Monday, June 9, 2008

Another delivery from Universal Genie Delivery Co., Ltd.

Do you remember what I asked for at the beginning of last week while I was riding up the mountain? Remember I asked to see a mammal, and then got to see the badger immediately after requesting that? Do you recall what I asked AFTER that as I kept riding?

I focused deeply on breathing, presence, emotions, and everything that goes with taking a message from the conscious mind to the subconscious, and ultimately to the superconscious mind (see? I told you I had three brains!). I asked to see a bear.

I have not seen a bear for probably over six or more years now.

Today my request was delivered! Go Universe! Thank you!!!!!

While I was not being very present and composing in my mind my "bon voyage" letter to you all as I rode up my "ura yama", I suddenly became very aware of myself being "out of sync" with me. I caught me unnecessarily writing that letter in my mind from me to you. It didn't need to be then, it was absolutely not necessary to be thinking about it then. And I caught myself. So I stopped myself.

And when I looked up again to focus on presence (and my breath) there was a bear right on the road, turning and running away from me into the bush. It was about half-grown, but the most beautiful inky black you can imagine. As it loped away for that one breath of mine



I was able to enjoy pure nature at its finest, right before my very eyes.

Thank you Universe, for delivering my request at just the opportune moment.

A coincidence? I don't think so any more. Too many things are coming in obvious alignment (to me) to be just coincidental.

The beauty of "pure nature" right there in front of me... to remind me to continue working hard to bring myself back in harmony with nature.

For so many years I have been "away" from the power of Mother Nature; I couldn't feel her in my soul, in my essence, in my being like I used to. But with concerted efforts, concentration, mindfulness and my breath, I am once again learning to recharge my soul. It has been a constant struggle, though. For six years I have been spinning out of control daily in my mind, but since finding "The Secret", and talking, and reading, and learning, and especially practicing daily from the opening of 2008, I am slowly making progress to a level of peace, tranquility, presence, and "nowness" that I honestly cannot recall ever experiencing.

I have had to constantly tell myself, "Don't give up. No matter how hard things may seem, keep plugging away at it, at my pace." How do I do this? I set a goal to achieve in the future, and then work one NOW moment at a time until that goal becomes "just another NOW moment". And then I set another goal and work toward that in the same way. Some goals are short-term goals, and some are long-term that will take years to achieve, but that's OK.

BE aware of your presence.
BE mindful of your breath.
BE conscious of everything around you in a peaceful, mindful way.

You probably won't be able to do this 24 hours a day every day (unless you are a buddha), but the more you actively practice, the more you will be able to do it. I am elated to get a few minutes several times a day! And I am aware of those moments.

Some days you will really feel "in the groove", and at other times "totally spinning out of control at every turn". That's OK. When you catch yourself doing the spinning, just focus on your breath, bring yourself back to right now, and breathe.

Do the same when you catch yourself totally in the present moment, too! It's no different, really. When you become aware of yourself doing something, note it, own it, and and then come back to your breathing, and be present.

Keep at it. Redouble your efforts when it gets tough. Keep stepping forward into those efforts. Keep breathing, and do. not. give. up.

God, I am so happy that I saw that bear today! I love you, Universe!!!

I created this quote many many years ago when cycling really did recharge my batteries. This is what I believe...

"The dirt from the earth we accumulate when adventuring is Mother Nature's soap, cleansing our souls of the grit, grime and ugliness of humanity." - Me

I love you!



  1. I'm so happy that you're happy, Mou!

    I can feel your smile.

    I love you!

  2. Thanks Jen. I smiled all the way up, and down the mountain. And I still am! I love you! I hope you have a wonderful day my friend.

  3. I wonder how often that bear was really right there but your mind was so caught up in other things that you failed to notice him there waiting for you.... great post. When we become more aware the whole world is our oyster... and were the pearl in its belly...

  4. What are you asking to see next?

  5. Like Jen, I feel your smile too. Will you do me a favor though and change your pic to reflect that. You have an infectious smile that just makes others want to smile along with you. :)
    I love being in the now with you! It makes things just seem right! Love you hon.........M

  6. Michelle.... YES!! he needs a smile... tell you what.. when he's here... I'll snap one, ok?

    Cam... when I run tonight... I'm going to see that fox again. I asked for it... it'll happen.

    I love you!

  7. Michelle - One infectious smiling picture coming up....

  8. Can I make a request to see the eyes? Those big gorgeous clear blue pools of delight?

  9. Robin - And I have visualized it, and emoted it so clearly in my mind that it is going to happen! The universe HAS to deliver!!

  10. I imagine at some point during your week in KS you will see the gotch.

    Now - if your summoned bear was wearing Stef's gotch I would be mightily impressed!

  11. Stef has gotch for bear ass...roflmao

  12. Hey Cam! You gonna say it to Jen or should I??? ;)

  13. How about we both say it, Robin?


  14. (Note: For those of you in shock due to YOUR PERCEPTION of what you THINK just happened.... please visit Robin's blog and enjoy a paradigm shift. And then go fuck yourself! I love you!!)

  15. I have A LOT of lurkers for that blog! I laugh so hard ever time I look at it I could just pee...

  16. I rest my case.


    Been there.
    Done that... lost my t shirt under the bed.

  17. I can imagine. Excuse me while I go fuck myself.

  18. Not now... Don't you have errands to run?
    Get going, YOU!

  19. Yes, I do. I am cooking lunch right now. The leftovers weren't enough so I'm frying chicken.

  20. And I'm going to have a sticky beak right NOW!

  21. I love it when the universe answers! Here, the hills have always been a source of peace and strength for me. Even though I'm averaging driving 1,000 miles a week now, the drive is nearly always through my precious mountains.

    I love you!

  22. Jeanette - You drive 1,000 miles/week? HOLY CATS! What do you do?

  23. Yikes, Jeaette!!!

    You need a scooter, LOL!!!

    I'm going to get one!

  24. I have 2 ginormous motorcycles I cannot ride this summer (too heavy for the Gumby arm). I would LOVE a scooter with a basket OR a Smart Car.

  25. Dare I ask what you drive Jeanette? And I hope work is paying for your gas?? GULP!!!! But the drive through mountains sounds lovely......

  26. Robin, i've heard the Smart car doesn't get any better MPG than the Honda Civic and with the Civic you can fit more than yourself and a Tou Poodle in it.

    My husband is getting around 37MPG on the highway... and it's 12 years old!

  27. Yes, work pays for the gas and the car, but not for the 72 mile round trip to work. I work for the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a right of way agent. My district has 8 counties, all in the mountains and I have to drive to check on projects nearly every day. One project is 100 miles away and I drive that at least twice a week -- makes for a 272 mile day! You betcha my butt is worn out those days. The worst days are when I not only have to drive a far piece, but then have to walk up a mountain. Also, my office is on the second floor and I never take the elevator. And people wonder how I lost 35 pounds in 7 months!

  28. I love your quote and you too!
