Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday in Langkawi

Yesterday Megumi and I rented a car and traveled around the island. First we drove into the jungle to look for a geocache. We found it. BUT the location had some family dogs running around that absolutely terrified her. So much so that 1. she burst into tears to release the stress in the car, 2. she got extremely sleepy as her body kicked in to deal with the shock, and 3. she pretty much didn't talk for the rest of the entire day. I, however got down on one knee, chatted with the dogs, and they wagged their tails like good little girls and boys and where happy to lick the sweat off my arms and legs. Very nice dogs!

Then we drove around to the next earthcache, up the mountain, found it, enjoyed the history, the geology, the scenery (!). We went to the top of the mountain (850m) and there is a resort there with a tower. We went up the tower and had a 360 degree view of the entire island (and coffee).

Following that we drove back down, enjoying all the monkeys carrying their babies all over kingdom come, and kept driving around the island to the final earthcache destination. This place is designated a special geopark location, that is important for geologists around the world. A part of land has become an island due to the erosion of the rock in the area. Wonderful place. We logged that, swam around in the very warm sea, washed off with one tiny bottle of water between the two of us, then on to the next spot: cable car!

The cablecar takes one up 700 metres of steep mountain to two sightseeing platforms where you can see the entire island from yet another gorgeous angle. We even saw an "elephant woman"! The suspension bridge was really cool, and the scenery of the sea, the jungle and the mountains, stunning.

We drove home, filled the car up with gas, then had dinner at a restaurant that offered Turkish food (toilet smells funny today). Good food.

I'm waiting in the lobby right now for Megumi so that we can go and have breakfast. I'm a tad hungry after the carbs last night.

Let's see how the day goes.

I love you!

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