Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Synergy, the Movie

If you love nature, and you have patience, you'll love this video I made this morning!

I love you!




  1. Tell me how it ends.. i'm getting.... oooged out.

    Where'd they take the worm Gulliver?

  2. brill cam...hey they're having a touch job gettin it out the hole....wooo they've done it....see one of em has f.. off for a tea break....or has he gone to get that's how the stones from stonehenge were moved lol

  3. They work faster than council workers!

  4. LOL@deb. I had not the patience nor the *grimace-proof* fortitude to watch till the end. How'd it turn out?

  5. Hrm. Can't get the video to play, but I will come back and try again later.

  6. I love it when peeps do these sort of videos a real incite into the workings of ants...pity we cant tag them with colours because i loose track of which ones which n who's [or if there is] a boss...can we give them names?
    is it true that they communicate through pheromones or chemicals

  7. it was just so amazing to me I had to make the video!

  8. Amazing yes, but not nearly so as watching one squirrel drag the dead or nearly dead body of another squirrel up a tree, across the wires, onto the roof, and into the attic of your home.

    Videoing was the last thing on my mind... YIKES!

  9. did he make one of that !!! brill where is it....
