Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama On Food

The Japanese sure do seem to LOVE President Obama!

Look what they have created now: Obama-maki zushi.

You take a square of nori (seaweed, lay down rice, insert various meats, fish, vegetables, roll it all up into a big cylinder, and cut off slices. I guess they used brown rice...

Can you imagine the minds of the people to have thought up how to lay this all out so that when cut, you have the face of Barack Obama?

For anyone who thinks Obama is HAWT, now is your chance to dive right in and take a big bite!

I love you!


P.S. Not for the carbohydrate-weak-at-heart.

Note: Image lifted from:

Special thanks to Dunnster for always finding the most insane stuff!


  1. If the Japs love Obama so much......we'll gladly get rid of him, and they can have him.

  2. I'll have to borrow this for my Bento blog. Thank you!

  3. Bikn4god - You say "we"... who do you mean? Certainly not the USA because the USA ELECTED Obama. Do you perhaps mean "I'll gladly get rid of him"? If that is the case, please tell me (us) what it is that you personally don't like about his policies, even though you haven't given him enough time to try out his policies on the American economy which has pretty much collapsed, thanks in a big part to the Republican government's policies over the past eight years. Do you think it would have been prudent to elect the McCain/Palin party? If so, please state your personal reasons and your own perceptions as to why you personally think they could have done a better job.

    Oh, and there is one rule here: Please RESPECT discussion with other people without resorting to any name calling, or any insulting what so ever during your debate with the numerous folk who will likely come to engage you in your discussion.

    I'm just curious, but did you perchance miss two "i"s in your name?

    Lyvvie - Go for it! I love you!

  4. Personally, I have no use for any politicians, especially a Socialist like Obama. McCain would have been the lesser of the two evils, but I have no confidence in him either. The American people may have "elected" him, but that doesn't mean they're excused from being duped. He has been in office for almost 5 weeks, and his polls already dropped 10 pts. He has back peddled on his campaign promises, installed criminals to cabinet positions, and the damage will continue. I don't feel sorry for those who voted for him, because they will reap what they have sown. Unfortunately, those who did not vote for him will be sucked up along in the vacuum.

    As for my name....I did not forget the "i". It is, what it is.

  5. I'll tell you...He's a Socialist who is questionably eligible to hold the office and further in bed as it were with a more nefarious collection of criminals and enemies of OUR Nation than you'd be hard pressed to find. The infatuation by foreign countries and expatriates of OUR Nation speaks for itself...

  6. Amen! He's a Chicago criminal thug, and a Socialist-Communist. And America is already getting a rotten taste in their mouths, and it's only been 5 weeks.

  7. You say Americans "elected" Obama. Germans elected Hitler too.

  8. When you say "socialist", would you please elaborate? I say this because in the earlier years, the American government sadly linked "socialism" with "communism", and then convinced everyone that "communism" was the antithesis to "freedom" which is what America tried to make itself to stand for. Unfortunately, that mistaken understanding still holds true in many American conservative minds, and again, unfortunately, it is false. But false truths are often the most difficult to remove from our minds as our egos never like to admit that they are wrong, and they will go to no ends to be "right", even if it leads to destruction of the vessel.

    And now of course the republicans (I won't say "conservatives" because there are conservative people who follow the democratic platforms) have linked things like universal health care (Canada, UK, France, etc.) with "socialized medicine". They use this as a propaganda tool to dig into the egos of those who are still brainwashed to believe that "socialism is evil incarnate", and thus "socialized medicine", which works much better than the "rape and pillage medicine" system of the USA, is scorned as being "non-democratic" or "not of free will" because those people believe that government should have absolutely no say in the matter and that the market "will decide". Well, my friends, this market is messed up and it does not balance things properly, as Good Old Alan Greenspan has found out when his decades of policies based upon traditional economic THEORIES (= guesses) finally came together in what the entire world is calling an "unprecedented" economic disaster.

    The republican policy messed up, and because the USA is the leading global power, they are taking everyone else down with them in an unprecedented "towering inferno", much like how the Twin Towers were entirely decimated.

    "Let the rich party and the poor and disappearing middle class suffer" doesn't cut it Mr. Skull and Mr. Baghead. Unless you want to go and live alone on a deserted island you have the honour and duty as a member of society to support and serve everyone else. "Every man, woman and child for themselves" leads to exactly that: anarchy. And unless you are an anarchist, I highly doubt you would want people running helter skelter through your homes raping and pillaging your wives and children. An extreme example perhaps, but we must seriously all support one another because one day you two, just like me, will be too old and invalid to support ourselves. Do you want to be chucked into the trash bin?

    By the way, I assume it's somewhere in the late late night / early morning for you guys... don't you think you might have something better to do than comment on this blog about FOOD? Like... SLEEP perhaps?

    Oh, when I say ego, I don't mean "egotistical" in that sense. I mean it from the psychological perspective, the ego.

  9. Ahhh the bleeding heart Communist bubbles to the surface...Your Utopian sense of globalist equality has never worked and never will due to the innate laziness spawned by the nanny state mentality you so zealously profess....Mediocrity is the forte of your happy happy joy joy theosophy...All one big blissful family of sheeple.

  10. Seems the folks in OUR nation share that infatuation, as was previously pointed out. Being an expat myself only meant I had to dig deeper, do research, to find all the information I could on all the candidates. I'm pretty sure a lot of Americans living in the USA didn't bother doing that, as proved by the whole fiasco of folks believing he was Muslim.

    Questionably eligible? Are you sincere?

  11. Why has he not released his original birth certificate? He was born in Kenya...All it would take is for him to authorize release of the document in question...He refuses and the courts dance around the issue...He is a charlatan and a fraud...As he will intimately be proven.

  12. This country was not formed to be Socialist, Communist, nor a Democracy. It was formed to be a free Republic, with representatives elected by the people to work FOR the people. We, as American citizens do NOT work for the government.

    Socialist systems do not work. Bolshevic Russian Socialists - Failed. German Socialists - Failed.

    There's two examples right there.

    We do not have "rape and pillage" medicine in the US. We have the best technology and health care in the entire world. World leaders have come to the United States from other countries to be treated, because their own health systems are inferior. The infestation of vermin lawyers, filing frivilous lawsuits against medical personnel and hospitals has driven health care costs through the roof, and not all have been able to afford insurance here. It's not a perfect system, but compared to socialist systems, mismanaged by govenments, it's pretty damned good. When we can get lawyers and politicians out of medicine, it would be more affordable to all. Unlike socialist countries, our hospitals don't turn away people due to inability to pay. They get health care anyway. Millions of people get treated in emergency rooms here who have no insurance.

    My Canadian friend lost her father because the Canadian socialist health care system would not approve of him getting a heart transplant. They figured that he might not live past 5 years, so they didn't approve the surgery. He died before she could get to him. Nice system. Perhaps Mary would have loved to spend 5 more years with her Dad. But she won't now, will she?

    You have alot of nerve referring to the Twin Towers. They were brought down by terrorists, not Americans, or even our government. No one here, not even jokingly, could be compared to those murderers. And if your system there is so good, then why is your economy affected?

    Perhaps you'd better stay in Japan. ( God knows why. ) Americans will get fed up with this Socialist crap soon enough, and revolt. We're known for that. You can duck and hide in Tojo-land.

  13. Amen! Damn sure is a "nanny state" mentality. Cradle to the grave......the government will save us! All these Communists will get from me will be a bullet.

  14. If he's not a Muslim, he might as well be. He's kissing the butts of terrorist nations worldwide.

  15. He proved to be a "snake doctor" before he was elected. So far, he's put criminals into cabinet positions, and has proven to associate with the lowest form of political vermin you can think of. It's only because he promised the lame and lazy $1000 checks, that he got elected. And he renigged ( no pun intended ) on that promise!!

    He's a slick talker, just like Adolph Hitler.

  16. Considering the word is reneged, I think it was fully intended and spoke volumes about you as a person.

  17. Cam... a troll infestation!!!!! Quick! Get the bug spray!

  18. Oh my Cam....

    I see you've been infested by the troll class.
    I'm so proud of you for TRYING to explain to these two talking point-spewing cretins.

    Every word they type is directly from the "well i heard" class of undereducated, knee-jerk, probably racist individuals who will not entertain any rational, logical discussion of the issues.
    They hate Obama and what he represents. And because they are a dying breed, they fight even harde to if not maintain some semblance of control, then to disrupt everything and foment as much dissent as possible.

    They don't love America, not the America that most of us want... didn't the one cretin call you a commie?
    That's what they believe when we talk of being all in this together.

    Know what's funny?
    I bet many of them call themselves christians...hahahahaha!

    Again, didn't one of the cretins call you a bleeding heart?

    I wonder if they know where that term comes from.

    It refers to Jesus' "bleeding heart... his divine LOVE for all of humanity.

    Guess they missed that part in Sunday school.

  19. Seeing the cretin's latest comment, I rest my case.

    Obama could walk on water and the a'hole would not care.

    To him he's just a N-word.... NO wait i'll say what he WANTED so much to say.

    If Obama brought world peace and turned the economy around tomorrow he would still be "just a nigger" to that cretinous ass hole.

    I'm sorry your blog turned ugly, Cam and i apologize for just now contributing to that.

    I just had to have my say..
    YOU know how i feel about this.

    Thank you also to Lyvie for trying to bring reason and intelligence to those who are incapable of understanding it.
    I love you for what you tried to do, Cam.

    Unfortunately your efforts are wasted on the likes of these and others like them... the "Ditto Heads".

  20. Jen - Morning. But you know what? You have to admit that these guys are pretty funny! I'm looking at their explanations and seeing a lot of humour in their comments. Not a lot of rational sense, but it's pretty funny. Please remember the rules: no insults, either way to or from my friends here, OK? So far Mr. Skull and Mr. Baghead have only attacked President Obama, not really us here, other than in a generic way of claiming I am a communist utopian who might as well stay in Tojo Land. I must admit I find that quite humourous.

    I've never seen these two fellows before, so I was wondering how they came upon this. Perhaps they keep scanning the blogs for the word "Obama", "Liberal", "Democrat" and then come swooping in with their JBOPPs?

    It is very interesting! This is the first time I have to admit I have ever seen "the rabid right" in action. And it's quite thrilling.

    I love you!

  21. In the spirit of the blog... I'm amaaaazed by the stuff people can do with a bit of rice, some random tid bits, and a paper thin bit of nori. Japanese families who send their kids to school with uber cool creations have Martha Stewart WAY outclassed!

  22. I KNOW! It's amazing... and I still can't get my peabrained communistic utopian mind around the way they actually created it in their heads first!

    I wonder what they actually used inside...

    Thanks for bringing us back on track, Jaime. I love you!

  23. I just keep reading this stuff like O.o Wow....yeah. Ummm, that's all I'm going to say.
    Very well handled Cam. And for the record, you are a pretty damn cute "communist utopian."

    But as for the actual blog at hand...
    That's interesting! I knew that these folks liked to play with their food, but this is a whole other ball game! LOL

    Take Care Of You!

  24. Thanks, Tornado. I'm sure Mr. Skull and Mr. Baghead will eventually run out of things to say, and lose their wind, eventually petering out... And then we can get back to the topic of FOOD.

  25. Speaking of food. My child, who has refused Macaroni & Cheese the entire 4 years of his life decided 2 days ago that he loves it. *BOGGLE* BUT he is also eating more meats! :D Of course he doesn't eat "pork," he eats "dead pig." He doesn't eat "beef," he eats "dead cow." His PawPaw started that as a joke and it just stuck. Last night we had "dead cow" but he's like his mommy...we prefer chicken. LOL

    Take Care Of You!

  26. I wonder if they got it right the first time. I haven't managed to make a simple flower, no matter HOW many times my friends try to show me how it's done. *grins 'n' winks*

    I love you too, Cam!!!!!!!!!

  27. Tornado - Isn't it always the way? Heee.... I guess B just got to the point where his tastebuds finally could understand that Mac & Cheese is GOOOOOD...... I grew up on that stuff! I also loved to boil a bunch of macaroni, and then add a can of cut tomatoes (sometimes a can of drained tuna), with salt and pepper, and butter. That is so simple, and sooooo goood. You could just take what I described, put it in a meatloaf pan, add grated cheese on top, bake it and you'd have a macaroni and tuna casserole!

  28. Speaking of food....

    If you ever want to try something else that I grew up on and loved....

    My mom used to take bread, cut off the crusts, then cut it diagonally into four triangles. She would take a can of cream of mushroom soup, add a little bit to each triangle, then put another triangle on top, and pinch the edges shut like a perogie. Then she would put a toothpick through it, and bake them all in the oven until the bread was golden brown. We used to eat those like there was no tomorrow!

    Maybe THAT'S what caused me to become a bleeding heart liberalized communistic socialistic utopitarian! Wow! I must be very well-rounded.

  29. ROFL You're not just damn cute, you're funny, too! :D

    B got mad at me yesterday because I put mac & chz in his lunch bag instead of making it for breakfast! LOL I was also informed that it isn't called "mac and cheese" is "MacaROni And chEEZE" (capitals where he stressed the words). LOL

  30. I love him! I grew up calling it Macaroni & Cheese, so when some people here on the blogs (back in 359 land I think) called it Mac&Cheese I really had no idea what they were talking about. I'm a traditionalist. I never liked the curly-Q pasta version. Nope.

    Thanks again for the compliment. I love you!

  31. ... and I have no idea why, but I just had a flasback of making the video with Stefnee, both of us in our white shirts, and shorts, sitting outside by Ben, opening your Care package, and showing the world all the wonderful things you sent us! And then I remember Scott cooking up the Beignets as we tickled them with powdered sugar, and then enjoyed them as the sweetness was divine!

    And then I recalled taking more over to THN, thinking he would share them with THGF, but as we stood there talking to him, he ate every single one of them, and loved them all!

    What a wonderful experience I had, welcomed into the Stefnee Family. I will never EVER forget that week! *sniff sniff* I miss them!!

  32. Awesome! And how did you like the Chicory coffee?

  33. I love Obama, but this does not sound appetizing.

    Glad to see other people in the world appreciate him, as do a MAJORITY of Americans.

    Sorry i broke your rules before Cam. I think i was pushed but... anyway... sorry.

  34. Of course it is. Did I ever say ZERO carbs? Besides, it isn't the pasta, it's the cheese, the salt, the pepper, the butter, the tomato sauce, etc. that makes pasta GOOOOOD. Dry pasta of any kind is not particularly yummy.

  35. amazing art now waiting for your sushi art!!! hugs jooslx

  36. I like the finished product - They gave Barry some impressive ears!

    I can't read it very well, but they do describe what went into the makizushi and creation as a whole. I'll be practicing the wee cars, for certain!
