Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today in Japan (2010/11/09)

Here are three "news" articles that I would like you to "enjoy".
This is "life" in Japan....
In the "totally sick, but so totally Japan" section:
Comment - Only in Japan... 'nuff said. *shiver*
In the "So totally Japan cute" section (especially for my Sis, Paula, to roll her eyes over....) comes a new train service:
Comment - This will most likely get a lot of slobbery, coke-bottled, slap-happy Japanese otaku men dishing out their "wads".
Let's get Serious here for a moment (briefly) and talk about BIG news in the Shino-Japan Political Arena:
Comment - Google will probably comply... I wish they would battle it, but most likely they will just give up the info, thus breaking confidence with "whistle blowers" and people who believe in providing the public with news that the government wants to "hide" (for whatever reason). Should we be allowed to know absolutely everything that goes on? Some would say yes, and some no.
I don't know how much of this following news made it to foreign shores, but it has pretty much wrecked (again) political ties with China that Japan had. It's a big battle along with...
Japan vs. Russia:
Comment - Russia seized these islands north of Hokkaido after the war and Japan wants them back but Russia just laughs.
And that should keep you busy for a few minutes at least...
Have a great week.
I love you!


  1. Was the first article about you......sounds like some thing Cam would do.....lmao

  2. The first article sounds like some thing that Cam would do.......lmao. Is that better???????

  3. Jalopy - You are one sick puppy! I would never steal them. I might consider buying some ... for what goes on behind closed doors.

  4. what does one do with so many panties I wonder? Maybe open a vending machine in Tokyo?

  5. One could sniff about six pairs a day without ever having to recycle for almost an entire year!

    Sis - What a clever idea. The thought never even occurred to me. That just goes to show how you are destined for bigger and better things! I love your panties - I mean YOU!
