Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Universe Delivers!

Why beat around the bush?

I'm going to Houston, Texas for work on June 14 - 22nd.

I will be meeting the YES gang and talking about "stuff".

I am hoping that I can meet Beth and Rachel when I'm in Houston, working. I know Rachel is a few hours away, but maybe she can meet me on Saturday before I leave? I hope I can hook up with Beth during the week at least once and "catch up" just like Internet Axe Murderer friends who have never physically met, do. Anybody else around Houston?

Then I'm going to Stefnee, Kansas for fun on Jun 22nd - 30th.

I am looking forward to meeting Scooter, and the 4Ss along with Toby, SkippyJohnJones AND their resident ghost. I hope to meet Stefnee's bikerDad and mom. I'm going to be sleeping with the resident ghost so that will be a very interesting experience for me. I am immensely looking forward to it. I'm taking my IC recorder and my video camera especially for those nights (computer too, of course as I have to do work for my business every day while I am there)!

I am hoping to meet Seamus, the hot neighbours, the cranky neighbours, Kent the postie, go to the fabric shop, visit the coffee shop, and hang out and be a bar fly in the evenings when Stefnee is working her bar magic, go to the park, the garden, the supermarket! Maybe I'll even take the kids for a few games of bowling when Mom is working!

I am also thinking of renting a bike in Wichita for the week, and using it to have a weekfilled fun with the kids riding in the park during the day, over to their garden to see where she is planting my seeds I sent, and also going out with her on her night runs, just to enjoy the dark, the cool, the breeze and the time with my Fabric Goddess!

I'm looking forward to a whole lot more, but we agreed to PLAN NOTHING as that is the BEST way to go. I would be more than happy to spend the entire week just sitting on Stefnee's lap on the porch and chatting. I know a ton of things will just flow forth naturally during that week. I am looking forward to it!

Shasta's birthday is on the 24th so I can be there! S&S's anniversary is on the 26th so I can maybe take the kids out to dinner at McDonalds and let the two of them have fun... *wink* vacuuming up cat hair, or repairing computers, or blogging or whatever it is they do. And I can hug them for their anniversary too! And I get to snog Scooter! I KNOW he'll love it (I smell like bacon...) and Stefnee will surely get it ALL on video for you!

And eating bacon, of course. I hope we can eat tons and tons of bacon! Maybe eat bacon at a highway greasy spoon until they kick us out! Let bacon cook on Ben Franklin while enjoying wine and other stuff. Yaaay! Maybe we could even christen Ben with a new name, henceforth known as Bacon Franklin!

Oh, and I'm looking forward to a couple of nights of chatting with Ben Franklin as well into the night as we sip wine, tell stories, and laugh. You know those belly laughs Stefnee talks about?

Maybe... Maybe Stefnee can even introduce me to her Bunco Babes! That would be sooo cool! I'll look into their eyes and see if I can make any of them swoon....

So, that's the story.

Oh yeah, and the insurance for the 18 days... is an insanely cheap $59.00 for amazing coverage. Just like the last trip I took to N.A.

I have wanted this for a very long time. Do you realize that Stefnee is the only Goddess I have not met (except for Amy?) Yep. Carrie, Jen, Paula, Robin... I'm hugged them all and basked in their glory. And finally I get to snog the Fabric Goddess!

Yaaaaay meee!

I took my conscious thoughts, passed them through emotions to my subconscious mind, and got that and the superconscious mind to have a chat so SuperCon could do his thing with the Universal powers and let the Law of Attraction work it's magic. And boy oh boy, did it work out well! I knew this would happen one day, just never ever thought about it being so soon. Believable! Those of you out there who manifest this kind of stuff (Song), you know exactly what I mean.

It's 4pm. Time for lunch. Gotta go.

Damn I'm excited!

I love you!


P.S. This time the Universe is delivering big time! It's unbelievable. (Believe!) It works! I have said in the past that whenever I leave our drug store, I never have trouble getting into traffic from the parking lot. That's a typical delivery from the Universe for me; the last time I had a big one was meeting with Jenny and Carrie in PR. That too was huge! Meeting with Robin & The Gang was big (but that was before I understood about this stuff, I think). And then there was the one where Paula came to visit. That was a huge one, too. And getting to meet Sheila. That was huge. And going to Snogger-Tease and Woodsnog with Jen to meet Linda! That was huge! And now this!


  1. The Goddess circle will now be complete.

    Glad the plans fell into place.

    Yes, we can tell you're excited... and we are too... for you!

    Swooning Bunco Babes notwithstanding. (oy vey es mir!)

  2. OMG I am "only" 6 hours away in Slidell (Just the other side of New Orleans)!!!!! J has family in Houston. If everything goes well on the 12th I wonder if I could convince some family here to go visit....hhmmmmm....We'll see. OMG I think I'd die if you were just so close and there wasn't a way for me to see you!!

  3. Cam, Bunco is the 19th, but maybe... Maybe.. I can invite a few over the next week, just to meet you.

    I'm beyond giddy.

    Ok.. gotta go paint the porch. (yes, really)

    and I need to call about a bike rental.

    and I need to get a bed for you!

    And... and ... and....


  4. Have an awesome time! Let us know who you meet and how it went. :)

  5. work???...sure...sure...anything you say

  6. But Jose, when he's in Houston he WILL be doing real, verifyable work.

    You could look it up!

    Hell, you could actually go visit and SEE him at work!

    Take your camera and get the evidence for us all to see.

  7. first of all...not all of us can just pick up and go because we have real jobs with schedules and vacation days and it's very difficult to just drop everything and go.

    Secondly, not all of us have the money to just hop on a plane and go somewhere.

    Thirdly...I don't buy for a minute that this guy does any work. I would not waste my time taking videos of this guy doing what he claims to be work.


  8. ...... sigh.....

    You're hopeless, JI!

  9. you know I'm right on the money...why defend this character?

  10. You know why...

    And you know i'm right... character indeed!

    Bit of the old "pot/kettle" goin on here, Senor Crabbyass.


  11. Ain't life beautiful?! Have TOO much fun!!!

  12. I am so happy to hear that the Fabric Goddess gets to meet you. Yahoo for her and yahoo for you!

  13. Hey Jl-you can come visit me if ya want. I think you need some fresh air. This is a bona fide offer. Since Cam will not be watching the harem, I can escape for a couple of days.

  14. Some of us work for a living....I gotta work....the white collar criminal doesn't have to..that's why he gets to travel around all over the place. I don't need to look after his harem....THAT, is his problem

  15. *still dancing!!*

    Finished the porch. Tomorrow, I'll call the bike stores in town and ask about a rental.

    *dances off the page*

    I love you!!

  16. Thanks. Before you do, just put Scooter's saddle all the way up and tell me what the distance is between the pedals in the down position, and the top of the saddle. If it fits, and he's OK with me borrowing his bike, I'm happy with that.

    I love you!

  17. awww Jl-you disappoint me. I was giving you a bona fide offer here. I got to work too sweetie. I was just offering to take a couple of days off so you could have a vacation.We could see the arch and the zoo! Just because I belong to the harem does not mean I cannot enjoy time with you too.
    I was not asking you to look after me or anyone else in the harem.....we don't need looking after ya know.

  18. Wow Cam that is so cool!! Enjoy and keep asking the universe for that job I need... "k" I am too, but you seem to have mastered it far more than I. And if I do get the job I am asking for I will have to train for a month in where else? Houston...LOL

    Glad things are looking up for you, and hopefully Stef has been able to remove her face from the paper bag by now, and has caught her breath! LOL Its going to be fun!

    Michelle, don't let JI fool you he just got back from a nice visit to AZ he has the hike video to prove it on his page and if we looked there might still be a bruise there on his cute little tushy... LOL

  19. Jl fool me? Oh come on now. He would not do that would he? nah........not Jl!


  20. This looks like stuff the Claymates say when they know Clay is going to be in town, LOL!!!

  21. Who is Clay, and do you really want to be his mate?

  22. Clay Aiken the singer and the Claymates are what they call his followers/fans, who in his presence or the mention of him coming anywhere near their homes, will go into hysterics as if they were at the Oprah Winfrey show when she does her "Favorite Things" spot.

    I would never be a claymate on several levels.

  23. Thanks for the update. For a minute there, I thought you were telling me you were an hysterical fan of claymation. That would have been cool. Who is Clay Aiken? And what is the Oprah thing you were mentioning? Any N.A. fad younger than 19 years old, and I don't know it.

  24. Did you know he is going to be a dad? Can you imagine?!


  25. I would probably be laughing hysterically if it was Claymation Porn, but the Claymates are part of what they call Claynation.


  26. You can find all the anwsers to those questions on Youtube, just put that in the search engines

  27. Clay Aiken is a singer. As for Oprah she gives away tones of stuff, to the audience, that are Oprah's favorite things. One show she gave everyone that was seated in the audience and new car.

  28. Cam, a friend of mine from Texas just posted up some things she's collected recently that are full of bacony goodness that you should take a look for when you're out there. Interested you can find the post here since you need to bring back presents and all. Enjoy!
