Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blows (Up) My Mind

Wow! I just found out that there were two Oct 31st terrorism attempts (flights to Chicago, Dubai) that were claimed by Al Qaida. I TOTALLY missed this news!

The reason why I write this is because I was talking to Kyoko (the woman with whom I work) about Christmas presents to and from Canada. She then told me that I can't send any Christmas presents to my parents at this time because ALL parcels from Japan to North America are banned from flight!

That is HUGE news! The freight companies will take a MAJOR hit from this, even if the ban lasts only one week.

There is no update as to when this ban will be lifted, but for now, we in Japan, and likely others around the world will not be sending any packages to Canada or the USA until further notice.


Blow my mind.

Here's something from Prez Obama and the Homeland Security Boyz 'n Girlz:

Stay safe.



  1. Boy, good thing the US has installed all those AIT machines to scan and help us avoid terrorist attacks.

  2. Heya Cam? Do you have any sources for this? I can only find bans on packages from Somalia and Yemen in regards to the US.

    Is Japan banning packages being sent?

    Edit - I checked JP Post... which is just a shipper right? They're the only place that's doing it... If you want to use 'em, you can just send it via surface (send quick so it gets there in time!) there's no weight limit

    I'm not sure this originated with the US? I think it would be big in the news sites for us? Very strange

  3. Oooohhhh. Huh. Found some more info in a forum

    GO TSA!!! :

    Japan Post Services Co. said it will stop accepting airmail packages bound for the United States weighing 453 grams (1 pound) or more starting Wednesday because airlines will stop such delivery at the request of U.S. aviation authorities as part of antiterrorism measures....The company said it will accept packages from senders that use a service enabling them to pay after delivery instead of beforehand, a service designated for regular customers, even if a package weighs 453 grams or more....The Transportation Security Administration of the U.S. has informed air carriers of the 453-gram rule, and carriers notified Japan Post Services, the spokesman said. The rule applies not only to packages from Japan but from other countries.

    So, in other words:

    - The TSA is the cause of this
    - It affects all countries that ship to the US, not just Japan
    - It only affects airmail packages over 16 oz.
    - It won't affect shippers in Japan that have net 30 accounts with Japan Post (in other words, ordering from Japanese companies won't change, but ordering from Japanese individuals might be tricky)

  4. I guess TSA figures letterbombs dont count.

  5. Kyoko showed me the Japanese news. It said that the post office (as you posted below), as well as the couriers (Kuro Neko, etc.) are not able to send anything over 450g (1lb) as you stated below.

    I just got my family's Christmas presents, but I think I'm going to wait until a while after things settle down. Even once the ban is lifted, it will be hell as everyone who is trying to get packages sent to the USA & Canada will be sending like mad and stuff is sure to get lost in the fray. I'll tell my parents to expect a NEW YEAR Christmas care package this year.

    Thanks for the extra info, Jaime. You look like you are as taken by surprise by this as me!

  6. By the way, I had a lot of trouble finding any info on the english internet sites on this... THAT surprised me more than anything.

  7. Yeah - it's mostly by air (what.... coming by sea and train somethign will somehow do less damage? Suuuure. *sigh)

    I FAIL to understand the sanity of this. America. Screwy folks - and why oh why hasn't this been announced??? (I mean by major news networks in the US) I'm... blearghle? WTF???

  8. Thanks for posting the Japan Times link to the info on your FB. I posted it to mine as well as onto Twitter.

    I wonder if people really even care...

  9. We had a lot of news on the bombing attempts and some on the banning of packages, but i didn't pay close attention.
    I wasn't aware that Japan was among the countries that packages were banned from...weird.

    Just another in the stop-gap, reactionary measures always undertaken once "the horse is out of the barn".
    They still don't screen all containers or cargo coming from overseas.... too expensive, yanno.

    Better to do all the stupid stuff that just confounds the entire shipping and flying process.

    I trust you've heard all the latest about the full body scans, which if you opt out of, they "pat" you down.
    More like grope you in all your private parts.

    I should think they'd buy me a drink first, then let me smoke a cigarette after.... dumb. Just dumb!

  10. Sorry Jen. No smoking allowed in public places in North America anymore. And the scanner news only makes it to the english news that we see here. It's not in the Japanese news.

    Did you know that in 2009... oh yeah, I told you about that. The "Visa waiver program" was nixed. That didn't show up in the news there, did it? Big news for us, and for all Euro countries who never needed to apply for a waiver to enter the USA.

  11. For those more interested in groping and TSA scare tactics, I present an amusing (but somewhat unnerving) take from Penn of Penn & Teller:

    (thanks to Aimee, who sent me the link) I wish we all had some disposable income!

  12. Penn Gillett was on Lawrence O'Donnell's show on MSNBC last night and he told this same story.
    The guy who was videotaped the other day then charged with leaving the security area after telling the TSA agent "if you touch my junk i'm calling the cops" (it's viral on Youtube) was also on the show.

    Training seems to be ongoing though it should have been done completely before they started this new grab n grope procedure. It started on the 28th of October, and apparently some agents are more professional than others.
    One tape showed that the agent TOLD the passenger, "i'm going to do a groin check. I'm going to place one hand on your hip and the other i'm going to place on your inner thigh and slowly run my hand up and down..."

    Another passenger... a woman said the female agent who searched her said nothing as she touched her genital area and ran her hand around and under her breasts... that's OUTRAGEOUS!

    It's bad enough they have to perform this totally invasive and UNnecessary procedure, but it's worse that the training is so haphazard and spotty, with some agents performing professionally and others showing no regard for the passengers personal space.

    And the STOOPIDEST thing? Muslim women whose religion and culture prohibit them from having no physical contact from anyone but their husbands are exempt...WTF?

    So the "prime suspects" (no offence or bias meant, but ..really!) are exempt from either the body scan and the pat down....
    What sense does this make when all manner of contraband, not just weapons could be hidden in their clothing?

    I think they might be taken to a private area with their male escort (husband or brother) as witness and then searched... but i'm not exactly sure. They can't possibly just let them go through an just board a plane unchecked....can they???

    It's all bullshit.

    In Israel and other countries none of this nonsense is done. EVERY passenger is given a short interview with four or five questions asked in a polite and friendly manner and the agents are WELL trained to look for visual/psychological cues from the passengers such as nervousness, sweating, not making eye contact...
    Then THEY are asked to go to another ares for further questioning.

    And THEIR airlines have had NO incidents of attempted terrorism and their passengers pass through security and boarding procedures smoothly and quickly.

    Why is the US so stupid on these matters???
