Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Futon Boy and My Amazon

I gotta get home. The chances are fairly high that Mitch, AKA Futon Boy, is lounging outside my station, awaiting my imminent arrival. That is, if he found my station. You see, Futon Boy is coming to Japan today and when I shipped him a futon a couple of years ago I also promished him dinner and coffee if he ever made it to Japan.

He was set to arrive at Narita today about 5pm and I offered my lodgings and a hot VEGETARIAN breakfast. He accepted. The only catch is that as my home is on the way into Tokyo from Narita, he had to find his way home. With excellent instructions from me of course. On a jet lagged brain, that is. His.


I finished my weekly meeting with UK at 6pm as usual and then hightailed it outta there as quickly as I could. Well who should I bump into standing at the same spot I usually stand but that extremely taal modelicious woman I mentioned in a previous post. In high heels and a short summer black one piece. With her hair up in an "I dream of Jeannie" ponytail. Typing on her iPhone.

So I walked right up to her and stood beside her, tall and proud. Then I turned to her and said,"the last time I first saw you I didn't have a chance to compliment you on your wonderfu height!" She looked shocked that some unknown person would just talk to her out of the blue (I was expecting that) and she covered her phone (I was expecting that too). Then she said to me, "Have we met before?" (I've always wanted a woman to use that line on me).

And I replied with my face alight and my blue eyes shining at her, "Not officially but if you recall last week I passed you in the hall to the sation platform and you went and stood over there." She laughed, relaxed and smiled. "I don't think I've ever met someone as tall as you here in Japan," I said to her with truth and genuine delight. Her responding laugh was like the sound of crystal chimes on a summer afternoon. "Thank you."

Our train arrived and we sat on the same bench, but I gave her some space as I didn't want to be overbearing. She continued with her phone and I finished my book. After a few stops two men got on and both wanted to sit on either side of me where I had a half space each. Fortunately for me the guy on the other side squeezed in and I scooched over next to My Amazon.

The train stopped at her station (I knew which it was as I saw her walk pas my car the last time) and I was prepared. We looked at each other and though we were side by side we gave each other a big smile and a big wave and said goodbye!

I'll be seeing her again if my timing is right.

Oh. My station. Time to go and find Scruffy Futpn Boy and entertain his jetlagged ass for the evening. It will be a balst to meet another Internet Axe Murderer!

Excuse the typos; Im in a hurry typing this on the train...

I love you!

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