Monday, November 29, 2010

Half of Americans facing diabetes by 2020: report (Reuters)

Pretty scary title, eh?

Wake Up! Hello?!?! Is anybody home?!?!?!?
If we don't do something about this yesterday we are in HUGE trouble!
Only 10 years to go if this prediction is true.
And it likely IS true the way the trend is going.

"Half of Americans facing diabetes by 2020: report"

NEW YORK (Reuters) Nov 23 - More than half of Americans will have diabetes or be
prediabetic by 2020 at a cost to the U.S. health care system of $3.35 trillion if current
trends go on unabated, according to analysis of a new report released on Tuesday by health
insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc.

Cam's Comment: Following the "advice" of government, nutritionists, and doctors got us
into this mess. What society has been told to be "good for us" has produced the opposite
results! How long are we going to keep believing?!? Get educated and take your health into
your own hands. It's the only way.

"In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that He did
not also limit his stupidity."
- Konrad Adenauer, first Chancellor of Federal Republic of West Germany

I love you!


  1. Don't know what to tell you, Cam...

    You know, i know, and i don't doubt the vast majority of Americans who are eating themselves sick (and dead) know that what they're doing is harmful.

    I just don't think they have the will power... or maybe it's the courage... to face what they need to do.
    Cuz what they need to do is change their lifestyle. Change what they've learned for their entire lives.

    For most of us (not me, you and others we know) it will take actually getting sick or losing someone close to us getting sick or possibly dying to motivate us to make such a life change.

    For many it's all just too much to think about.
    That's why the huksters who sell the "miracle" pills do so well.

    If it was easy, we'd all be thin and fit.

    We hate "hard"...

  2. Education may be hard because it involves battling ego and admitting that what we have based our foundations on is wrong. And then stepping into that fear and correcting it. Its a battle with self.

    Can you imagine what would happen if we learned that democracy was fundamentally flawed and wrong and that a form of socialism is actually better for the people overall? OMFG it would be a riot worldwide as everyone did everything in their power to defend a wrong principal!

    Extreme example but it works.

    It takes a lot of courage (or the loss of someone close) to wake us up and begin moving in a different direction.

    So start slapping those faces of loved ones and wake them up as best you can, people. There's a big storm coming and it might just be Armageddon. We can prevent it, though. Start local, think family and use tough love.

    Thanks, Jen. Your comments are bang on. Sadly.

  3. (just read your previous post) uhhhmmm,...susan likes hard
    sorry*grins* attempting a little levity there.
