Monday, August 31, 2009

In Brief

As I have no net connection and dont know when I can get it I will drop a brief bomb in your laps.

I came back from Canada two weeks earlier than planned.

I got a new job working for a huge Japanese company.
I moved. As in completely. I live in Tokyo now as of this past Sunday.

Mayu has helped me tremendously with this complete shift in life.

I'm in the process of trying to fit 20 years of country living in houses into a 1 bedroom apartment on the 11th floor.

Today is the first day of work and I have to get back to orientation.

The new apt is at full capacity for internet so at this point in time the management has no idea if or when the owner will increase capacity.

All I have is my new phone for net access.

I love you!


to be continued...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Synergy, the Movie

If you love nature, and you have patience, you'll love this video I made this morning!

I love you!



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hospital Trip

It started about Tuesday with really sore knees... I thought it was due to the huge amounts of walking. But sitting down with any bent-knee for any length of time made it worse. The pain would go up to my hip, and down to my calves.

A couple of days ago I started to get achy, and lost appetite. The ache moved through the joints and included the muscles.

Yesterday I had no appetite and 24hrs of the runs. Actually I think that started on Thursday...

Last night I went between sweating and shivering, and developed a headache. The entire body feels like a Mac Truck ran over it.

Today it feels worse. I went to the hospital finally and had my temperature taken. It was 38.5C... it used to be 37C until I had my appendix ripped out of me in 1993, and from that point on it dropped to 35.5C. So that explains why my bones and muscles are so sore, why my head is throbbing, why my ears are burning, why I go from shivers to sweats...

They also did an influenza test, and both A and B types came back "negative". Which really only means that right now they couldn't find anything. There are false negatives, and false positives in every medical test.

So they gave me anti-diarrhea medicine, acetominophen as well as something for colds. I asked them if it would be possible to also get Tamiflu, and they said yes. I had two options, one was the Tamiflu itself and is in capsule form. The other came in an inhaler. Both have apparently the same effects, but I think that the inhaler has less side-effects. I took the capsules. I like side effects.

The funny thing is... a year or so ago when Tamiflu came on the Japanese market there was some really strange stuff happening... several people who got the medicine (all were early in teens) seemed to have sudden delusional ... whatevers and three of them ended up throwing themselves out of their windows and killing themselves. It was a real problem as the drug companies tried to figure out what the problem was... well, they have it again, so maybe it was either hushed up, or it turned out to be unrelated. Either way, if I do throw myself out the window, the only thing I will succeed in doing is landing on the ground that needs weeding. So who knows, right? Some things that are safe in the USA (belladonna) are considered a narcotic in Canada...

Excuse me while I go and die now...

I love you!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thank You Universe / Thank You Jen

Jen came to Winnipeg on Friday, August 7th, near noon. It was a tearful reunion since we haven't seen each other (or snogged each other) since the last time I visited her and we went to meet Linda in Snogger-Tease around February 2008!

It was raining, but it didn't matter. We headed to Costco and Jen bought some steaks for the Friday evening BBQ at my parents' place.

I brought her back to Bruce's house where I'm staying while here. Bruce works on construction up north so I got to see him for the first weekend I was here (he was sick that weekend otherwise he would have been gone the day I arrived). We set her up, showed her around, relaxed a bit, then about 3:30 headed over to my parents'. We spent an hour or so before people started to come over, chatting, laughing, drinking wine, etc.

Here is who was there:

My Mom and Dad (2)
Jen and I (2)
Darrell and his four amazing kids (5)
Aunt Marion and Bob (2)
Victor our neighbour (1)
Brad and Nancy (2)

We had a great dinner, and a fantastic party that ended about 1am. The rain stopped early on in the late afternoon so it was OK to move outside, however everything was set up in the basement, so that is where we spent most of our time.

Jen loved everyone and everyone loved her. We all got along like a house full of friendly Manitobans. Even though I kept adding people to the invite list which made her more and more nervous as the day of her arrival approached (she CLAIMS she's shy... HA!), she pulled it off spectacularly! She was amazing the way she made everyone comfortable, and feel really at home with her. I loved watching Jen engage all of my friends and family as if she has always known them. Hell I just love watching Jen do anything since she's so frikkin hawt!

On Saturday I took Jen first to Osborne Village which is an eclectic place that has a lot of little shops, and other such stuff. We ate lunch at Baked Expectations, wandered around, did grocery shopping, had coffee, and just basked in each other's aura.

Then we headed to "The Forks" which is a historic site at the juncture of the two main rivers that run through the city. It has been turned into a very neat marketplace with shops, buskers, restaurants, outdoor skating (winter), boat docks, and more. We enjoyed the time spent there walking, looking, laughing, talking.

On Sunday I took Jen out to Assiniboine Park (it has the same design as Central Park in NYC). We drove around, saw the English Garden, a statue garden, the botanical gardens, and then met Darrell at 7pm for an amazing free blues concert in the park. We had a fantastic time.

After it ended about 9pm we three came back to Bruce's house. I prepared some dinner as we were all hungry. We sat, talked about a lot of things, drank a bottle and a half of Darrell's absolutely fantastic wine, and then about 1.30 Darrell went home, and we hit the sack.

On Monday Jen baked three sweet potato pies. We took one out to Brad & Nancy's place, then sat on their dock in the Red River and chatted for an hour or two. Then we all got in our cars and drove out to Lockport, a well-known place that boats need to traverse locks in order to go from one part of the river to the other part. We had some "world famous Skinner's Hotdogs", and then drove back into town to my parents'. On the way back I got to show Jen my old stomping grounds, the high/junior/elementary schools I went to, the parks I played in, and more. When we got back to my parents' home we had coffee with them and Jen gave them a pie. They loved it! Then we went through the gate in the back fence and took another pie to Victor, chatted with him for a bit, then came back to the house.

On Tuesday morning Jen packed up, and we drove back to the airport. We snogged our teary-eyed farewells for now. She jumped on the 11am flight, and the rest is her story!

Jen, I am so grateful that you came to visit me while I am here in North America. I really appreciate you so much for taking the time and the money to do that for me, and my dad, and my mom. Thank you from waaay deep down inside of me.

I don't know when we will meet again next, but something tells me we will. This is our relationship; this is our friendship. And I cherish, appreciate, and am so grateful that The Universe (and you, and me) provided us with each and every opportunity we have to meet as we move through our lives, our ups and downs, our individual trials and tribulations, our joys and sorrows.

I love you!

P.S. My friend Michelle visited me yesterday. I showed her the photos I had taken of Jen and she said to me, "Jen is HOW OLD? No Way! Holy Fuck! Way to go, sistah!"