Saturday, May 31, 2008

Do The Funky Christian!!

My best friend Darrell way over in Winnipeg has always been very involved in the church. Every time I visited him on weekends when we were young, to play AD&D, I would arrive and find him sitting in their rocking chair with ginormous headphones on, listening to music and ... rocking. He has been a part of his church band for as long as I can remember.

Today he sent me an email saying that the band he belongs to entered a local contest competing for "stuff" against several other Christian bands. The competition is based on voting and he sent out his PR asking his friends to vote.

"Stuff": The top band will pick up a THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of prizing from Quest Musique. The winning group's single will get some spins on CHVN and will be featured on CMC Distribution's "Sea to Sea" compilation – a cd shipped to Christian bookstores across Canada. And, they'll be the opening band for the Building 429 concert on June 20th at the Red River Exhibition!

The catch is, you have to log into this Manitoba Christian website and make an account there. They say they will send up to two newsletters a month. I'm hoping that I can unsubscribe when this is done because I'm not really all that interested in seeing what Manitoba Christians are up to. But I am interested in helping Darrell win that contest. And I can vote daily. And get my dose of God if I so wish. Yay.

Anyway, if any of you want to sign into this website (it was a bit tricky, but you'll figure it out, I think), register, listen to the songs, and then vote, be my guest. Be honest, and don't vote for anything you don't like.

Mayu was around when I did this and she started giving me comments from the other room about her impressions regarding the songs, so I jotted them down in an email I was writing to Darrell to let him know that I voted (for his band). They are very interesting (the comments).

The music Mayu listens to these past years (and goes to when she "groupies it around the country") is extremely technical (not techno), and requires a very high level musician to play. So this local church band stuff sounded a little bit "simple" to her technically-oriented ears. To me, some of it sounded very... Canadian Christian; you know, the kind of stuff you'd hear on Sunday morning AM radio when you accidentally hit upon the "Good Morning Christ!" channel? You know the kind where they want to get you boppin' to God as you vacuum the carpets?

Darrell's song is Hosanna and he does background vocals.

How to sign in: Hover over "Contests" on the top bar, then click on "Quest for the best" and follow instructions.

Or, sign in directly here: Sign in or Register here to vote

When you get to that page, you'll have to click the link that says "sign in" even though it says "create an account below" or something like that (I forget now - they automatically sign me in... yaaay). Anyway, once you figure that out, fill in the info, you'll get an email asking you to confirm the stuff. It went to my Spam folder so check there. I guess Christians are spammers, too!

Once you click on their link, you go back to their page and follow the sign in again. This is where it seemed a bit weird to me, but after clicking the only link available (sign in?), it actually took me to the page here (but I don't think it will work for you until you sign in...).

I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to do this or not, but some of you out there may have a penchant for Christian amateur band music and it would be unfair of me to prejudge anyone. God forbid and Heavens to Mergatroid no!

Here are Mayu's comments...

  • Rain Down - The kind of band that only friends can listen to.
  • Give him Praise - Sounds like a poor expression of Ricky Martin.
  • Love's the Revolution - Don't like it. Has too many bible words in it.
  • Lord Most High - Nice vocalist, but typical amateur band sound. Her voice doesn't match with the arrangement and the background vocals. Therefore a good producer wouldn't put this voice into this music (i.e. bad producer).
  • Fill Me Up - The vocalist is copying too much of somebody else's style. It's just a copy of stuff that's already out there. This kind of music already exists so why do it again?
  • The Happy Song - Too simple. Sounds like a highschool band. (Cam thinks it sounds like a Winnipeg version of the Proclaimer's "500 miles". It's a sound you'd hear at the Festival du Voyageur as you were wandering around looking at the ice sculptures and eating deep fried frogs legs while complaining that your fingers and toes had fallen off from the cold.)
  • ***Hosanna*** - She has a country music vocal voice. Her voice is too light to be singing solo, so the arrangement with other aspects of the song offset that which is good. The band arrangement is the best of all of these songs. Just had a flashback of being in the parking lot of Safeway. Very very North American sound.
  • Mighty to Save - Very N.A. culture. All the female singers have the same voice in all these songs... maybe it's the "choral voice". This song is suitable for this kind of female voice, but it sounds like a "typical church band", something you'd hear on N.A. AM Christian radio.
  • You are Worthy - Her voice is good. Best vocalist so far. Kind of "simple" in construction, but after all.. . typical church band.

Have a great day and may the gods bless! I'm off to the shower, and then to do some meditation to the Universal powers that be. I have something very important to order and need to get my order in soon, and make sure it is clearly understood.

I love you!



  1. I'm laughing because Mayu needs to join Simon and Paula and Randy on American Idol lol !!! I'll go take a look at the site and vote for your friend !!

  2. Cool.... Mayu is very honest... but its always important to get true feedback, and not fluff....

  3. Now THAT is a funny statement right there!

  4. As much as helping your friend sounds ok, I really do not want to get on another list. I have all the christian music I can muster........I am heading elsewhere (in music that is). *grins*
    I do however, wish him well and hope he wins.
    btw-yes, christians (with a little c and Big C do spam)
    Love you........hope things are understood among the universe

  5. *knee jerk reaction*



  6. I'll check it out. I'm a genuine bona fide certified Jesus freak! You can call me a Christian with a little c or a big C or anything you wanna call me, but God is my Father and Jesus RAWKS MAN!!!!

  7. That is good. Beleiving in a higher power is always a good thing.
    I can only guess your response here was to me so I am repsonding to you.
    I suppose you do not know the difference between little c and big C?
    I would never call you anything because it is not for me to judge and I do not know you.
    Just so you know though a little about me.........I was a former youth pastor, did many retreats and all the rockin' I could do. My path has changed in many ways but that does not mean I do not still keep aspects of what I beleived to be true before. Enjoy the music because some of it really does "RAWK"

  8. passionate4jc - Sorry, but the paragraph you wrote just now is the first time I've ever seen you so no, I did not write that because of you. I wrote it because it's what is in my heart.

    I know most of the people on Cam's page are not Christian and are not interested in my views so I will respect their beliefs and not share anymore of mine here. I was just dropping by. I generally don't discuss religion on other people's pages. I find that discussing religion on 360 just gets you judged and attacked so I tend to keep a low profile in that regard.

    Going back to my own place now. Sorry Cam. Didn't mean to get deep here.

  9. I meant Multiply - and 360.

  10. I am sure Cam will not mind songbird, he tends to like it when people discuss things on his page. You are probably right by saying most people are not Christian that are on Cam's page. However, I met him and the others here as a Christian (Big C)-they have never judged me and have found nothing but love from them. I understand why you would not want to share you is NEVER fun getting attacked. I hope you understand that I personally will not attack you in anyway BUT do have strong views of my own. I go on the idea that I learn something from everyone I meet. It makes no matter wether you are Christian, pagan, Hindu, Islam, Native American, black, white, pink or polka dotted to me...what matters is that you are true to self, open minded and that you are willing to listen (not agree just listen). I hope by you coming to Cam's page and seeing me that maybe we could become global friends too.
    peace in your house............M
    PS>a little more about me: I come from a diverse religious family. We have (former) Jewish, Christian (Southern Baptist & Methodist), Mormon, Catholic (in fact my mom is a Roman Catholic Priest),Native American and Pagan .

  11. A bit harsh, don'tcha think? Considering it is not for you to judge and you do not know Beth.

    Beth and Cam have known each other for a long time, Michelle.

  12. Haven't heard it yet... will go check it out in a bit, but...

    MAN!!! That Mayu is a tough cookie. Methinks she's perhaps immersed herself too much in a single type of music and has lost her feel for any other kind. There's only so much "original" stuff out there anyway.
    Almost every body sounds like SOMEBODY else. You just have to give yourself over to the sound, or the rhythm, or the lyrics.

    Ah well, To each his/her own.

    Catch you later, MOU.

    I love you!

  13. I agree with Jen. Everybody sounds like somebody. It's ALL been done a million times, hasn't it. :)

    I've found myself immersed in a type of music lately because of my work with the music company. I'm hearing a lot of Hinder these days - which I find that I really like. I come from a family of musicians and I've had a lot of musical training myself - years of piano lessons and such. I go different moods. As a matter of fact, I listen to Imeem a lot. I have several different playlists on there which vary greatly. Some of my lists include only Latin music. Then I have a Bon Jovi list, a Christian music list, the Bee Gees, Plain White T's. LOL! Last night I was listening to The Monkees, The Beatles, and BJ Thomas. BJ Thomas and I went to the same high school - but different years. We're from the same town.

    The company I'm working for is currently in negotiation to buy an established clothing line that a lot of the rock bands wear. I can't give details right now, but Hinder wears a lot of the clothes on-stage. That's why I'm hearing a lot of Hinder these days. As soon as we close the deal I'll post the website.

  14. No, was not meant to be at all. She actually was responding to something I had posted. I certainly did not mean to be harsh nor do I think I was. BUT if that is how it came across my apologies to songbird.

  15. No apologies necessary, Michelle, but again I was NOT responding to something you had posted. I did not read the comments on this blog before I posted my comment so I had no idea what you had said and you and I had not met before. I was replying completely to Cam's blog and nothing more. Cam and I go way back. I know all about Big C and little c and all that. I know his impressions about Christians and he knows mine. We respect each other's differences.

  16. I voted! (And I actually did like his song the best.)
    Love You!

  17. whew! Thanks! So the fact I was repsonding to Cam and you responded the way you did was fate so to speak. I am glad I did not offend because as I said I would never want to do that.
    Take care.................Michelle

  18. I'm pagan (not Wiccan) with Taoist tendencies. :)

  19. Robin - Pagan, not wiccan with toast tendencies.... I like it!

    Abby - Well, it looks like I got oneor two votes out of all this, thanks!

    Song - I love you! And yep, I know all about your views, and I love them too because the best thing is you have them in your soul, and they don't cloud your views. And don't you be going anywhere, young lady! Now that I FINALLY have you back here, I intend to KEEP you here by providing a plethora of different topics to discuss over!

    Michelle - Don't forget to tell Song that your mother is in the process of being excommunicated because she insists that her ordination as a female bishop in the catholic church is valid even though the men in the institute are too stuck up on their old, outdated beliefs to accept it! It's like one holy man giving another holy man the finger and I love it!

    Jen - She despises country music... sounds too much like Enka to her and she hates that too. Did you listen? I think you will see that she's right in most cases, actually. Very simplistic, run of the mill, amateur Christian band sound.

    Stefnee - Rubbing your knee... better?

    Paula - True, very true. I love you!

    Sharon - Thanks!

  20. Gang - Knowing the wonderful maltose-ethnicitific-faithfulness tendencies that abound in our Globalized Love Community, I thought carefully about posting this before I did. But then I thought, heck, I can have fun with it, and let everyone have the reactions that they have, while doing my best friend a favour and maybe introducing some music to people that might actually be enjoyed! And so, I wrote this, knowing full well that we would all have our variety of reactions to it as the Universal Portents showed.

    So you all rawk, and squawk, and talk right along as you were doing because I have really enjoyed waking up to each and every one of your comments here. I know you all (in an electronic sort of way) very well through getting to know you the past few years in this medium, and in bed with Robin's husband, et al, and I look forward to much more toasting of you all because you really are great!

    I love you!

    P.S. Now I need to find some interesting blog talking about how great George Bush is and see what happens... tee heeeeeee

  21. P.P.S.... the biggest fear I have is that I won't be able to unsubscribe!

  22. Yeah TOAST!

    George who???

    Toast RAWKS!

  23. Robin!!!

    Cut that out!

    Is there any image you can't render?

    I'm outtie...

    Goin out for burgers... again, YOUR fault with all that talk of bacon burgers on Jim's page.

    Damn you, Woman...evil influence!

  24. Oh Jen - YOU love ME and YOU know it.

    There has never been an image I cannot render, but I found the this one. Wish I could take credit for its brilliance...Bush is TOAST...bahahahahahahaha!

  25. My mother-in-law says, "It's time we get OUT of the Bushes!"

  26. Ummmm, he does know he's already condemned to hell for playing D&D, right? Let alone the 'Advanced' version. Poor guy.

  27. That's the Advanced Levels of Hell. And he did struggle with that in our earlier years, yes. But then he went through it, and once again became comfortable with his faith. It was a tough few years...

  28. You're lucky...

    My girlfriend in high school dropped me when i went away to college to study Biology.
    You know... all that evolution stuff.

    She was a Jehova's Witness.


  29. Well give her a call! Maybe she'll pop by for a chat!

  30. Freshman year was ... blankety blank... years ago, Cameron.

    I long ago lost touch with where she might be.

    Nighty night, Mou.

    I love you.

  31. It's OK.... wherever you go... there you will find a Jehova Witness. And since they are all connected through their network, I am sure it is all electronic, which means all one needs to do is get your name, and your girlfried will show up, even if it has been a whopping blankety blank years ago.

  32. Cam, Song ,everyone else-actually she and the priest (they are not bishops-yet) that was ordained with her already have been excommunicated. They were about 1 month after ordination. Does not stop them nor does it matter to them or for that matter their parishoners or the 600 or so people that came to the ordination to begin with. Stupid hiearchy!

  33. Cam, I dunno about you but I am Bush -wacked! Toast! Oh yeah!

  34. For the record (wherever the record is) I have become an Earth based pagan with radical catholic tendencies with a dash of Methodist,Hindu, Buddhist and Cherokee spirituality. I may go door to door but that is only because I need some change for gasoline or maybe some real butter.
    In case I have not told you latley...I love ya!

  35. Michelle - Wow.... that's pretty darn cool. Do you do windows, too? I love you!

  36. Seriously, I have come to believe that we are all this universal "energy" and that we're one massive being in multiple forms. "Religion" is just an organization - like a school district or a police department, nothing more. That's why I stopped going to church over a year ago. God is not anymore in a church than he is inside each and every one of us. Going to church just allows us to commune with people who have the same beliefs as we do. I've stopped listening so much to the outside world and gotten way more in touch with my "inside world" and now I'm a much happier, more secure person. It doesn't matter what religion a person is any more than it matters what school they went to. I guess to some people those things are important, but if so then they have their priorities in the wrong place. Some of my happiest times were spent in church, but now it doesn't fit for me - although I certainly still have my Christian beliefs, but that's just part of who I am.

    The Catholic church is not going to change for 1 person - or for 10 people. They are who they are. Any organization has to have rules or they wouldn't function for very long. A lot of ex-Catholics are now Methodist because the Methodist church does allow women to hold high positions in the church.

    I'm pretty much a rule follower because I feel if I were to start the Beth Organization and establish my rules and regulations and somebody came in and tried to overthrow me I'd be pissed so I tend to just look for a place that fits me and I fit it - even if that means trying a lot of different things before I settle in to a certain spot. I tend to come and go a lot and pass through a lot of places in the process. Life is too short to spend it trying to force a square peg through a round hole...but that's just how I see it through my little pink glasses. :)

  37. Song - That kind of thinking, and belief system suits me just fine. And that, to me, shows that you are extremely comfortable in your belief systems, which is a wonderful thing. I have to say, that although I use different words, and expressions, my belief system is in perfect harmony with yours.

    I love you!

  38. Hello kittens! I am going to experience something today that probably only happens in Wisconsin. I am actually really excited. Not going to spill the beans, but heads up that I will be blogging about it as soon as I am able.

    Stay tuned...

  39. yeah-I will do windows just no cooking, ironing or any of that domestic crap.That is what house boys are for. Ta-hee

  40. Not fair Redheaded-spill it! We gotta hear this.

  41. She spilled the beans, Michelle. It sounds like an awesome time! I bet Adrian had to have a beer with his bacon after that one. They must have left it with their heads spinning, and those "deer in the headlight" eyes, wondering, "did we just see what I think we witnessed?" "Godddddddd"....

  42. Good grief. I go away for the weekend and y'all have this huge deep discussion.


    me... grew up Assembly of God (mom was catholic, dad was methodist) Married a catholic, we left AG and tried Baptist, then Mennonite... then The Recovery (which is what brother the lawyer and my parents are now) and decided it was ALL bullshit. Now, I'm agnostic.

    I think.... Michelle is cool. she believes what she believes and she doesn't seem to mind that I don't. I like that. It's all about respect for me, whether it's politics, religion or whatever. I'm ALWAYS interested in hearing someone else's points of view... as long as they are willing to hear mine and not trying to change me. Who knows, I might share what I think... and you might agree... then again, you might give me a book about Ann Coultier and I may have to buy a gun and kill her.



  43. I'm going to start a new "following" where all the adherents wear Spongebob gotch on their heads, and eat bacon while chanting, "bacon is the food of gods" over and over and over.

  44. Oh, good. Then I'll have to hook up with you and be one of your followers... wait a minute.. I already AM one of your adherents! *munching bacon*

    "now where's my spongebob gotch.???"

  45. Stefnee, I was press-ganged into AoG as a teen - I still get nightmares. It was one too many speaking in tongues that sent me (Running, screaming.) to Richard Dawkins.

    But all that aside, Cam, I'll go and listen to your pal. Helping friends is important. But I wonder - He's a Christian asking folks to vote for him when really, shouldn't we be most honest and vote for who we think is best? Sure I'm an Atheist (Big A you'll note ;) and there's no hell for me if I lie, but there's a morality issue to contend with.

    I'm off for some bacon and CCR (Canadian Christian Rock) (Although Credence Clearwater Revival would be good too.)

  46. Lyvvie - But I'll leave that to you! Well, he didn't say, "VOTE FOR US", but he did say, "please vote..." Thank you!

    And I'm betting CCR is a much better choice than ccr.

  47. I really hate Spongebob but like bacon so...........

  48. Awwww *blushing* Stef (if you were talking about me) I love you hon! And no I really do not mind at all.

  49. That is funny right there. You mean to tell me there are litte a's too?

  50. Michelle - Yep. We call them a-holes.

  51. *snort*

    or a-hats

    Michelle.. yes, I was talking about you!

    Lyvvie... I was one of those kids who pursuaded her friends to come... so they could get saved. So I could 'earn more jewels for my crown'. On behalf of all AG teens who pressured you... I'm sorry. i truly am. I lost many friends... and wish I could find some of them and apologize....

    so... I'm sorry.

  52. *Just fell out of my chair* laughing hysterically!

  53. Well guys, I live 5 freeway exits (or less) from Houston. I could spit and hit it. I went there Thursday and the last time before that was 6 months ago. Houston sucks! I've lived here 35 years. I love Sugar Land where I live, but Houston is just a HUGE city that you can't comfortably get around in because of the massive traffic and no public transportation that anybody in their right mind would take. My daughter works in Houston and it's a 45 minute to an hour commute for just a few miles. Sitting in traffic when it's 105 degrees is just quite lovely. Tempers flare and everybody's got a gun so don't honk your horn at 'em. LOL!!
