Monday, November 1, 2010

Soft drinks & Diabetes.. An "Overlooked Issue"?!?! WAKE UP!!

I can't believe that the researchers actually believe this is an "overlooked issue"!


"Duh, it seems that drinking softdrinks can lead to an increase in diabetes... we never knew this..."

Are these researchers morons, or what?

Hello!?!?!? Is anybody home?

Please read the attached article, and you'll see what I mean. I would link it but you need a (free) subscription to access it.

How stupid can our medical scientists and researchers BE?!?!?!

(Or is it just that we are a lot more educated than they?)

I love you!



  1. O.o How... could they not know.... I....

    What... it's... *BOGGLE*

    Doesn't EVERYONE know that soft drinks are actually kinda dangerous? Next they'll say they had no idea that Kraft mac 'n' cheese and/or Hamburger Helper has too many chemicals and it's super unhealthy. *eyeroll

  2. Seriously now, even Small Thing knows soda isn't healthy.... They teach it in school, for cryin' out loud. Where do they think the diabetes epidemic came from? Excessive trick or treating?

  3. ps - the PDF opened no prob, no password necessary <3

  4. Was there a comment section?
    Did any one offer up this all time favourite...


  5. There's more here than meets the eye. I dated a medical research scientist for over a year, and we are still great friends. He graduated from Stanford, and he's really brilliant. He teaches pharmacology to med students as part of his job. The other is that he has three labs. Medical researchers take on projects for which they are given grant money. These guys tend to be affiliated with universities, which means their funding comes from the government, pharmaceutical companies, and universities.

    I have no idea, but it is quite possible that Coca-Cola or some such soft drink company wanted to prove that soft drinks do not cause diabetes in order to boost - or at least not see a decline in - their sales as schools are being pressured more and more to remove vending machines and such.

    As part of any research, the medical researchers are required to report their findings.

    This is just all in a day's work to them - a way to keep their jobs, draw a paycheck - and you know the old "publish or perish" that professors must live by.

    I'm sure these researchers knew from the get-go what the findings would be. Check who funded the project, and there will be your answer.

  6. Btw...I live in Sugar Land...home of Coca-Cola/Minute Maid's corporate office and Imperial Sugar - and our city has won the Fittest City contest five years. Ironic, isn't it.

  7. Sugar Land, TX, is that right? I remember hearing about the fit-ness of that city. Keep up the good work.
