Saturday, September 10, 2011

1/3 Water Division DNF . Yatsugatake PA TFTC!

I spent a good two hours rooting around the 1/3 Water Division Cache location at Ground Zero but came up with a big fat DNF. It is a great place in the cool mountain woods to be sticking my arm up to my shoulder in unknown crevices and wondering if the poisonous centipedes are going to get me or not.

The water coming out of the ground there is cold! I washed my hands and they went numb. A long time ago that water was fought over so the people of the area built an aquifer that splits it into three streams and takes it to everyone needing it for their fields. It is impressive.

I then had some of the local soba (so my tummy is swollen like a pufferfish) and took the ikm downhill ride at top speed until I fount Yatsugatake Parking Area om the Chuo Expressway. I was on the To Tokyo side so had to find a tunnel going under the expressway to get to the To Nagano side. I rode uphill, parked my bike and went in search of the cache here. I found it pretty quickly, logged it, left a superball, stealthily replaced it, and just finished a coffee.

Now it is time to figure out how to get back to Nagasaka Stn and then wait for a train to Shinjuku.

A great weekend all in all!

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