Monday, February 23, 2009

Phkkkd by the Pharmas Again

If your doctors are telling you it's time to get on medication to lower your cholesterol, you need to be VERY afraid! And you need to read the attached newsletter and get some education before you listen to them.

Attached is the Jan / Feb 2009 edition of the Health by Science Newsletter: Jupiter Falling - Scientific proof that the pharmaceutical companies are once again misleading us softly with their statins (PDF Format) by Professor Brian Peskin, the only guy out there who keeps getting everything right, time after time after time.

You can get it at the above link as well, and sign up for delivery when they come out.

This newsletter is a wee bit technical, but it shows you beyond the shadow of a doubt to what ends the pharma companies will go to, in order to profit from their dangerous drugs. It is disgusting.

And this is not a conspiracy theory!

I love you.



  1. I really enjoy getting these newletters from Brian.

  2. Scott's cholesterol is lower now than when we were on a high carb diet.... they told him.. no red meat.. more grains... and it kept going up.

    We switched. He's on PEOs and... it's fine now.

    *smiling smugly*

  3. hmmmmmm...........I am on medication for high cholesterol. Zocor by name. I started to read the newsletter but Im tired and wasnt paying attention. I will read it on the weekend when I have time. Interesting.

  4. I too had my cholesterol lowered since going low carb and on EFAs.
    I haven't gone for my physical yet this year, but last year it was about the same as two years ago, when my doctor was amazed to see that it was the lowest it had ever been for me.

    I'm convinced... but i'll check out the newsletter anyway.


  5. funneee i gota go blood sugar is sky high....found out yesterday after the fasting blood test a week or so ago[testing blood sugars over the last 3 months] on their professed diet with low portions of protein and med low portion o carbes[3 weeks now] it aint working because i had a finger jab n my blood sugar levels are the's on the media today in england....10% of national health service money is spent on type 2 diabetes......the message is if you are fat you will get diabetes....well that may be so but i am not fat and i have got it......carbes/sugars n cream cakes...fried doughnut....etc etc....are very easy to eat a lot of!!!

    the only prob i'm coming across is the negative effect of "high" protein on renal damage [ ie kidneys already damaged] as i am in my 60's


    I finally finished the newsletter.

    I guess they had it right in school after all... JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS!

  7. however if it werent for the pharmas I might be dead..............I have no choice no matter what I read.

  8. True, S, but isn't that the shame of it?

    They're no better than pushers who get you hooked then charge you thtough the nose, knowing you don't have any choice.

    They convince you through your doctors that you have to have this drug(s)... you have to!
    Even when studies show you probably don't.

    I just hope you have decent insurance.... something others don't , leaving them with little or no choice.

  9. my insurance is pretty good although Im constantly at odds with them........

  10. Seamus - You will note that they are called insurance, NOT Reassurance.
