Friday, November 26, 2010

A Virtual Jailbreak - Almost!

My thoughts of jailbreaking my kindle were almost moot in point tonight. Let me tell you why.

On the train home from Kobuchizawa tonight I ate my dinner and finished reading a free novel that I had downloaded to my kindle. When the train arrived at Shinjuku, I packed up, and left. I walked up the stairs, and over to my train line which is deep down under ground. The train was delayed as there had been some trouble further down the line in the opposite direction. I decided that I would pull out my kindle and read it on the way home as I had a 40 minute ride back.

But it wasn't in my bag!
I had left my black kindle on the black train seat!!!

I dashed all the way back to the other train platform  which is hard to do in Shinjuku station due to the sheer volume of people passing through (one million per day) as anyone who has ever been here will understand, went to the lost and found and found my kindle! The stationmasters were just entering it into the computer.

I filled out a form, kissed my kindle hello, and walked back to my station, relieved not to have lost my kindle. The funny thing is that I wasn't thinking terrible panicky thoughts; I was thinking, "what a great opportunity to buy a different device!" But I did worry about the possibility of people buying books as it is linked to my credit card. That thought did cross my mind briefly, but it wasn't a big worry. I also realized that I am not really "attached" to the thing as the potential loss didn't make me break out into a panic sweat at all, and I was quite lucid and calm in my mind as I dashed back.

I made it home on the extremely packed train, feeling sorry for all the shorter women who were getting their faces mashed into the backs, arms and chests of sweaty, stinky businessmen while I had the entire upper section of the compartment free for my own use. I held my kindle against the ceiling of the train and read it all the way home ("Einstein's Theory of Relativity" <-- which made me fall asleep on the other train while sitting down and reading).

I haven't been in a train that jam packed since our last major typhoon that shut down some connecting lines and filled up my line with commuters this past winter.

Kindle almost broke free!

Have a great weekend.

I love you!


  1. I asked for a kindle for Christmas ..... crossing my fingers.

  2. jam really ought to have a look at the A I blogs ian and i co-wrote-or just check my blog notes for the 'dashing' here and there young man*chuckles*
