

  6. I have a bit of a sore back today so just finished listening to P4 while doing that length of time (about 30 minutes) of hZo. It is a great process to hZo by.

    Heading to the post office to do some banking. Going to test out my "liberated folding bike" and see how it runs now that I did some tweaking on it and fixing it up.

    Phase 2 to come to computers near you soon...

    I love you!

    P.S. Pierced ears?!?! Wow! That's great! How many pierces did you get? One in each ear? Two in each ear? I can hardly wait until you get some of those really sexy Black Girl Hoops! You will look even hawter! Kerian's mom is going to steal the show in the Caribbean when she goes to that wedding in march! The hot surfer dudes in their clamdiggers, long hair, and amazingly tanned pecs are gonna be all over you! (I hope Greg doesn't burn...)

  7. OMG..... LMAO!!!!

    Clam diggers!

    Who calls them that anymore....

    Although.... what DO they call them on guys?
    On girls they're called Capris.

    Hmmm... i wonder...

    You're so funny... "Black Girl hoops"...
    Whatd'you know from Black Girls and their hoops, You?

    Oh, and Greg won't burn... he and his brother have both had brushes with melanoma so they're in white Ts, hats, and under umbrellas all the time on the beach.
    I suppose i should be glad they don't wear that goofy looking white patch of sun block on their noses... how geeky!

    See ya later, Mou.
    Happy postaling and banking.

  8. Who said I was talking about "sun" burn, hmmm? Iffin you was mah goil, I might kind of burn at the sight of all those young clamdiggered studs vying for your bootay!

    And regarding black girls and their hoops, I'll have you know I have had a FEW black girls in my youth! (course I always felt like I had to jump through hoops just to keep them happy... but I was young, and in love... and stupid!)

  9. this makes me a tad sad. i know you wanted to come to Alaska and we go and move on you.

    through you, i've met all these extraordinary women too. though we've never met, i know someday we will. might be a decade, might be a month, but i know these are genuine friendships with nuances that bind us close.

    LOL, I saw an improv from a black model the other day. she picked up a bike tire and wore it as a hoop. i busted a stitch...she was hilarious! i wish i had record-a-vision!

  10. That's life, Celeste. Maybe I'll come and visit you in Oregon, and we can smoke oregono, the state weed together, and then Randy can sing me his baritone (or is it bass?) lullabyes of stories of wolves, mosquitoes, Jack London and all that other stuff.

    I love you.

  11. ME!

    Me... i'm one of those extraordinary women!


    I'm glad i met Celeste too, Mou! And Randy...

    All because you could "stand one more".

  12. This is true, this is true. Now only if I could say without getting bitch-slapped, rather than "stand one more", I wish I could "lay one more". Yep. Heeee....

    PodCam! Get the fuck outta here, you uncouth motherfucker!

    *shoots spitballs at PodCam*

  13. Imma smack you AND PodCam upside yo silly heads!

  14. wel if you ever get to the uk youre more than welcome...anytime hugs jooslx
