Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ahhh... head cheese slathered in French's Moustarde is "da schnitzel"! Dad gave me two pieces and Mmm mmm mmm! It has been over 20 years since I last had it, and it is still just as good as the very first day I had it ... 35 or more years ago!!


  1. Hey, I thought you were at the beach?!?! My dad left here a bit ago and said he had to go home and send you an email. I told him you were at the beach all day.... so what are you dong home?!?!?!!?

    I'm just settling into a PREPARED (by me) late lunch of kubasa, cheddar cheese, pickles, sour cream and tomatoes. Oh, and a beer. The six beer I bought ($11.60 in Winnipeg) may not be here when you get here...

  2. Hey!!!

    You betta save me beer!
    You can't even hold yer likker, Buster, so leave it for the big kids!

    I told you i had to be back by dinner... Sue had to get Kaylee. And Steve had to.... whatever he does.. workaholic prolly went back to his office.

    Oooo and guess what..
    Guess what beach we went to???

    Uh huh... the swimsuit optional one, Baby.... it was like being back in Europe.

    So nice and breezy feelin!

  3. Eat eat eat.... SHEESH!

    It's a wonder you get anything else done.

  4. I hope it was a nice sunny warm day and you enjoyed a nice sunny swimsuit free day as well.

  5. Actually, it was a bit cloudy and even sprinkled a tiny bit.
    But that' was ok as i don't really like laying in the blazing hot sun.
    This was perfect...

    no tan lines though... hee...

  6. BTW, I heard from a very reliable source that you can't hold your liquor anymore, neithuh!

  7. I probably can't hold mine either...can I come and find out with you two? ta-hee
    btw-head cheese...yuck!

  8. I do way better than him, Michelle!

    I just get a tad sleepy.

    he's a mess... and HE gets hangovers... none for me.

    Sleep it off and move on is how i roll... hee

    Come on up, M. The more the merrier. His poor parents... i think there's a hundred people he's invited to the small intimate BBQ it started out as.


  9. And they are all coming to see "Their Cam"! Because they love me!! (don't know what I did to deserve so much love... But I guess Mr. T.U.T. Universe knows the answer to that one...

    See you on Friday 5pm @ the BBQ place, Michelle. I love you!

  10. GOD gross CAM! LOL Head cheese is GROSS!!! LOL You Canadians are weird! LOL.... but then again, so are we Americans....LOL

    I wish I could be there today at 5 for the BBQ, but I wouldn't be touching any of that head cheese.... I would however polish off the 6 pack of beer! LOL Have fun.... and maybe next time I will be in a better state to travel up to visit you, or who the heck knows?? You may end up working here in AZ... life can be funny like that.

    SO you know what it means when no one can hold their liquor? That means.... less costs for beer more costs for meat.... ;-)

  11. No no no... head cheese is gooooooood......

    Less beer, more meat... very very good!
