Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jen is currently chowing down on chicken wings in the Detroit Airport. For those of you interested, she is on her way home and will be there soon...


  1. Hey!

    I wasn't wings. It was JUST STRIPS...

    And they wanted $7.95 for the f@*@#ers!

    No freakin way!
    So.... i'm home now, chowin down on my roomie's grilled chicken and eggplant!


    Thanks again for everything, Mou.

    Back after a chill break...

  2. P.S...

    Did i mention i had a great time?

    I did you know...

    It was fan-fuckin-tastic, Baby!!!

    Love to all my new Canadian peeps!

  3. Thank YOU for taking the leap and coming all the way up to the hinterland.

    I decided to get out of the house and go for a ride on Bruce's bike which is way too small for me... so I rode over to my Mom & Dad's, ate all their leftovers so that there is better air circulation in the fridge, and rode back. It took 20 minutes each way.

    Glad you made it home.

    I am hot! Need a cold shower... the house went up to 30C today inside so it will be warm sleeping tonight... just like back home but without the humidity.

    I love you!

  4. Love you too, Mou.

    And.... i just finished talking to your mom.
    She called to make sure i got home ok and ... you know.... all that friendly Manitoban stuff about being glad to have me there ....

    I love you SwitzerSweeties so much!

  5. Good stuff! Next time you can challenge the headcheese. If you love us, then you know we aren't out to poison you...

  6. *smooch* to YOU, DuckieKins!


  7. Jen, the chicken always cost more at a strip joint...

  8. Welcome back...not that I have ever been able to see you. :)

  9. So... what's headcheese?

    Sounds kinda gross.

  10. It is, Deb... but he'll tell you differently.

    When i was growing up it was called Hogs Head Cheese. That was enought to tourn me off from the get go.

    Anyway... it's a pork product.. loaded with pork fat... among othere less than appetizing looking stuff.

    Sowwy, Mou... i know you and your dad like it so there must be something halfway decent about it.
    It's my SwitzerSweeties, yo!
