Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I just finished weeding the entire yard after returning from Canada... for the very last time! Yatta! Yatta! *throws hands in air, making "banzai"*.......................... *passes out from hunger*


  1. VERY LAST time???

    Cool.... i guess.

  2. VERY LAST. No doubt about it. I'm not pulling another weed in this yard, EVAH!

  3. Not even one teeny weenie one that you see on the way to the car when you're pulling out?

  4. I would... i have OCD about weeds... and deadheading flowers.

    Do it in parks n stuff... sigh... i'm a dork...

  5. NO! I am done! I have done my time weeding this house. I am a FREE Willy!

  6. What? Jen? You mean you get down on your bejeaned knees in the park when you are walking Tasha, and while she is peeping and pooping you pull weeds out of the field? That IS a disease. You need more than Belladonna, my friend.

  7. NOOOOO... just when i see a stray one ... like one sticking out of a bed of nice flowers.

    So there... Brat.

  8. (Blowing dandalion seeds towards Manitoba.)

  9. oh my!!! in england willy means dick.....maybe pull just a few weeds aye lol....freedom can be a dangerous thing *smutty laughter*

  10. Yaay! we are of the same mind!

    aye, that it can, lassie.

    *lusty lol*

  11. didnt know u had scottish ancestry.....ah is cam short for cameron.....thats a fine scottish name.....hey when ya pick up ur weeds do ya ever put them in ur sporran?

  12. Yes it is, Di. In fact, Cameron means, "crooked nose" in Scottish. I am of English and Irish descent but from hundreds of years ago. My family (Leavens, Lambs, etc.) escaped the USA as the Loyalists and immigrated to Canada.

    Sorry, but sporran does not compute. It sounds like some morning gruel or summat.

  13. ocke eye tis the little wallet made from stoats or something ferret like that rests on top the genital area above the kilt, so as to stop the kilt flying up and exposing the hagis, totties n nips when the scottish man is doing the highland fling....n for keeping his lipstick in.....is it computing now Cameron?

  14. OMG...LMAO!

    "hagis, totties and nips"!!!

    OK... i know what two of those might refer to, but i'm unaware of THREE appendages that might be under a bloke's kilt.

    Enlighten us please, Fair Deborah?

  15. ... and... lipstick???

    Is that more code for somethin naughty or are you trying to tell me all those hot kilt wearin guys be sportin lipstick?

    Wonder what shade they wear? Do they match it to the kilt colour?

  16. its the meat n 2 veg lol......the meat is the haggis n the 2 veg are neeps [turnips] and totties [potato] ...ie bollocks [note the plural there r are 2]

  17. laugh my b....ass off....weel yes...there's lady Macbeth's red rubbed hands [ a cheaky shade of crimson].....or stuart tartan plum.....[ to put the tart back in tartan lol]

  18. hey hon i'm not normally this sort of sleeze bag....but hey hon i aint normal.....where is that old camcog...am i getting to familiar...i do that whern i'm drunk....
    i love u jen

  19. feel free to get more familiar with that old camcog. he loves it.

  20. LOL!!!

    Di is just insane, Mou.

    When she's ... ummm... not sober ... she's just a more fun insane person! ;-)

  21. Hiya, Mou.
    What's new?

    Di needs info on camcorders... i think.
    That's if she didn't run off and buy one on her own...
    Not sure... told her to check with you tho, since you're "Inspector Gadget" ;-P

  22. decided might get chainsaw instead....as the camcorder helpline has too many options before i get to speak to a real person...oh mesmerise the troublesome child by sticking her in front of the ant vid !!!
