Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Comment

I'm conducting a somewhat interesting (to me) experiment. I have often been heard to say (or read to write?) that Japanese seem not to have an opinion on current events, be they local or global. I don't hear people discussing current events at work, nor do they seem to have formed an opinion of any sort if I ask them about their opinion in either English class (in English), or during work. Now of course their English skill level may not be (IS NOT) high enough to express what they are thinking beyond a very rudimentary response, which is why I often attempt to engage them in their own native tongue.

One woman at work (she is in a different building now, so I never see her anymore) studied in England, loves England, and speaks English very well with no Japanese accent. She told me that when she first went to study, she was amazed how all the other non-Japanese foreigners nearly killed each other to get the chance to try and express themselves whenever the teacher would ask "What do you think?" Even though they could barely speak English, it didn't matter. The thing was that they ALL seemed to have their own opinion about topics and news. All but the Japanese students, that is, who sat there quietly. It was at that time that my coworker decided that she needed to start to form her own opinions about world events.

As I said, I have noted a very similar occurrence during my 20 years here. And so, these past two months, since I am much busier at my new job and don't have a quiet (private) spot to access news, have barely had the chance to look at what is going on. This is where the experiment comes in. I believe that were I anywhere else but Japan, global (and local) topics of importance would come to me via other people looking for my thoughts and/or opinions on the events. 

But guess what? Right! That doesn't happen here. It didn't happen in my old office, either. 

Let me give you a good example, or two.

Runner Up Example: I had no idea of the torrential flooding that occurred in Japan due to this most recent bicycle-speed typhoon that passed through until Charles posted a few articles and photos on his Facebook. Nobody talked about it. "Thousands stranded after typhoon; death toll at 41, over 50 missing"


First prize: I just happened to have a free minute yesterday and turned to the japantoday.com site to quickly skim the topics and see what had happened over the past few days. And guess what? I found out that we now have a NEW Prime Minister, and his popularity rating is 63%! Can you believe it? Not one single person in my office, or even in my building of probably over 500 people has even mentioned this BIG event! Total silence. Absolute and utter silence on this topic.

"Japan's new leadership wins solid backing in more polls"

Blows me away.

I will continue with this experiment for a while because, in truth, not knowing the news really isn't going to kill me, though knowing it allows one to have some world knowledge, and have interesting conversations when one gets tired about talking about how hot it is, or how humid it is, or (soon to be) how cold it is. Usually.

I love you!

"Apple’s iOS 5 to adopt earthquake early warning function"

1 comment:

  1. Was gonna ask what the hell you people DO talk about but... oh... i see....YAWN.

    I know they are a reserved people but that's just weird
    It's like they fear expressing themselves about ANYthing for fear of offending or causing a confrontation.
    it's probably based in LONG held cultural ideas, but... come ON.
    They really need to get over it.
